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Deanthony pov
As we walked back into the house it was tims for dinner. As we walked into the kitchen I sat at the end beside Brittney on the left of her was Jayla then Dee. On the left of Dee was Mark then Zoe. Across from Zoe was Keith then Arie, on the Right of Keith was Some guests Moma had invited over then Kira then Devin then Moma at the end of the table. "So De wanna start prayer." She said looking at Devin as he nodded his head. "Lets all bow our head, Dear lord we'll like to thank you for this lil lovely evening and this lovely dinner. The end." He said as everybody laughed. "Amen." Kira said. "Same thing." He said laughing. "Soo lets talk about yall." Moma said smiling as a waitress started bringing us plates. "Excuse me." Devin said getting up and going upstairs. "Can I use your bathroom?" Zoe said as moma nodded her head.
Devin pov
As I was using my bathroom that connects to my room Zoe walked in. "Dude what the fuck Zoe get out." I said looking at her as she walked towards me. "Thought Ill help you, i been feeling you and I know you been feeling me." She said rubbing her hands up my shirt. I removed her hands kindly pushing her aside. "No im not Zoe I dont want you, You only doing this to get at Mark and Im not falling for it." I said pushing pass her as she grabbed me. "No im not I really like you De I always wanted you." She said sliding her hands down my pants. "But I dont want you Zoe Im happy with My wife, your Bestfriend." I said shaking my head and pushing her back. "One time." She said starting to suck my dick. "Dude Stop you acting like a hoe." I said pulling her up. "But-
Arie pov
I pulled out my phone and texted Kira
Text conversation
Me: bitch go getcho man Zoe finna rape him
Favorite😍: bitchh 💀 no i trust Devin ion think she would
Me: Been up there too long
Favorite😍: iom wanna embarrass nobody in front of guests ima give him another min if he down by then some up
Me: true uk ill cut up
Favorite😍: hipped
End of conversation
I sat my phone down as Devin came downstairs. "You alright?" I asked looking at him as he avoided the question. I looked at him as he avoided looking at me. I looked at his neck then looked at Zoe as she came to the table. She smiled at me once she realized I was looking at her. "Excuse us." I said grabbing De arm. We went upstairs closing his room door behind us. "Whats going on?" I asked crossing my arms as he sat on the bed. "Promise you wont get mad." He said pulling me towards him. "You fucked her didnt you?" I asked getting mad as he grabbed my hands. "No If I did It wouldve took more time than that but Kira listen, I swear I didnt I was using my bathroom and She walked in through the other way and she came onto me she tried to suck me up thats it I swear." He said looking at me. "Watchu doing with a hickie then De?" I asked as I started shaking. "Kira man I swear I didnt fuck her, thats when she came onto me, baby- Before he could finish I slapped him. I walked off as he stopped me at the door. Kira you not finna walk out into you believe me, baby I didnt fuck her." He said grabbing me. "I believe you." I said starting to smile. "Promise?" He said grabbing my hands. "Promise." I said before we started to kiss. I pulled away shaking my head. "Come on." I said grabbing his hand. Once we got downstairs I sat down then checked my phone
Text conversation
Baby😻❤️: wat happened u str8
Me: yeah obviously the bitch came onto him he say she sucked his D
Baby😻❤️: that hoe im telling you Kira im just waiting on the moment
Me: lol guh hush
"So Kira tell their mom how you abandoned your own child an have favoritism." Zoe said as everybody looked at me even Devin. I sat my phone down an smiled picking up my knife. "If you gone tell some bout me at least get the story right first trick." I said stabbing the knife into the steak as Devin put his hand on my thigh. "What she talking about Kira?" Brittney asked. "I didn't abandoned Deavion One Day I was rushing to get stuff done an I wasn't watching him and he ran off an I lost him in the store, & I dont have favoritism I love all my children Deavion just be around more cuz he spoiled and the other children always wanna leave we dont make them You can sit all of em down and ask them and they'll tell you for they self its boring at home." I said looking at Zoe. "So zoe explain to us why you got an abortion." I said smiling as Devin kicked me. "Owe." I said looking at him as Arie laughed. "Abortion?" Mark said looking at her. "Kira hoe shut the fuck UP before i come slap your ass Brittney was right for what she said about you your stupid ass You do always ruin everything Devin you got this girl crazy tell her how you and Mack use to get down. " zoe said rolling her eyes as Moma sat her fork down. "Enough!" She yelled looking at the all of us. "And you think I care Zoe ? We all was there for you and you turnt on us like shit, Bitch I'll come over there & stab you in your- before I could finish Devin covered my mouth and grabbed me.
Brittney pov
Once Devin took Kira upstairs the table got quiet. "Zoe ima ask kindly for you to leave." Moma said looking at her. "What? I didnt do anything you see she- "Leave." Moma said as the waitresses came out pouring us more drinks. "Fine." Zoe said getting up and leaving as we all looked at Mark as he watched her leave then shrugged
Devin pov
Once I got Kira in the room i closed the door behind me an pinned her to the wall. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I said looking at her as she looked away. "Man De get off me." She said tearing up. "Naawe Kira you needa learn how to Ignore that girl she doing that shit to get at you and you sitting there entertaining her, just look at you man she got you all hyped up and thats what she want You gotta control that." I said wiping her tears away as she shook her head. "Now Calm down then come back down alright?" I said kissing her cheek as she nodded her head. I let her go, leaving going back downstairs. Once I sat at the table everybody looked at me. "Sorry." I said looking at moma then at Deanthony.
Kira pov.
I went into Devin closet and grabbed my uggs and slid them on. I took deep breathes in then grabbed my keys off his dresser and went downstairs. "Excuse me." I said grabbing my phone. "Where you going?" Devin said lowly looking at me. I pointed to the door then removed his hand from my wrist as he followed me outside. "You leaving?" He asked looking at me. As I grabbed my purse out the car. "I shouldn't be here we already ruined it enough- "Kira Moma already know how you is she dont care about that, Zoe gone so just come back ina house. He said as I grabbed my E-Cig. I turned it on not responding to none he said. "Now you done started back smoking Kira you not finna do this." He said taking it out my hand. I rolled my eyes covering my face as he slid the cigarette in his pocket. "De I cant go back in there- "yes you can and you are." He said taking my keys out the Ignition and sliding them in his pocket. He grabbed my hand pulling me out the car then closed my door pulling me into the house. Once we got to the kitchen he pulled my chair out. I sat down as he pushed my chair back up then sat beside me. "I'm sorry for- "it's alright, Why yall young children got so much hatred towards each other?" She asked looking around at the all of us as we remained quiet. "It doesn't make any sense, you're all young, beautiful and handsome young men and women You all Have accomplished goals in life that we've wanted but we havent made yet. Your mother is proud of you two gentlemen the rest of you young men to You're all like children to her, & baby right here whats your name?" The elder woman asked grabbing my hand as I teared up. "Kira." I said wiping the tear away.
Arie pov
I wiped a tear away that fell then looked at Kira. "Baby Youre beautiful all of you, You're worth more than that, whatever that was that just walked up outta here. Baby I use to be just like you when I was younger maybe even worser cuz I wouldve jumped over this table." She said as we all laughed, "Yeah I know how you felt sitting here but dont let somebody like that ruin anything for you, This young handsome right here not going nowhere from what I see, Their mother stay bragging on all of you girls sitting here, on vacation all she talks about is the beautiful grandchildren of hers, all of them their all handsome and beautiful Yall worth more than allat fighting and arguing." She said looking around at all of us. "Thank You." We all said as her and Kira hugged. I grabbed Keith hand as he looked at me then kissed my forehead. "Now how my babies doing starting with yall Devin." Moma said as everybody looked at them. "Its been alright I guess havent had no more problems with Miyah its Melody attitude we deal with but everything else good." De said shrugging. "Im glad she staying tonight too next, Arie and Keith." She said looking at us. "We good, no problems from Ariaanna." Keith said shrugging. "Oh yeah what about the others Keith an De?" Moma said looking at them. "Nicki dont let us see em, Shid im done trying I tried I aint finna continue to look for her ass." Devin said shrugging. "True." Keith said dapping De. "You right, Dee, Deanthony, Markell I aint forgot get to talking." She said as we laughed. "We deal with Aj not wanna listen but everything good." Deanthony said shrugging. "Jordan str8 I only problem is me and Jayla dont get along, its like im not even ina house with her." Dee said shrugging as Jayla shook her head. "And why is that?" Ma asked. "After he slept with Zoe we just been distant We sleep in separate rooms and just good friends for the sake of Jordan." Jayla said looking at Moma. "Ima needa talk with all my boys tomorrow at my house at 4 and if you dont be here I will not come look for you." Moma said looking around at all of them as they shook their head. "I already knew this was coming." Keith said sighing. "Instead heading back out to the country lets all stay here." Deanthony said shrugging.
We've decided to end here, feel like its too long already
                             -Enjoy ❤️

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