"Nobody knows," Hermione's voice rang out. I turned and saw Hermione standing next to Harry and Ron. I was standing between Harry and Neville.

"When'd you get here?" Ron asked.

"She's been here the whole time," I rolled my eyes, saving 'Mione's butt.

"Its a shapeshifter. It takes the shape of whatever the thing fears the most. That's why it's so-" Hermione continued.

"They're so terrifying," Lupin finished her sentence. "But thankfully there is a simple charm that could recoil the boggart. Let's practice it, but without wands."

I nodded, letting him know I had his full attention.

"Now," Lupin cleared his throat, "repeat after me. Riddikulus."

"Riddikulus," we all spoke.

"Good, but a little louder and use pronunciation. Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" We all said a little more confidently.

"Good," Professor Lupin nodded. "The one thing that will definitely get rid of a boggart is laughter. So you need to envision what will make you laugh. Mr. Longbottom, would you come up here and be our example?"

I looked back at Neville and smiled, "You got this Neville."

He sighed and nodded. He walked past me, and up to the professor. "Okay, Neville. What are you most frightened of?"

Neville whispered something, and Lupin didn't quite hear him so he asked for him to say it again.

"Professor Snape."

All is us started laughing. Same, Neville. Same.

"Yeah, he does frighten all. And am I correct that you live with your grandmother?" Lupin asked.

"Yes, but I hope it doesn't turn into her either."

We all started to laugh again. And Professor kept going, "Oh no, she won't. But I want you to imagine her clothes, and only her clothes."

"She carries around a red-"

"We don't need to hear. If you can see it, so will we." He went around and whispered something in Neville's ear. "Can you do that?" He asked.

Neville nodded. Lupin stood next to him, "Wand at the ready. Three...two...one," he unlocked the door. I had to stop myself from doubling over in laughter. The way 'Snape' walked out of the wardrobe made me want to laugh so hard.

The boggart started to strut towards us. "Riddikulus!" Neville shouted. The Snape's clothes began to morph into a tight green outfit, a bird hat, and a red feathered handbag.

We were all laughing. I nearly snorted but stopped myself. "Alright everyone form a line."

I got in front of Harry, and the other students piled up. Lupin put on some upbeat music, "Now I want you to know what you fear the most and make it something funny." The music started to play, "Ronald! You are up."

Ron stepped up to the plate. I knew what his was gonna be. Sure enough I was right. A huge spider formed and started to crawl towards Ron. He raised his wand, "Riddikulus!" The spider then had skates on.

Pavarti was up next. She was scared of a snake, but that snake turned into a jack-in-the-box. That wasn't funny to me, because I think those are creepy.

I was next. I stepped up, and watched as the jack-in-the-box rocked back and forth. I got out my wand, and got myself ready. It started to change and morph. Everything was silent. Then a box appeared. It was like a small room. Concrete walls. No windows or doors. Np was to get in or out.

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