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Kira pov
I rolled over and saw Melody and Deavion in my bed sleep. I groaned getting up, I grabbed my phone and saw it was 5:30. I shook my head starting to go downstairs. "Moma Daddy told me tell you he'll be back." King yelled not taking his eyes off his game. "Alright your room better be clean while you in my living room" I said walking out the living room and into the kitchen. "oh hey Marie I was gonna cook" I said hugging her. "You looked tired so I got it baby." She said continuing to cook. I nodded my head leaving out the kitchen an back upstairs. "Mommy, you didnt do my hair or nail" Melody said following me back into my room. Alright Go put on some clothes and we'll go get our nails did ohkay. I said going into my closet as she ran out the room. "Where you going?" Devin asked walking into the room. Get a fill in I'll be back later. I said sliding my black nike tights on and a Pink tshirt with my blue jean jacket. "You aint going like that." He said pulling me closer to him. "Im not finna play with you now move ". I said pushing pass him. "Fr I wanna go out tonight" Devin said rubbing his hand up my thighs.
"Well You better get to calling nannies by the way where Miyah"? I said picking up Deavion.
"Boy you heavy" I said kissing him as he giggled. 'Brittney' he said shrugging.
Okay well im finna go. I'll just take Miyah and Melody to get some to eat then their nanny. I said putting Deavion down.
"Alright I get no love". Devin said sitting down an watching me. I smiled and walked over to him as Deavion ran out the room. I sat in his lap as we started to kiss he deepened the kiss. "D I gotta go." I said quietly as he kissed on my neck. "You dont got to" He said making his way to my nipples. "Yes I do now stooppp" I laughed as started to leave marks. "Aight Aight" he said laughing as I got up refixing my bra. "Daddy King broke my doll" Melody said crossing her arms as King laughed. I shook my head as Devin started to yell. "I aint even break the stupid doll You shouldve never stepped on my shoes" King said shrugging. "Im about to go, you deal with your son & get his hair cut & Melody if you coming bring ya ass." I said kissing D again then walking out.
Devin pov.
"I aint break the doll, why I always get in trouble, she stepped on my shoes, Hate her ugly self" King said sitting on my bed. I grabbed King by his shirt lifting him off the bed. "Its about time I start man handling you huh, King I know you, you my son I did the same shit you doing now but Its not finna ride straighten your act or ima do it for you. Now go get ina car." I said putting him down. "Man Im telling na-na" he said storming out the room. I walked over to my nightstand an grabbed a band of money. I looked down once I felt hands. I picked Deavion up then grabbed the keys to Kira Black Audi.
Jayla pov.
Once I pulled up to the nailshop, I got a call from Dee. Phone conversation
Me: What Dee
Baby😍💍: Where tf you at & where my baby?
Me: At the nailshop with the girls & I have Jordan with me.
Baby😍💍: Aight while you out getchu some to wear off the card
Me: Mhm ok
Baby😍💍: yea
End of conversation
Hey Baby. I said sitting beside Kira. "Hey What was that all about"? Kira said laughing. "Girl crazy, I dont pay his ass no attention, so whats up with tonight, whats going on"? I said shaking my head. "Honestly I dont know myself all i know is we going out". Kira said shrugging as her phone rung. I nodded my head.          
Brittney pov
"Dea Im finna go". I said getting up. "Aight gimme some love." He said pulling me into his lap. I kissed him as he started to deepen the kiss. I rubbed my hands up his shirt as he slid his hand down my pants. Ewwww. Aj said as we both looked back at him. I looked at Deanthony an laughed as he shook his head. I removed his hand an got up. "Alright Im gone." I said grabbing my wallet before walking out. "Where you going". Aj said following me downstairs. "Boy I am grown, Im about to go see you later, be good for daddy." I said kissing his forehead then leaving. "Miyah you got all your stuff"? I asked getting in the car. "Yes mam". She said looking at me as I backed out the driveway. I grabbed my phone & called Kira phone conversation
Me: Helllooo
Lifeline❤️🔪: Wassgood
Me: You there & Miyah ?
Lifeline❤️🔪: yes & get her some to eat and take her to her nanny house
Me: Bitch stop your shit but alright
Lifeline❤️🔪: *laughs . The rest of em going to whatcha wearing tonight
Me: I was gone wear a dress but I don't know yet
Lifeline❤️🔪: Well alright
End of conversation
                              -Keith pov.
"Bro we needa go on another vacation we aint been on one in some years now." I said shaking my head. "True" Deanthony said dapping Dee. "Y'all niggas plan one, where to go though, they been everywhere" Devin said shrugging. "Bahamas" Dee said as we all hopped in Keith truck. "When yall tryna do that"? Markell asked. "How bout Friday night" Devin said looking at me. I shrugged as everyone else agreed. "Im ready for tonight" Mark said rubbing his hands together. "Nigga you more excited than a female wassup"? I said laughing. "Bro you know how long its been since I got some pussy & thats my damn wife" Mark said laughing as him and Dee dapped each other. "Its aight bro, you aint the only one" Devin said shaking his head. "Nigga you lieing Kira a freak" Dee said looking at him. "Shid me and Kira dont touch each other like that no more, No lie knowing me I been trying her for the last past couple of days but We aint fucked ina while" Devin said shrugging. "Thats how me and Jayla is." Dee said shaking his head. "Wassup with them then?" I said looking at them. They all shrugged at the same time. "Wait until tonight after tonight if they dont give no play then some wrong" I said shrugging. "Dude thats not true, when they ready they'll come back around and test you, right now they seeing if they can really trust yall to wait or see if y'all go out and cheat. You niggas be dumb but I done learnt they tests by now." Deanthony said shrugging. "True you gotta point too. Cuz Arie hit me with that who i been talking to shit yesterday and I aint do shit but sleep allday". I said shaking my head. "See Kira not like that yall know how Kira use to be, Bro Kira dont argue no more or nothing she like literally the perfect wife except the sex part cuz she dont give it up but other than that she play her part." Devin said. "I told you tonight see where its at" I said shrugging as we pulled up to the restaurant.

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