Attacked On The Hogwarts Train

Start from the beginning

"And the dung beetle," Ron added.

I giggled a little bit along with Harry. Soon enough the twins came over and snatched the paper, "You aren't showin the clip around now are ya?"

"No, I haven't shown anyone," Ron said annoyingly.

"Oh no," one of the twins mocked.

"Not a soul," the other one continued.

Hermione got up. I watched as she went and talked to Ginny. I stood up, and so did Harry. Mrs. Weasley came over to Harry, "Oh good to see you Harry."

I figured she'd see me if I walked over. I walked over to to the other side and Harry was leaving with Mr. Weasley. Molly saw me and smile wide, "Oh Bridget!"

"Mrs. Weasley!" I smiled. She came over and gave me a hug, but she made sure not to hurt Iris. She smelled of cinnamon and vanilla. I smiled as she let me go.

"Now do you have your books?" She asked I nodded. "And your clothes?" I nodded once more. "Good girl," she patted my face.

She patted my back as she left. I saw Hermione and Ginny talking, so I went up to them. "Hello girls," I smiled.

"Hello Bridget," Ginny smiled and turned to me.

"So, you two excited for another year?" Hermione asked.

"Oh yeah!" I nodded and pet Iris.

"I'm excited," Ginny started to giggle.

"Alright children!" Arthur's voice echoed, "time to head out!"


"I didn't mean to do it," Harry explained as we tried to look for a seat. "She kind of just...blew up."

"That's brilliant," Ron started to laugh.

"It's not funny, Ronald," Hermione scowled. "He's lucky he didn't get expelled."

"More like lucky he didn't get arrested," I corrected.

We were about to keep walking when Hermione spoke up, "Can we just sit here? Everywhere else is full."

We all went in. Ron sat against the window across from a sleeping person. Hermione reluctantly sat next to him. I sat next to Harry, who was sitting next to the person.

"Who even is that?" Ron asked.

"Professor R. J. Lupin," Hermione answered.

"Why do you know everything?" Ron asked annoyed.

"Because I'm observant. It's on his suitcase."

"Wait, Professor? He must be our new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher," I told them.

"How do you know? Maybe he's for something else," Hermione told me.

"The teachers haven't changed since we got there, except DADA teachers. And after last year, I'm pretty sure Lockhart got fired," I answered.

"More like he forgot he had a job," Harry giggled.

"Ha! Good one!" Ron replied giving Harry a high-five.

After rubbing the bridge of my nose, I spoke, "Ill give you that."

"Do you think he's actually asleep?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. We could poke him to find out," I suggested.

"I'll do it," Ron raised his hand.

"No," Hermione shook her head. "Don't poke him. Let him rest if he's actually resting."

"Well, I hope he is," Harry got up and closed the compartment door, "cause I have to tell you something."

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