"What happened?" 

I laughed, "He was using me." 

I heard Draco say something under his breath. "What was that?" I asked. 

"I was right," he moved his head, so where it wasn't on top of mine. "Such a tosser."

I giggled, "But you, nor any of my other friends, are going to do anything, right?"

He huffed, "Right. But you do owe me something from Honeydukes."

I snapped my fingers, "Shoot. I do, huh?"

"Yep," He removed his arms. "I prefer chocolate frogs." 

"Oh do you?" I nodded and turned around. Draco was smiling high and proud. "You just said I had to get you something. You never said of your preference," I got up and made my way towards the path. I looked around and the path was a little out of view. 

"Well, I change it now," he came after me. 

"You can't do that now," I skipped towards the path ahead. 


I laughed as we both walked out of Honeydukes. Draco wasn't very happy with his treat, but I was happily nibbling on mine. 

"How come you get the awesome chocolate, while I'm stuck trying not to puke with my toad?" he whined. 

"If you has nicely I might be able to share some of my chocolate with you," I turned and we started to walk down the snow-covered path. 

"Please, Bridge," he begged, "can you please give me some of your chocolate or get me something that I want? Please?" 

"Okay," I held up my chocolate wand, "you may have some."

He smirked, "Okay." Then he stuck the entire rest of it in his mouth. 

I gapped and started to laugh, "I said you could have some,  not the rest!" 

"You didn't specify that," he told me while he chomped on my perfect chocolate. 

I sighed with a smile on my face. I playfully pushed him. He looked at me wide eyed, "Oh?" 

I laughed, "Yep." 

I kept walking and did the mistake of having my back towards him. Terrible...terrible mistake. 

I felt something cold hit my jacket. I turned to see Draco laughing and his gloves were covered with snow. "Oh, you're on pretty boy." 

"Thank you for the compliment."

I slowly bent down, and got a piece of snow. I balled it up, and he was just staring at me. Perfect opportunity.  I chucked the ball at his chest. He was taken by surprise, and tumbled into the snow. I covered my mouth as I laughed. 

He bit his lip, trying to stop himself from laughing. He looked up to me with a smirk. My eyes widened, and I bolted down the path. Nope. Not today. 

Up ahead I saw a clearing, and two people were standing with their backs towards me. I slowly stopped running. Hermione and Ron were standing admiring the Shrieking Shack together...not arguing...how extraordinary! 

I heard running from behind me. I spun around and put a finger up to my lips, "Shh!" 

Draco stopped running and held up a snow ball. He put down his arm, "What?" he whispered. 

I waved him over and pointed to the couple. He came over and stood next to me. I looked to the couple then to him. I noticed he was smirking. He walked out from our spot in the bushed, "Look who we have here? You two are the cutest couple. Are you looking for a new home?" 

I walked out form my hiding place as they turned around. They saw him, then me. Ron smirked, "And what about you two? Messing around in the snow?"  

I coughed, "What?" I croaked. 

Hermione started laughing and choking also. 

I looked up and saw that Draco's face was red with embarrassment. I had no room to talk, because I was the same. 

Ron looked to all of us confused then rubbed the bridge of his nose, "You guys are dirty." 

"Careful who you're talking to," Draco smirked and fixed the collar on his coat. 

"Hope you don't mean yourself," I laughed while adjusting my hat. 

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Drakey," I heard a voice that made me roll my eyes so hard they nearly got stuck. 

"What do you want, Parkinson?" I turned around to face her. She wasn't alone though. She brought Draco's goons with her. 

"I wasn't talking to you, Mudblood," she snarled at me. 

"Don't call her that," I heard Hermione's voice next to me. 

"Awe. Look at the Gryffindor being loyal. How cute? Too bad I prefer things to be hot instead. Maybe a jinx could fix that," Pugface threatened. 

"I'm not afraid to punch you again," I told her, calmly. 

"Just leave them alone, Pansy," Draco told her. 

"Are you friends with these blood-traitors now? Drakey, I thought you were better than that. Just imagine what your father would do if he heard-"  

I laughed as she got hit smack-dap in the nose with a snow ball. She wiped the snow off her red face, and glared at me. Within seconds, a cold ball hit the middle of my forehead. The snowball she threw made me stumble backwards. I steadied myself on someone. Draco had caught me, and helped me up. I looked back to my friends and Parkinson's group. There had been a full out snowball fight. I couldn't tell if everyone was laughing or not, but it was pretty fun. 

We ended up driving the four of them away with an unexpected guest. One that was rather invisible. As they ran, I felt someone tug on my hair. "Oh Harry," I laughed as shook my head. 

Harry revealed himself to us. 

I looked up to Draco, who was just so utterly baffled. 

I laughed, "It was a gift from his father." 

He nodded. 

"Don't tell anyone about it," I patted him on the back. 

"I won't," he looked down at me, and smiled. He checked his watch, "I need to run though. I promised to meet up with somebody. See ya later, Bridge." 

I watched him run back down the path, "I wonder who he's meeting..." 

"It's probably his parents," Hermione told me. 

I nodded. Yeah, probably just his parents. 

"How'd your date go, Bridge?" Harry asked. 

I started to nervously laugh, "Oh yeah. That." 

"Yeah," Hermione looked to me, "you came back rather early. And you came back with Draco."

"Well," I cringed up my face, "let's just say that he has no more chances, and you guys aren't going to go and attack him." 

"What'd he do?" both boys said in unison. 

"He was just using me for popularity and fame," I laughed and shook my head. "But I'm fine. I figured it out, and I left. Draco found me, and end of story."  

"But he's a Hufflepuff," Hermione was trying to make sense out of it. 

"There's good and bad in everything," I explained. "There are some amazing Hufflepuffs I'm sure. And there are some terrible Gryffindors. It happens." 

They all nodded and together, we walked and talked. 

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