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Girls night Kira pov
"Do i need to stay and supervise?" Devin said helping me pour neatly set food on the bar counter. "Nooo sir you dont." I said laughing. "No fighting- Okaee Devin I wouldn't fight Jayla and you know this." I said as the doorbell rung. "Ight ima be across the street, lemme know if you need anything." He said kissing my cheek before leaving as the girls came in. "How's my baby?" Arie said touching my stomach as I rolled my eyes. "Great how are you guys?" I lied looking at them as they shrugged. "Whats the purp- Can you just not tonight." I said stopping her. "Kira- No she already complaining why cant we just have a girls night without the bullshit." I said ask she rolled her eyes. "Bra we already know this all about Brittney and her problems, See once again all about you. Kira we not like you its not just that easy Devin got you wrapped around- No hunny its vice versa try again and dont worry about Brittney stay out her business you wouldnt have this problem." I said as she got up and grabbed her things then left. "I didnt wanna invite her but since yall asked you see how it turnt out." I said looking at Arie and Brittney. "Its sad we cant get together like we used to, where's the loyalty? We all use to sit around talk about our problems, the sex, just everything without it being a problem. We all had the best boyfriends now everything just went downhill." Brittney said as I agreed. "Well im happy. Sex is actually better since we havent had each other in a while, we communicate more, everything is fine over here we all just needa get back to that fun stage in life." I said shrugging as Arie agreed. "True me and Keith have grown closer to each other, we back to the bond we had its like he's my bestfriend all over again. Anytime we argue he'll come back and apologize and spoil me with food other than that we good." Arie said as I smiled. "Well me and Dea isn't, Y'all im really trying I miss him a lot and its only been 2 days but I think he's seeing some one else" she said as Arie and I looked at her surprisingly.  Mariah pov
All the days chilling with Deanthony had been fun, I've really grown to like him but me and him weren't meant to be. "You good?" He asked looking at me as I shook my head. "Dea you got a babymama matter fact she's still your wife i know the feelings are still there you just mad at her and I'm caught up between the two of you. It's like im the side chick or something, after while when this die down its me thats gonna be hurt ina end go home and talk to her." I said as he sighed. "I fuck with you Riah you right we not even meant to be together but you can still hit me up whenever you need anything- Thank you for showing me what love feels like." I said hugging him tightly for the last time.
Deanthony pov
Once she let go I grabbed my few things and headed out the door. I drove over to the crib. Once I got in the house it was quiet. I got cleaned up then walked over to Keith house. "Wassup bra." Keith said dapping me as I looked around. "Where the females?" I asked as they laughed. "Oh B with Kira and Arie." Dee said as I sat down. "Yall i met this bad ass female her name Mariah but we blew it off." I said as they looked at me surprisingly. "Did you fuck? I mean she probably already knew the game she a boss?" Mark said as I nodded my head. "Nigga nah we chilled, talked, and went out a few times, She got a Big ass 7 bedroom house all to herself she said her husband had got shot and didnt make it and the house was left to her she kinda been thru what im going thru." I said as the girls walked in then it got quiet. "Can we talk in private?" Brittney asked quietly. "Nah." I said shaking my head and standing up. "Dea- We embarrassed each other enough in front of everybody they already know our business B thats what made me mad, you talk to much especially to the wrong people, then you go to assuming I'm sleeping with your sister bra. I wouldn't do no shit like that B. Kira happy with my brother, when i met Kira i saw her as a little sister to me and you know this cuz I know how them 2 niggas on this couch is behind her. You gotta stop letting your friends in your fuckin head bro." I said as i pulled her down in my lap. She looked at keith and Devin then back down to her nails. "I know I talked to Kira and Arie about it and Im sorry, Im truly am. These past days you been gone i thought about everything and you moving on- B i didn't move on it was somebody there but she wasn't a replacement she was more like somebody that could relate more than anything." I said as she shook her head
Devin pov
Whole time sitting there me and Kira payed no attention to what was going on. I smirked as Kira started kissing on my neck. "Aight you better chill girl this why you pregnant now." I whispered in her ear as she smiled. "Take me home and show me why." She whispered in my ear as Arie looked at us surprisingly. "We'll be back." I said getting up and putting Kira on my back. "Mhmm." Arie said smirking. "Hush Arie." Kira said laughing as I carried her out the house. Once we got back to our house I carried her straight to the room and laid her on the bed. "We cant go rough now." I said pulling her tights off as she giggled. "I crawled in bed, making my way between her legs. I slowly slid in as she wrapped herself around me. In between strokes the doorbell started ringing. "Ignore it." She moaned as I continued to slowly stroke her going deep as she moaned my name. After emptying the clip I still continued to do her ass, as the doorbell continued to ring. I groaned as I pulled out of her and slid on my sweats. I walked over to the door and opened it and saw it was Raf. "Keep your son until court. I dont want him around his mother no visitation nothing and he's your son so i came to your first I'll get in touch when its time." His aunt said as I moved aside for him to come in. "Thank you." I said as she walked away. "Well the kids gone so you here all by yourself pick whatever room you want and make yourself at home kiddo." I said as he ran upstairs leaving his stuff. I walked into the room closing my door and locking it then going into the bathroom where Kira was and started her music. "We not done shorty." I said getting into the shower with her as she laughed. "Mr.Constellao you're nasty." She said laughing as I kissed on her neck. "And Mrs.Constellao you are too." I said picking her up pinning her to the shower walls as she giggled.           Brittney pov
I rubbed my hands thru Deanthony beard as everybody started to talk about sex. In the middle of the conversation Kira and Devin walled in. "So the topic is what's the best sex, Kira whats your opinion?" Arie said as she sat down beside Dea. "Right now pregnancy sex but yall know I like it rough so i say the make up sex." Kira said as I laughed. "The i miss you sex." I said wrapping my arms around Dea as he kissed my cheek. "Wow yall making me want another baby now." Arie said pouting. "Stick with two baby you can have one of mine." Kira said shaking her head. "Being tied down isnt what you want i know it isnt all that fun especially if Devin not the- Actually Devin is there he's a big help talk facts not your opinions." Kira said smiling as Jayla rolled her eyes. "She going thru it so ima go thru it with her. She didnt ask for a baby I gave it to her so ima be there." Devin said as he kissed Kira head. I smiled then layed my head on Deanthony. I smiled and loved the thought of how Devin stood up and actually be there for Kira.

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