First Classes of Third Year

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I heard footsteps and someone talking to themselves, "I wonder how Hermione's going to get to all her classes." The voice was very familiar. I bolted towards the corner to the stairs of the Astronomy Tower.

I put my back to the wall and listened. I heard the footsteps stop for a second, then I heard more. I heard McGonagal call my name, so I took a breath.

That's what I saw, I thought to myself as I climbed the stairs to the room. I saw myself. I heard more students start to come out from the Great Hall and other places. I got up to the door, and made my way up to the classroom. Kids were already in the classroom and Professor Trelawney was talking a bit.

I sat down by Hermione, who was adjusting herself. She must've just got here also. She was sitting just behind Ron and Harry. I put my necklace into my shirt to where it was unnoticeable.

Trelawney was walking around to students and talking about their cups. Then she said, "You must look beyond!" Flailing her arms in the air.

"That's a load of rubbish," Hermione spoke up.

"I can agree she is a little off her knocker," I nodded.

"Where'd you two come from?" Ron asked.

"We've always been here this entire time," I spoke up. I put my book on my lap.

The boys turned their attention back to the teacher. I did as well. She walk around and got it Neville and Deans table. She asked Neville something and he responded. She looked into the cup Dean had and gave a cringe. Neville took the cup and looked inside.

I rolled my eyes, This is gonna be fun.

The Professor walked to our table humming, then stopped and looked to Ron, "You! Your oral is passing by! Are you in the beyond? I'm pretty sure you are!"

All of us jumped. Ron just gulped, "Sure."

"What's in the cup?" She asked.

Ron looked, "There's a cross thing, so that means suffering and trial. Then there's a sun, and that could mean happiness. So you will suffer but be happy about it."

I laughed to myself, Well, at least he tried.

"Hand me the cup please," Trelawney reached for the one Ron was holding.

He handed it to her and she looked. Gasping, she dropped the cup back on the table. She gave Harry this pity look, "M-M-My boy. You have...the Grim..."

Part of me wanted to go, dun dun dah! But instead I laughed to myself.

"What's the Grim?" I heard Seamus ask.

"The Grim resembles a black dog, which is a bad omen. It resembles...death," one of the other Gryffindors told us. interesting...


"Do you think the cup had something to do with Sirius Black?" Ron asked as we walked down the stone stairs. The clock rang out through outside pretty loud.

"All that's rubbish," I rolled my eyes.

"Ancient Ruins though," Hermione spoke up, "now that's an interesting subject."

"If you count interesting as falling asleep just thinking about it, then sure, very interesting," I smiled.

"Ancient Ruins? Hermione, how much are you in?" Ron asked.

"Quite a few, actually," Hermione answered.

"But wait, isn't Ancient Ruins the same time as Divination? To do that you'd have to be in two places at once," Ron questioned.

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