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Kira pov
Once I woke up I saw Deavion still fast asleep and Darrius still on the phone. I laughed as his deep morning voice came thru the phone. "GoodMorning beautiful." He said as I walked into the bathroom. "GoodMorning." I said starting to do my hygiene. "How bout we go out for a little breakfast?" He asked as I smiled. "Darrius I- "Yes now meet me a Waffle house in 10 mins." He said before hanging up. I shook my head as Deavion ran into the bathroom with his ladder. "You up already squirt." I said rubbing his head as he laughed. I grabbed some high waist blue jean pants an slid on a white tee and my gray pullover. I grabbed my white Wrap around heels then did a little makeup. I put on my black laced choker then grabbed my diamond Mk rolex and grabbed my White an burgundy Mk purse. I put on some clear lipgloss then combed my bob flat ironing the front part. I grabbed the keys to my white Audi then called up Arie as i ran downstairs
Phone conversation
AriePooh💘: Hey hey hey
Me: So its so much I gotta tell you but ima tell you later But i need you to do me a favor
Ariepooh💘: Kk & Wassup? You got the house?
Me: Yes i didnt really put nothing up though but some of my stuff is there but i need you to go get my other car from De house bring it to my house & ill just take you home whenever
Ariepooh💘: alright now?
Me: No im actually going out for breakfast
Ariepooh💘: um with who!
Me: A friend
Ariepooh💘: Name ?
Me: Darrius
Ariepooh💘: whats he like? How'd u meet him? Why wasnt I informed on this tea!
Me: look im here now so ima tell you later when i see you while im leaving I'll call you back & tell you everything gotta go
Ariepooh💘; Kk
End of conversation
I got out the car going inside of Waffle house. "Hey beautiful." He said grabbing my hand and leading me to a booth. "Hey. " i said sitting across from him. "I ordered you coffee." He said as an waitress came to our table giving me coffee. "And what would you like to order?" She asked as I looked at the menu. "Uhm the bacon and egg sandwich with hash browns." I said as she nodded her head before walking away. I took a sip out the coffee then looked at him. "Hm my favorite how'd you know." I said as he smiled an shrugged. "Also." He said pulling a bundle of roses from the table. "Awww thanks." I said taking the roses and smelling them. "You Welcome." He said as I looked at him without him noticing an smiled. "Wait you work at the hospital dont it?" He said looking at me as I nodded my head. "Yeah i do." I said looking at him. "Im sick I need you to give me cpr." He said fake coughing as I laughed. "Whatever." I said as Marissa and Devin walked up to our table. "Darrius!" She said looking at him as I looked up. "Devin." I said looking at him. "What the fuck you doing here with this nigga." He said looking at me. "Yeah why you here with this bitch." Marissa said as I looked at Darrius. "First of all We aren't together so why does it matter if i was with him or not." I said looking at Devin. "Just got an divorce, doesn't mean be a hoe by the way you think I'll look nice in that diamond ring!" Marissa yelled as I laughed. "Look Marissa Im not gone stoop down to your level you will respect me." I said walking up to her as she hid behind Devin. "Im going to have to ask you guys to leave." The manager said walking over to us. "Thanks for breakfast." I said looking at Darrius then at Devin and pushing pass him. Once I got to my car Darrius came out giving me my breakfast & the flowers. "Thanks." I said looking up at him. "Sorry bout what happened maybe we can try this again later?" He asked looking at me. I looked down then back at him. "Sure." I said nodding my head as he smiled showing his perfectly white teeth. "Well call you later." He said before closing my door. I smiled calling Arie.
Phone conversation
Ariepooh💘: heading to De house now
Me: alright so guess wat happened
Ariepooh💘: what
Me: So while we was talking guess who show up to waffle house
Ariepooh💘: who
Me: Bitch Marissa & Devin . Marissa is one of Darrius ex hoes & how about they are together
Ariepooh💘: WHAT NO! Its not gone last Look at marissa then look at you thats downgrade fr thats like getting a iphone 7 and downgrading to a flip phone. What the fuck You gotta tell me more about this mystery guy
Me: bitchhhhh ima tell u when we get to my place but Yes they ruined it we was there talking he gave me flowers we didnt get all into it because they showed up
Ariepooh💘: omg omg omg Im on my way now !
Me: Kk
    End of conversation
Once I walked into the house I went straight to Miyah's room and put her clothes up. As I was putting her stuff away the men I hired to fix Miyah bed into a playhouse (Bed in mm) and Arie walked in. "Hey hey thickums." Arie said as we walked into King's room. "Hey I said as we started to fix his room up. "I put your cars keys on the counter, So get to talking." Arie said as we put his clothes into draws. "Okay so i was at the store buying me snacks and he came up to me and just started helping and talking to me so then he hit up my Dm and we ended up falling asleep on the Phone. Ugh you just gotta meet him." I said before my phone started to ring. "Its him." I said before answering, putting it on speaker
Phone conversation
Me: Uh hey
Darrius: Hey cutie where you at ?
Me: um im actually at my house getting stuff unpacked
Darrius: can i swing by an help?
I looked at Arie as she nodded her head.
Me: um sure I'll text you the location
Darrius: see you ina few boo
End of conversation
"Let the games begin." Arie said rubbing her hands together. "Games? What Arie no we are not doing this to get back at Devin." I said looking at her as she rolled her eyes. "Fine." Arie said as the doorbell rung. "Ill get it." I said looking at her then walking out the room. Once I got to the door, I opened it and it was Darrius with a bath and body works bag. "Im here." He said giving me the bag as I smiled. "You didnt have to- "But I wanted to." He said looking at me as Arie walked in.
Arie pov
Once I walked in on Kira she was talking to this Tall, cute, muscular, darkskin. "Hey Ki-Whoaaa you are fineee." I said looking at him as Kira cleared her throat."uhm Arie this is Darrius and Darrius this is my Bestfriend Arie." Kira said as I looked at him. "Hey." I said looking at him then back at Kira. "Hey." He said as Kira smiled. "Ohkay lets move this into my room now." Kira said looking at him then back at me and walking away as we followed. I watched him start on Kira bed then went into Kira bathroom an lit a candle. "Alright Kira keith came to get me so see you later?" I said looking at her as she nodded her head. We hugged then laughed. "Bye Darrius." I said as he looked up at laughed. "See you later G." He said as I laughed
Darrius pov.
After I put Kira bed together and made it up for her, I sat on the bed an watched her put her clothes away. "So tell me more about since we didnt get to that part." I said as she laughed. "I mean what you wanna know about me besides I can be a asshole, got 3 kids, an yeah having babydaddy trouble as you can see." She said pulling her boots off as I laughed. "I see why didnt you let that go long time ago?" I asked as she shook her head. "I dont know everybody says I was dumb, stupid an allat but what they didnt see I was inlove, Love make you make dumb decisions but I guess I was just to dumb by the fact I stayed and put up with it I mean I made mistakes time to time but I dont know I cant explain." She said shrugging. "Okay how old are you I mean I know ion suppose to ask." I said as we both laughed. "No its alright im 22 about to be 23 soon." She said shrugging. ""Im 24." I said as she nodded her head. "And your kids?" I asked. "I have twins and a son, The twins are King and Melody they're 7 and Deavion is 3 had a daughter but she didnt make it." she said. "Sorry about that Well i have no kids." I said as she smiled. "Lucky you." She said as I shrugged. "Kira we're done with the bed whatchu want us to fix next?" Some guys asked. "Uh thats it for now, thanks guys." She said before they left. "So what you doing tonight?" I asked as she sat beside me. "Uh I dont even know Im tired, gotta get everything else put away its all just to much on me." She said covering her face as her phone rung. I watched her answer her phone and a little lightskin boy that looked like it was Deavion popped up on screen. "Mommy." He screamed as Kira shook her head. "Hey squirt what's wrong." Kira asked. "I want you." He said as another girl popped up. "He wanna come with you he wont stop crying and Nana cant make him be quiet." The little girl said as Kira sighed. "Alright im on my way." She said hanging up. "I'll take you over give you a break." I said looking at her as she nodded her head. I got up as we left hopping into my car.
Kira pov
As Darrius was headed over Devin's mom house my phone rung. I shook my head answering FaceTime conversation
Me: What Melody
Melody: ma i wanna come home
Me: You aint fixed your attitude so why should i let you
Melody: i did Im sorry I just wanna come home I dont like it here
Me: You not supposed to
Melody: where my daddy
Me: I dont know and dont care where your daddy is
Melody: Well you should know so call him
Me: Melody you want your ass beat already?
Melody: no mam
Me: Aight then bye
End of conversation
"She seems unhappy." Darrius said. "You dont wanna see the other half." I said as Darrius pulled up in front of the house. I called Miyah phone phone conversation
Me: Miyah tell King to Bring Deavion outside and bring the that big blue bag that's sitting on the bed
Miyah: Kk
End of conversation
"She your daughter?" Darrius asked. "No thats Devin's Daughter her mom gave her to devin because she didnt want her & was gonna put her up for adoption she found out I wasnt her mom when she turned 7." I said as King came to the door. I grabbed Deavion letting him climb to the back then grabbed the bag. "Im ready to go home." King said looking at me then back at Darrius. "How bout you come home tomorrow deal?" I said rubbing my fingers thru his hair as he dapped Darrius.
Decided to end this here, felt like it was too long anyway 💁🏽
Who would y'all like to see Kira with ?
TeamDarrius 💘
How yall think the twins gone react to Devin's and Kira Divorce? 😏
Enjoy 😘

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