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Jayla pov
He continued to give me drinks back to back. I started to get dizzy till eventually I passed out. Dee pov
Once we got to the house and bussed inside it was quiet. There were drinks lying everywhere, smell of weed in the air, and 2 females passed out on the couch. "We getting Jayla and we out." Keith said as a guy walked in before he could grab for his gun Devin shot him. We all looked at Devin surprisingly; since he was the one just talking about leaving this life alone, as he took a deep breath. "Looks like we got some clearing out to do." He said as the females on the couch started screaming as the smell of gun smoke filled the air. "Mark we find Jay." Keith said as they made their way towards the stairs as Devin, Deanthony, and I covered the downstairs.
Keith pov
As we slowly walked thru the upstairs it was quiet, As we covered each other back. We cleaned each room out until we got to the end . I kicked the door open and there we saw Jayla passed out with the ring leader laying beside her. "Damn this gone be fucked up." Mark said as I shook my head. "Just help me untie her." I said as we struggled with the ropes. "Bro these handcuffs not coming off." Mark said shaking his head as I shot dude then searched his pockets. I uncuffed her from the bed, then grabbed my gun. I threw her over my shoulder once Mark got the last rope off then we quickly ran downstairs. We ran out the door hoping into the truck as Devin hopped in last. Once Jayla had woken up she looked at the all of us then hugged Dee. After a hour of arriving back to the hotel all the kids were sleep amd the girls were sitting around playing games. "Hey Babe you okay?" Brittney asked as she nodded. "Im fine." She said looking at Kira then back at Brittney. "You su- I said im fine okay." She said before walking away. We all looked at kira as she shook her head. Kira pov
"Kira you have to talk to her." Arie said as she sighed. "Why me, why yall always choose me to do the talking. This isnt gonna go great especially if i do it." I said as Devin pulled me in his lap. "But you know what she's been thru you can talk her thru this and let her know its oka- No its not okay." I said shaking my head. "There's nothing else to do we cannot tell because their dead. Keith them will do prison time if we get justice so there's nothing else to do." Brittney said as I sighed. "Okay so this what y'all basically saying She was raped. Since I been thru the same position its okay for me to talk to her like its gonna be so easy?" I said looking at them all. "Not in that way but yeah." Mark said as Keith hit him. "No not like that just- Yes it is like that from how its sounds to me, thats just not something you talk about she has to come out on her own by me going in there talking to her about isnt going to do nothing but start a fight between us. Its a no for me." I said shaking my head. "Just at least try to do it for us." Dee said as I groaned. "Fine Arie and B lets go." I said rolling my eyes. "No kira you alone- NO me in that room by myself with her is nothing but trouble and im not fuckin playing." I said as Keith and Mark started to laugh. "Just go." Dee said as Arie and Brittney got up.      Arie pov
As we walked in the room we saw Jayla drinking. "You know what this isnt gonna happen." Brittney said taking the bottle out her hand. "What do you guys want?" She said as Kira shook her head as she sat on top of the dresser. "You just gonna throw your life away huh? What about Jordan?" Kira said as Jayla smiled and shook her head. "You would know of it huh?" She said as Kira looked at Brittney. Before Kira could say anything Brittney butted in. "Jayla, Kira's only trying to help you. By you doing this to her is not only helping us its hurting you also." B said as I nodded. "I dont need any help now excuse me." Jayla said pulling out a blunt. "This is really getting out of hand. Jayla when have you ever drunk back to back or smoked like this. You need to get your shit together and get it together fast! You got alot to lose baby!" Kira said looking her up & down then walking out. I looked at her and shook my head as me and Brittney followed. "You didn't fight. Im proud of you." Keith said as Kira shrugged. "Cant nobody make Jayla talk, she has to on her own." Kira said shaking her head. "Well Kira how'd Devin deal with this? How'd you do it?" Dee said as I looked down and shook my head. "He did his best but I still had to come forward on my own. He kept me away from the smoking and drinking. He just been there for me. Don't be like to forward on her its gone feel like you taking advantage of her. Some people take it differently for me I didnt repeatedly come on to Devin but the smoking and drinking was a habit i had made, we slowly had to make our way back into the sex stage like months later." Kira explained. "It sad yall went thru that, and you so strong to talk about it thats why I love you." I said wiping my tears away. "Awww thank you. It was easy come back to me cuz things changed But i gotta live with it and live to make sure it never happens to my daughter." She said shrugging as me and Brittney hugged her. "Thank you for trying with her- Its Alright she needed to hear it before it got to bad." Kira said shrugging as we all agreed. For the rest of the night we all sat back and watched movies.

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