I sighed and walked back to the Gryffindor common room.


I closed the portrait, and took a deep breath. It smelled of burnt wood, book pages, and...chocolate?  Who...what...never mind.

I walked up the steps to my dormitory. I went inside. I grabbed a quill, ink, parchment, and my text book. I walked back down stairs and sat at one of the desks. I opened my book to page 394. I began to write my essay.


"Bridget," I felt someone shake my shoulder. Five more minutes...

"Bridget!" my shoulder shook harder.

I groaned and lifted up my head slightly. I opened my eyes, and I saw Hermione, Harry, Ron, Seamus, and Dean all staring down at me. "What?" I asked.

"You must've fell asleep last night writing Snape's essay," Ron told me.

I looked down. It was nearly complete. I just needed another sentence or two. "I don't remember..." I yawned, "falling asleep."

"I didn't even hear you get out of bed," Hermione told me. "I think we were both tired."

"But you need to hurry and get up, Bridge," Seamus told me.

I gave him a questioning look, "Huh?"

"We have a game in ten minutes," Harry told me.

"Oh Merlin..."


I sat on my broom next to Angelia. I yawned a couple of times as Madam Hooch told us to play fair and ya-da, ya-da, ya-da. She threw up the quaffle and I went in for it. I wasn't as small as I had been, but I could still get to it.

I winced as the cold air kept hitting my face. And the fact that it was raining too, didn't make it any better.  I kept hold of the quaffle, though. I could hear all the people cheering, and it made me feel kind of awake. 

I looped in a circle, tricking the keeper. I was able to throw it in the top hoop. The Gryffindor team cheered and I zoomed back towards my goals. I noticed Anthony out of the corner of my eye. He smiled, then zoomed away.

I got up by Oliver. I sighed, and yawned.

"You doing okay, Bridge?" he yelled.

"Yeah...just tired."

I watched Harry zoom past me. I saw McGonagall's head nod for me to continue on with the game. I smiled and went after the quaffle. I got in between two Hufflepuff chasers and stole the ball. I was heading for their post when I heard someone call my name, "Bridget."

I looked around, and I saw a Bludger flying towards me. I yelped. I came and hit my broom and ankle. I heard a snap as I started to fall. No...No...No...NO!


"Let's walk you up to the Astronomy Tower," I heard a familiar Weasley voice echo.

"Yeah, and see what you look like," I heard the other one.

"Probably better than he usually does," I heard my bestfriend.

I laughed. I opened my eyes, and sat up. I saw that the Gryffindors were gathered around another bed. I smiled. I saw Harry's face look over towards me within the crowd. He saw me and smiled.

"What happened to you?" I laughed.

The entire set of Gryffindors looked to me, "Bridget!" They spread themselves out between Harry and me. Hermione's face seemed pretty relieved.

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