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Devin pov
I hopped in the car and waited on Kira to come out. After 10 mins she came out looking good. "You look good." I said as she slowly smiled and rolled her eyes. "Lets go." She said as I backed out her driveway.
Keith pov
After 10 mins of me pulling up Devin pulled up behind me. "Thought you changed your mind on us." I said dapping him. "Nah you know me." He said as we watched Kira walk off. "Sup with her?" Dee said as he shook his head. "Man im not putting up with Kira shit tonight, She mad cuz I brought up this house situation." Devin said shrugging. Once we walked in we saw Kira and Arie already at the bar entertaining two guys. I looked at Devin as we walked over to them. "Some you looking for bra?" Devin said as he looked at Kira then back at Devin. "Nah my bad bra I aint know this was you." He said as the two guys backed off. "Fuck is wrong with you Kira you bullshittin chill the fuck out fr." He said as she smiled. "When did we ever become something last time I checked you was just here- Like I said talk to another nigga." He said as she rolled her eyes and walked away. "Come on lets get on the dice." I said patting his shoulder. Kira pov
After I started to feel a lil dizzy I went into the bathroom and fixed my hair as some Stud came in behind me. "Slut." She said bumping into me. "Bitch." I said starting to walk away before she grabbed me. "You dont know me do you?" She said as I looked down at her hand still on my wrist and back at her. "Can you get off me just leave me alone." I said snatching away. "I know you thru Devin- Girl fuck you and Devin okay?" I said starting to walk away again before she grabbed me. I looked at her weirdly as she backed me up against the wall. "Look im tryna walk away and leave this alone but you pushing it." I said as she pinned my arms against the wall. "Oh no I like you Keria." She said rubbing her hands up my dress and sitting me on top of the counter. "I dont go your way." I said pushing her off of me. "Stop pushing me away." She said as I started to feel weak. "No!" I screamed as she threw my underwear in the trash. She grabbed my arms pinning me down as she started to kiss on my neck. "Please let me go." I said as somebody walked in the bathroom. "She's a fighter huh?" Some girl said holding me down as she let Jordan do whatever to me. "Nooo!" I screamed as she pulled me closer to her starting to rub my clit. "Oooooo Jordan and Ms.Famous, wonder what Devin will say about this." Some girl said smiling as Jordan laughed. I tried hopping off the counter and end up falling to the floor instead. I got up pushing pass them. Devin pov
I looked around for Kira and saw her leaving. I rushed outside and looked around then ran to the car. "You good?" I said looking at her once I got in the car. "Just take me home." She said crossing her arms. After 10 mins of riding, I finally decide to break the silence. "You gone tell me whats wrong?" I said as she looked out the window. "You'll see yourself." She mumbled as I looked at her confused. Once we got to her house she ran in the house and straight to her room. I looked down at my phone and watched the video that was sent to me. I sighed and shook my head as I walked in the room. "Its straight you good Kira just chill." I said holding her. "Its not what if they post it ima be done." She mumbled. "They not I promise." I said as she looked up at me. "Promise?" She said looking at me. "Promise." I said rubbing her back. "I see you handled your liquor a whole lot." I said as she giggled and nodded her head. "You have to." She said as I looked her in the eyes. "I try to for the best of us, Gotta love myself before I love somebody else remember." I said as she smiled. I kissed her deepening the kiss as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled her dress over her head and laid her on the bed. "This what you want?" I said as she laughed. "I should be asking you that." She said looking down at my manhood then back up at me. I pulled her closer to me and Slowly slid in her as her walls tightened. "This aint gone work." I said turning her over and sliding in again. I quickly stroked her as I grabbed a fist full of her hair. "Owe Devin." She moaned as she started to run. "Where ya going." I said pulling her back towards me as her moans got louder and louder. I covered her mouth as I continued to quickly stroke her. Once I felt my nut build up I started stroking her harder and harder. Once I emptied the clip I pulled outta her and laid beside her. "You'll always be mine." I said as she giggled and hit me. "Come on." She said getting up and grabbing my hand. I followed her into the bathroom and climbed into the tub with her. Brittney pov
Once I got home I called Kira phone and no answer. So i called the house phone
Phone conversation
Me: hello
Devin: wassup
Me: boy get the fuck off the phone where kira?
Devin: kira, Kiraaaaa
Me: if she sleep I'll call back
Kira: wassup B
Me: stop laying under babydaddy and come have girls night with us
Kira: whatever who is us
Me: me , jayla, arie the guys in the man room as usual
Kira: i guess alright
End of conversation
"Told you, Kira not going no where i dont care how much her and Devin fight she not leaving before it ends she'll be having another one." Arie said as me and Jayla looked at her. "That tell you hoes why fuck with him knowing he got a wife he gone run back to at the end of the day, She got his heart." Jayla said as I agreed. "All yall getting is Dick and lies, she getting the money, gifts, rings, honesty- "Honesty how she obviously getting it all with dick, lies, and babies just as the rest?" Selena said looking at me. "Yeah honesty Watch when they get here we gone show you. All she gotta do is ask and he gone tell it Devin dont wanna lose Kira fr cuz once she gone , she gone." I said shrugging. "I never wanted Devin I just wanted what she had outta keith I guess I was comparing them too much." She said shrugging as Kira walked in. "Hey babes." Me and Jayla said as she smiled. We watched Devin walk to the basement and once he was outta sight we jumped to conclusions. "Now kira cant you get anything outta Devin?" Jayla said as she looked at us weirdly. "Yeah why?" She asked as Arie shook her head. "Arie and Selena dont wanna believe it (Selena is Jayla's cousin on her Dad side.) "I have to see it for myself getting anything outta Devin I dont think so." Selena said as Kira smiled as pulled out her phone. "What she doing?" She asked as we hushed her. Phone conversation
Kira; devin can u come here please
Devin: alright
End of conversation
"Watch." Kira said crossing her arms as he walked in the room. "Wassup." He said standing in front of her. "Can you go buy me some wings and curly fries im hungry." She whined as he shrugged. "Anything else?" He said looking at her. "I wanna sprite too and Can i see your phone mine froze." She said showing him the black screen as he gave her the phone then left. "You serious when I do that Keith literally ignores me." Arie said as we all laughed. "It takes time." Kira said holding out her hand showing us the ring as me and Jayla laughed. Afterwards his phone started to ring. Everybody looked at her as she smiled phone conversation
Kira: helloo
Female: is devin around
Kira: no but may i take a message
Female: im coming to you-
Kira: save it barbie he'll call u back
End of conversation
"And you call that honesty?" Arie asked as she shrugged. After 10 mins Devin popped back up with her food. "Thank you and some girl called." She said giving him his phone as he looked at it "Just some lil hoe from before i started fucking with you." He said as he went back to the basement. "You dont go thru his phone?" Selena asked as Kira shook her head. "I use to but I learned if you go looking for something you guaranteed to find something besides I know Devin got bitches wanting him Im not bothered by that at all its his choice to play what role he wanna play." Kira said as we all agreed
Keith pov
"Kira playing you as a fool bra." Markell said as he shook his head. "Whatever man." He said moving around the pool table. "Devin gone have a lil seed running around here in a couple more months anyway." I joked as he hit me. "You might be right." He said as I dapped him. "You lying." Dee said as everybody looked at him. "Nope Emptied the clip earlier." He said as I hit him. "Last one right?" Deanthony said as he shrugged. "Yeah bra just gotta start over somehow." He said as I dapped him. "If that's what you want do it then you lost your babygirl so why not try again." I said as he agreed.

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