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Arie pov
"You usually dont bring them here- Shut up, its not your business." Devin yelled as I looked at King and Rafeal as Kira walked in. "All of you car now, you too Rafeal. You could've just met me." She said as he shrugged. "You stay too far, i dont know why you moved way- It doesnt fucking matter this bitch and you are the reason why!" She yelled as I chuckled. "That nigga not that important- Its not about him Devin dont start!." She yelled. "Bitch fuck you." I said looking at her. "Bitch you already dead so you might wanna shut the fuck up safety first hoe." She said as Brittney laughed. "You might wanna wait before you call somebody a hoe, trick yep I heard." I said smirking as Devin grabbed her. "Kira just go- Nah, heard what?" She said walking up to me. "You and Nel baby number what ? 8 next? You walk around stuck up and boujee as fuck like you so different from the rest of us bitch, You know I see why Melody is the way she is. What a great mother you are. Keep it up she's gonna get turnt out like how you did maybe it wasnt rape maybe you liked it, You know bringing men to men in and out they life not gone help. Its a little too late to grow up baby." I said as she looked at Devin an back at me. "Listen bitch, Im grown okay? I got my kids- Before she could finish she walked away. "You okay?" Keith asked grabbing her as she snatched away from him. "Im fine." She said as Devin grabbed her. "I'll be back." He said as it got quiet.      
Devin pov
"You straight?" I asked sitting her down. "Im fine Devin im going home." She said hopping off the desk. "Kira no you not, I know you not. Calm down before you get in that car and drive." I said as the tears started to fall. "I just hate it why its happening to me." She mumble screamed as I hugged her. "Shhh its okay calm down." I said rubbing her back as she continued to cry. "Its not." She cried as the gang walked in and surrounded us. "Its gonna be okay mama." Brittney said tearing up and rubbing her back as she shook her head.       Brittney pov
"What ? You here to be captain save a hoe, well guess what? You cant always save Kira she isnt your chil- Bitch it doesnt matter, you was her bestfriend she trusted you, Arie you just hurt her fucking feelings, you dont do no shit like that." I said as Jayla agreed. "ALso you didnt have to bring that girl Child in it either, you took it too far. Only reason why she didnt beatcho ass is because she got her children with her, she show some respect unlike you, Kira is a good mother she go out her way for hers but where is yours ? Until you get your children and actually do something for them then speak on Kira about hers!" Jayla said before we walked away. "Come on baby stop crying." I said drying her tears. "Don't complain to us about a headache later." Jayla said giving her some tissue. "Exactly so calm down now Kira, You a good ass mama and you know it, Hell we the oldest and we come to you." I said as Devin hugged her. We watched him talk to her and saw her get herself together. "Wow Devin You cant be faithful but i gotta give it to you bro, You a good Babydaddy." Keith said as everybody laughed including Kira. "You know what Fuck you Keith, There's that smile I wanted to see." He said kissing her forehead. "I just dont see how can yall not get yall act together when y'all together but when y'all not- Dont go there." Kira said looking at Mark as we all laughed. "Come on lets get these babies home." I said grabbing her hand. "Let me know when you get home safe, ima facetime you to check on you." Devin said before she walked away.
Deanthony pov
"Much respect bro." I said dapping him as he shrugged. "You know ima always be there for her bro thats still my heart." He said as we walked back into the other room. "Devin I realized I was wrong Im so- Bitch Ion even wanna look at you right now cuz of that stunt you just pulled with my babymama listen bitch you could never be her or one of them so leave her alone and stay in your lane aight?" He said as she pushed. "Fuck your babymama aight? I just tried to apologize to you an Her. Damn I just wanted the life she had- Like What Arie Tell me, come on tell me? Exactly you dont know all you see is that expensive ass house, cars, big ass rings, and gifts. You dont see the shit she been thru I pu- I have! Its not even the material The family, you and Kira was happy, Kira was happy with you but you fail to understand. I know what Kira been thru and I just lost my fuckin bestfriend since Highschool all over some bitch made ass nigga and i threw the shit back in her face- Thats your fault I didnt fuck that up you did! I deserve whats to be done to me that's why I dont have my family messing with tricks like you just stay out her life dont go nowhere near her or else." He said as his phone rung.
Devin pov
I grabbed my phone out my pocket and saw it was Kira FaceTiming me.
Phone conversation
Me: hey you good?
Babymama❤️: yeah thought I'll just go ahead and call you if that's okay
Me: its good you can call me anytime
Babymama❤️: Thanks devin
Me: its str8 i know how you get im used to it
*another call beeps in
Me: aye Kira im still at the trap and got business to handle so when i leave ima call you back
Babymama❤️: ok
End of conversation
Next call
Me: wassup Ashley
Shordy: haven't heard from you
Me: i know i been busy
Shordy: when ima see you again
Me: look im at work so ima call you a lil later
End of conversation
"Wow but you still hurting her- shut the fuck up damn we not even together an Kira gotta boyfriend so what?" I said shrugging. "Kira doesn't love him she just filling in where you suppose to be." Arie said as I looked at our picture. "How you know all this?" Keith asked. "Thats how it is moving on honestly I wish I never messed up with you, If I haven't I'll be home cuddled under you. You gave me the life I asked for, you made me happy Keith but, I was being selfish and wanted more and I ruined all of you an Im sorry." She said tearing up. "What was it that you wanted from Kira so bad?" Mark asked. "It was how Devin treated her in public. I dont know about closed doors But publicly he treated her how a lady was supposed to be treated, he showed her off, their kids are beautiful, the expensive gifts he buy her, the love he shows her , its just their bond was everything i wanted. I ruined it." She said as I shook my head. "Its cool- Its not and if you really love Kira go get her back." Arie said as I smiled. I took her advice and hopped in my car putting in her address. After 30 mins I pulled up to this big white house. After ringing the doorbell, 10 mins later. She finally came to the door. "Uhhhh De- before she could finish I kissed her. I picked her up locking the door behind me and carried her to her room closing and locking the door behind us. I laid her on the bed still between her legs and looked her in the eyes. "Im sorry for everything I swear on my soul Im meaning every word Im saying right now." I said looking at her as she looked away and pushed me up. "Listen Devin I cant keep doing this with you, I cant let you keep hurting me its time for me to move ahead with my life. Its hurts so bad where I cant even cry about it anymore, The sad part is your kids dont even want a part of you anymore. You gotta gain your bond back with them before me. Im cool with you coming by seeing them all of that but us I just cant keep letting it happen." She said shrugging as I got on my knees and grabbed her hands. "Please one last chance Kira I swear I'll do right, I'll start going to church with you, I promise I'll pull out the gang, what else you want me to do Kira?" I asked looking at her. "Love yourself Devin." She said as I looked at her confused. "What you mean Dude you got me on my knees begging you- Did i ask you to do that though? This is what im talking about get yourself some help first." She said as I shook my head. "Kira im not doing drugs no more none of that I promise, I swear to god im not." I said as She looked at me and gave me a look as I followed her into the bathroom. "I have no clothes for you but get cleaned up we can talk in the morning." She said walking out the bathroom. After 30 mins of doing my hygiene I walked into her room and climbed in bed beside her.

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