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{Next day} Kira pov
"What time you get off?" Brittney asked as I started to clock out. "Im leaving now lemme call you back." I said walking to my car. I looked at the time and it was 1:00 pm. I hopped in my car, heading to the house. Once I got there Deavion ran to the door. "Hey baby." I said picking him up. "Mommy I hungry and Daddy sleep." He said whining. "You want some cereal until I cook?" I said walking into the kitchen as he nodded his head. I fixed him some Captain crunch then sat him at his small table then ran upstairs. I walked into my room an saw Devin fully dressed sleep. I walked up to him and smelled the alcohol on him then sighed. "Devin get up." I said hitting him with a pillow. "What man?" He said sitting up an looking at me. "What you mean, what! Your son is hungry an You up here drunk, sleep you know Miyah cant reach the cereal he eat she only 11 years old its only so much she can do." I yelled at him as he grabbed me pulling me closer to him. "Im sorry." He said kissing my stomach. I moved his head shaking my head. "No Devin, you needa stop drinking so much." I said starting to walk out the room until he stopped me and closed the door. "What the fuck, Kira im grown- "Grown? You consider that grown but you cant even do one fuckin thing but get drunk while im gone?!" I yelled looking at him. " man im not even about to argue with you, at least I dont go out and fuck other females an keep secrets from my wife unlike you." He said walking away. "Fr? If I did allat, you think Ill be fuckin marrying you in another week? Devin I fuck work to benefit me an my children, If you dont trust me Why tf we even stressing over having this wedding?!" I yelled at him.
Arie pov
Once me and Keith walked into Devin em house we saw the kids sitting on the couch crying watching Bubble Guppies. "aw whats wrong.?" I said picking up Avion. "Mama an Daddy upstairs fighting and woke us all up, Deavion was eating." Miyah said shrugging. "It's alright just go back to bed Mommy and Daddy gonna be alright ohkay?" I said looking at them as they got up. I rubbed their head as they all went upstairs. "I want more cereal." Deavion said as I walked to the kitchen an Keith ran upstairs
Keith pov
Once I got upstairs before I knocked on the door I heard De yell "If you was a real wife you wouldnt go behind my back getting prenups an shit." I opened the door an walked in. Once I walked in I grabbed Kira covering her mouth. "Chill the fuck out both of yall stupid asses, Yall really doing this shit a week before the wedding, in front of Miyah nem we walked in and they downstairs crying cuz of yall dumbasses." I yelled letting Kira go. Kira looked at Devin then back at me and ran out the room. "Bro what the fuck?" I said looking at him. "Dude she came home Blanking on me. I know I was wrong I tried to apologize but that girl fuckin crazy Why tf I gotta hear from other people she getting a prenup why she couldn't tell me?" Devin said sitting down. "Bro dont argue, when she calm down, talk to her about it." I said looking at him. "Aight You know you my mans now." I said dapping him. "Ill he down in a few." He said as I left out the room. I walked downstairs an joined Kira and Arie talking. "Why a prenup Kira?" Arie asked as I sat beside her. "I dont know this wasnt my Idea, You know my love for Devin but when I talked to my aunt she was telling me how I should protect myself and this and that once I told her how Devin grandma thinks We shouldnt get married, Its like she always Downing us, she thinks Im not ready." Kira said looking down then back at us. "You should talk to her Kira an ask her why she doesn't like you, like whats her reason for all this, Yall just going back and forth now cuz yall under a lotta stress." Arie said as Kira started to cry. "Awee Baby its alright, dont cry." Arie said getting up and wiping her tears. "Its just that I don't understand, like Why me? You know, Then He thinks I been out cheating because I dont let him touch my phone." Kira said wiping her tears as Deavion climbed in her lap and hugged her. "Talk to him calmly Kira, and dont stress yourself out or be fighting with him in front of them. Arie said rubbing Deavion back. Kira nodded her head an layed her head on Deavion shoulder as Devin came downstairs. "Go to your room." Kira said putting Deavion down as he ran upstairs. "Kira im sorry." Devin said walking up to her as she looked at me then back at him an shook her head. "I don't understand, Why De?" She said looking at him as he shook his head. "Im sorry now I gotta work so Ill talk to you later." He said kissing her cheek. I got up leaving also
Arie pov.
"Kira dont stress, lets go out an get food." I said as all the kids came downstairs. "Can you take me to grandma house?" Miyah asked Kira as I picked up Deavion. We all walked out the house hopping in my car. "take them to Devin mama house." Kira said grabbing her phone. Once I got to their grandma house I grabbed Deavion going in the house. "My babies, and whats this I hear You got a prenup?" Devin mama asked Kira. "Ma I dont even wanna go thru with the prenup thing, Devin got one besides I come home from work an Devin drunk Deavion was hungry an he didnt feed them." Kira said shaking her head. "Y'all better get it together 1 more week." She said shaking her head. "I know." Kira said getting up and walking out. I followed as we hopped in my car. "Im so tired man?" I said shaking my head. "Me to, I thought I was gone go home and sleep." Kira said yawning. Once we got back to her house I hugged her and went separate ways
Kira pov.
Once I got home I ran a warm bubble bath then climbed in an relaxed. After 10 mins of relaxing I got out the tub getting into the shower. Once I was done doing my hygiene I slid into my pajamas then climbed into bed grabbing my phone. I checked my phone & didnt have no messages or calls from Devin. I called him an got no answer. I called again an my call went to the voicemail. I shrugged throwing my phone aside. After hours of watching tv I looked at the time and it was 10:29. I yawned rolling over.
Devin pov
I went upstairs of the trap an layed across the bed I couldnt go home the way I was set up. I had got high and drunk as fuck. I couldnt go home to Kira like that and I sure wasnt in the mood to argue so I stayed at the trap.

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