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King pov
The day was going just right. Only thing was missing was my moma and Devin. I havent saw them allday and all We got was a Happy Birthday text. "Bro they didnt forget about yall birthday." Raf said once we got back to my nana house. "It dont feel right, we never done none like this on our birthday we usually be out celebrating or home partying not separate like this." I said as he shrugged. "chill bra they didnt forget." He said as I shook my head. "Come on im about to take yall home." Sarah said as I looked at the time. It was 8:30 pm and we were supposed to been at home. Kira pov
"Alright Sarah said she's on her way get in place." I turned out the lights and everybody hid. After 10 mins, I heard them walk in. "Nobody is even here." Melody said sighing. "Exactly and I'm hungry." King said as they all came into the kitchen. "Once King turned on the light everybody jumped out. "SURPRISE!" We all yelled as Deavion started laughing and clapping. "Awww you thought we were gonna forget about yall." Brittney pov as we hugged the twins. "I told you bra." Raf said hitting him as we all laughed. "I'll never forget my first two babies birthday, Happy Birthday beetle bugs." I said kissing the both of them. "We got another surprise." Devin said as they both smiled. "What is it." They both said as We covered their eyes and moved them to the theater room. I removed my hands and Melody screamed as Nba Youngboy started performing. "This the best birthday ever." King said as him and Melody hugged me and Devin. "Enjoy it youngins." Devin said as they ran off to their friends. "We did a good job with them." Devin said looking at me as I smiled. "No smoke no smoke you niggas dont want it." Deavion sung as he climbed from keith arm to Devin arm. "Watchu know about some smoke?" Keith said playing with him as he laughed. I looked at the time and saw it was already 10:30 pm. I looked at Devin as Rico walked in and eyes landed on me. "Uh devin- Don't worry about him." Devin said pretending like he wasn't noticing him. I watched him as he talked to Melody and gave her money and looked me up and down before turning his attention back to her. "I'll be back." Devin said taking Deavion out Keith's hand and giving him to me. Devin pov
I pulled Rico outside and pushed him off the porch. "Whats your problem man?" I asked as he laughed. "Just came by to see my niece and nephews." He said chuckling. "Stay away from my family this my last time telling you." I said as he smirked. "I'll be back for Kira an in the end that pretty little girl gonna be mine also, thats a promise." He said leaving. "Tomorrow we taking him out." I said once he pulled off as Keith agreed. "Pops can we have some friends stay over." Melody asked as I looked at Kira. "You have to ask Sarah Mel." I said as she ran over to Sarah. "We ending this shit with Rico tomorrow." I said putting my arm around Kira as she nodded her head. The rest of the night I put Deavion to sleep & I let the children enjoy it. Once 12:00 hit the party stopped. I helped the girls clean up as everybody started to leave. I ran up the steps and saw Kira already in bed. "Showered without me I see." I said climbing over her and hovering on top of her. "Yup I did." She said looking at my lips and into my eyes. I started to kiss her as she wrapped her arm around my neck. I kissed on her neck going down on her. Her moans filled the room as she grabbed an handful of my hair. I kissed her as I slowly slid in her. "Owee." Kira screamed pushing me out. "My bad." I said carefully sliding back in. I quickened the strokes as her walls tightened around my dick. I flipped her over starting to pound her shit as her moans got louder. Once my nut built up I let it out then pulled out of her. "Now you gotta retake a shower." I said smirking as she caught her breath. "Devin im tired." She whined as I picked her up. I carried her to the bathroom. "Put me down." She said as I let her go and she walked over to our private bathroom. I ran her a hot bath with rose petals and lit the candles. Once she came out I pulled her clothes off and helped her in then climbed in behind her. "I couldn't take it this time." She mumbled as we both laughed. "Its okay you do enough around here. It'll be better when you get out your stubborn ways and move back in." I said as she shook her head. "I need you to take me home anyway." She said as I sighed. "Alright." I said not even arguing back with her. I watched her climbed out the tub, eventually after 10 mins I did the same. I got dressed and followed her outside. After 30 mins we arrived to her house. I watched her go inside then I left
Kira pov
Once I got in the house and locked up. I turned on the lights in my room and saw Rico and Nel sitting on my bed. "We were waiting on you to get home baby." Rico said grabbing me before I could run. "Let me go." I screamed kicking him as Nel cuffed my hands together. "Bitch i told you daddy was coming back dont fight it Kira." Rico said slapping me making me hit the floor. I held my face as Nel tied my legs together. "Please just let me go I'll do anything." I said as Nel pointed his gun at me. "There's nothing you can do but go with me." He said shrugging as I shook my head. Devin pov
Once I got halfway from Kira house some didnt feel right just leaving her there. I turned around, speeding back to her house. Once I got there the door was open. I ran thru the house looking for her and she was gone then I automatically thought of Rico.
"Damn man." I yelled punching the wall. I pulled out my phone texting Keith.
Text conversation
Me: i need your help moving kira shit back to my crib asap, And we gotta get to rico before he move on down the line
Bro: bet what happen ?
Me: he got her
Bro: bet ima let everybody else know and ima hit u up in the morning
Me: bet
End of conversation
Rico pov
Once we got to the place where I was staying I laid kira down. "You comfortable?" I asked pulling the tape off her mouth. "I wanna go home." She said as I chuckled. "This is home my ex wife said females dont sleep with clothes so that's why i asked." I said pulling her onesie off as she started to cry. "Im not gone hurt you calm down." I said chuckling as she scooted away from me. "I would untie you but you haven't learned but when you learn how it goes around here and the punishments you'll fall in line eventually." I said looking at her as she looked at me. "So when i say some to you, you are to say back yes sir. You are to respect me and the other females that are here with you or you will get punished, understand me?" I asked as she smiled and rolled her eyes. "No sir i dont." She said as I smiled. "You wont make it here with that attitude." I said kissing her forehead then locking her in the room.

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