
Its been a week since Nana has been living with Ella. She wasn't really going to school like she should. She had started drinking and smoking with a couple of friends she met at school. Ella didn't like the Nana she was seeing. It was even one time when Nana came high to work. Ella let her keep her job because she knows Nana got her own problems going on.

While Nana was laying in the bed. Ella work her up. It was a Monday and Nana had school.
"Nana! Get up you  going to be late to school."
"Bruh leave me alone I'm not going."
"What's wrong with you ? Not a damn thing. "
"Ella I'm serious my stomach hurts real bad and I been throwing up everything. I think I got food posioning."
"You going to the doctors today?"
"Yeah I got my appointent at twelve. So get out and stop yelling my name."
Nana we need to talk so I'll talk to you later don't forget to be at work don't come on some bull crap because I'm not up for it." Ella walked off.

Nana just laid there in her bed and then she got a text from Semaj. It surprised her because She hadn't heard from him in a couple of days.
The text said :Call me.
Nana did just that. After the third ring Semaj picked up.
"Wassup Ma?" Semaj asked in a deep but sexy voice.
"Nothing much."
"I've been seeing you around or whatever but you be out with your friends."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah what you doing right now? Lets go get some breakfast and talk."
"Thats cool , just let me shower real quick. Imma send you my address so you can pick me up."
"Alright bet."
After taking a shower Nana slipped in some ripped light blue jeans and a white belly shirt that showed off her belly percie that she had gotten two days ago. Every since she been hanging out with her new friends they put her on game about her style. Nana wasn't just getting dress in whatever. She was color cordinated and she wore name brand stuff and made sure her hair and nails stayed done.
Oncr she was already she got a call from Semaj and to say he was outside.
When she stepped outside.
She noticed that Semaj was standing outside his car waiting on her. Semaj was fine. He was like six feet tall. He was a nice dark skin and he had tattoos that you could barely see. He was dressed in some jeans and a white plain t-shirt. He wore some new jordans that had just dropped on his feel. Nana just admired how he carried himself.
"Hey beautiful." Semaj greeted following a hug
"Hey , where are we going?"
"Where do you want to go?
"I want some IHOP."
"Okay bet."
When they got to IHOP and got they food they began to eat. Semaj just watched Nana. She was beautiful to him and he knew she was something he wanted
"So can I ask you something?" Semaj asked.
"Why all of sudden you be out more?"
"What you mean?"
"I mean before I used to peep you going to school and work and that's it. Now I see you smoking and drinking with those no good friends."
"First off You don't know me and you don't know my friends."
"Why dont I? That big booty girl La la she a project hoe well know all around. Don't let me start on Nia and Mia. Those two are just the same as La la and worse. All they do is start drama and throw dirt on everybody's name. They money hungry as hell too."
As Semaj ran down her list of friends and told her about them Nana couldn't say a damn thing. Semaj was right about all of them.
"Anwser the question."
"Look I'm not that girl that you met before. Thats all."
"I didn't have a problem with the old you."
"Well I did." Nana snapped.
Semaj didn't say anything further. After eating Nana and Semaj sat in his car.
"I got a little business to take care in a lol bit so when will I see you again?"
"I got work today I get off at ten though.".
"Alright I'll hit your phone."

After Semaj dropped Nana off she went to Nia's house. Nia was your average chick. She would only be seen with niggas who had money. She didn't have no family and she lived with her sister Mia at their own house. Nana became close with them some how and they have been close since.

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