A Nice Welcome Back

Start from the beginning

Hermione and a few other muggle-borns sang along. A few of the pureblood, like Parkinson, gave me some glares. Draco and one of his friends were dancing and hollering like everyone else.

The way that you kiss goodnight
The way that you hold me tight
I feel like I wanna sing
when you do your thing

I ran over in between the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw House. Most Slytherins and Gryffindors followed me. We all kind of conjoined into one. It was awesome. I saw Slytherins dancing with Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors spinning Ravenclaws, and mostly Everyone was smiling.

The song finished, and I stood in the middle of a circle. I stretched out my arms, and sighed. I felt a few hands on my legs. I was about to freak out but I felt myself got lifted off the ground. I looked down. The Weasley twins, Seamus Finnagan, Dean Thomas, and another Gryffindor whom I need to get to know.

"Bridget! Bridget! Bridget!" My fellow peers chanted.

— —

I hopped up the stairs next to Hermione. The boys had gotten up to the portrait only seconds before us. The Fat Lady seemed to be singing; at least that's what I hoped she was doing.

"Fortuna major," the boys were gathering around, saying the password multiple times.

"Wait," the lady put up her hand and faced the glass again. She started to incline her voice. When she hit a bad high note, it was like I became a turtle. I shrunk my head towards the rest of my body and covered my ears.

I heard glass break and her voice stop, "Look at that! Just look at how my voice-"

"Fortuna major," I said, stretching out.

"Okay, fine," she opened up. I went in along side Harry and Seamus. They chattered about how bad she sang and why she tried. I kind of just laughed.

I walked the stairs up to the girls dormitories. I opened the doors and headed towards my bed. Iris was sleeping in a ball on my pillow, and my books had been stacked one on top of the other.

I sat down, and put Iris on my lap. The girls started to arrive in. Hermione was first. She came in and sat on her bed. Lavender and Parvati entered in together giggling. Fay Dunbar entered in last with a huge smile on her face.

Once everyone was on their bed, I spoke up, "How was your guys summer?"

They all answered with the same answer, 'Oh it was really good. Hung out with friends.'

I nodded and noticed that Fay was daydreaming so much she was giggling at air. "Are you high off life, Fay?" I asked.

"No," she sighed. "I'm high off Cedric Diggory." All the girls sighed except for me.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"You don't know who he is?!" Fay seemed in total astonishment.

"No," I shook my head, "I don't. Probably because I'm focused on things other than guys."

"Not true," Hermione laughed and threw a pillow at me.

It hit my shoulder and we all laughed. I threw it back.

"Wait," Fay put her elbows on her knees, "you like somebody?!"

All the girls started to gasp and giggle.

I shook my head, "No. It's not like that."

"She's in love," Hermione fell on her back on her bed.

"With who?!"

"I am not in love. It's just a small crush that will evidently fade. And I'm not telling who it is," I rolled my eyes.

"I think Dean actually looks pretty cute; and he's around our age," Lavender chuckled.

"I don't know. Anthony Rickett looks pretty good," Parvati thought for a moment.

"Okay guys. We all need to get to bed. We do have huge days tomorrow seeing as it's the first day. We can all see our lovelies tomorrow. Good night girls," I told them.

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