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Brittney pov
After me and Deanthony showered and everything I got my breakfast together and Kira clothes. Once we got to the hospital, I walked in Kira room and saw her up feeding Ar'mani. "I brought you some clothes." I said sitting the clothes on her bed. "Thank you Brittney." Devin said as I nodded. "I'll be back Kira aite?" He said as she looked up at him then back at their baby. I looked at her then back at him as he walked out the room. "Don't tell me y'all into it already." I said as she raised an eyebrow. "Nope he just need to handle his bitches and everything will be just fine." She said as I looked at her confused. "Come on Kira, How long its been since Devin cheated? He dont wanna go down that road with you again." I said as she shook her head. "Chyna called him lastnight for what I dont know, I was sleep but I woke up because he was in bed beside me so when I woke up I heard her talking bout She spit on bitches like me and Devin made me, blah blah reckless shit." Kira said as I laughed. "Kira dont you start, you been doing good." I said as Ma walked in. "That bitch gone need security she keep speaking on me." Kira said as Ma looked at her shockingly. "What is going on?" She said laughing as I laughed. "Devin and Kira into it already behind Keith ex girlfriend. She been coming onto Devin and done got Kira started Ma." I said shaking my head as She grabbed Karlie. "Gimme her so you can eat, Dont let that lil girl get you mad. You gotta newborn right here you gotta look after it aint worth going to jail behind her Kira." Ma said as I agreed.

Devin pov;
"I gotta get rid of Chy." I said as Deanthony chuckled. "I seen how Kira was looking at you, what you do now?" He said as I sighed. "Bra that bitch crazy I don't know what the fuck Chy got going on bra but she call me on some dumb shit and I guess Kira was woke and heard the conversation." I said as he laughed. "What you gone do bout her?" He asked as I shrugged. "I gotta do some before she get to Kira." I said as he pulled up to the house. "Bet we gone get onnat but right now y'all got Ar'mani to focus on." He said as we dapped each other. I walked over to my house turning the alarm system off. I walked in the room and saw Chy laying in our bed naked. "Bro what the fuck is you doing? Yo get the fuck out." I said pushing her as she grabbed me. "Devin- Ima give you 10 seconds to get your shit and get out." I said going over to my side of the bed and grabbing my gun. I watched as she ran out then locked up every door in the house and set the alarm. I did my hygiene then walked out the house going thru the garage. I turned on the light and saw she had keyed Kira white Bmw. I sighed then walked in the house grabbing the keys to her car. I backed out the garage then closed it, pulling up beside Deanthony. "Damnn Kira gone go crazy." He said as I shook my head. "Thats why im finna go drop it off now. Long as she didn't touch Kira truck she wont notice." I said as he laughed. "Im behind you bro" he said as I nodded before pulling off.

Jayla pov
"Hey hey babe, where's my Karlie?" I asked walking in with gifts. "She just went to sleep." Brittney said as I pouted. "Where Devin?" Dee asked as he sat at the end of my bed. "He left with Deanthony, they supposed to be back by now." Kira said shrugging.
After a few seconds they eventually walked in. "Where yall been?" Brittney asked as they looked at each other. "We had to go do some things with- Lie." Kira said looking at Devin. "Alright Kira you want the truth- Thats all I ever asked for." She said having a comeback for everything he said. "Chy broke into the house and fucked up your car, we dropped it off and I had to put her- Ima kill her." Kira said calmly with a straight facial expression. "No- Why you saving that hoe? She broke in our house, that bitch touched my car, she been disrespecting me, she pushing it." Kira said as I sat beside her. "Calm down." I said rubbing her shoulder as she sighed. "Kira you not getting involved with nothing, I meant that when I pulled you out this shit." He said as the baby started crying. "Fine another thing from her, she's dead." Kira said as the room got quiet all over again. "I dont even know why you still do dumb shit when you know this bitch is crazy." Brittney said as he shook his head. "I haven't did none B. It started when this girl called me. I swear to god I haven't touched that girl or nothing." He said as he grabbed Karlie. "Why she doing all this then?" Brittney said as I raised an eyebrow. "I don't know, I don't know what she want from me." Devin said shrugging as Kira laughed. "Whats funny?" He said looking at her as she smiled. "If you have, you and that bitch gone need security." Kira said dropping her smile as I covered my mouth an looked at Dee. "Bet Kira." He said giving Karlie to Brittney then leaving. "The fuck." Keith said walking in. "Don't even ask." I said as he shrugged. We all spent a couple hours with Kira and Devin never came back until it go around 9:30 pm.
Devin pov
"Aye whats your problem?" I asked Chy as she shrugged. "That dick must be good- Cut your shit Chy Im really saving your ass from Kira and you putting me in a hole." I said pushing her against the wall. "Its not my fuckin fault you scared of Kira, Say one word I'll knock that bitch- You gone stay the fuck away from us and our family understand me?" I asked as she crossed her arms. "Im not good enough?" She asked as I walked off. "Last warning." I said before walking out her apartment to head back to the hospital. Once I got there Kira was still woke watching tv and the baby was sleep. I fixed my bed on the couch as the room remained quiet until my phone rung waking Ar'mani. "I'll get her." I said grabbing her as I put my phone up to my ear.    Phone conversation
Chy: we need to talk
Me: *sighs. Stop calling me tf you want?
Chy: im in trouble
Me: well that has nothing to do with me
End of conversation
I laid on the couch with Ar'mani on my chest. It was 1 day since she been in this world and she was already spoiled.

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