What'd You Do, Harry?

Start from the beginning

"I will not," Harry said, activated. "She deserves it!"

Vernon started to yell and tried to push Harry. Since I'm pretty protective, I pushed him...a bit...

"Don't you dare!" I pointed the end of my wand at his plump little nose.

"You aren't allowed to use magic outside of school," he started to shake.

"There are a lot of things we aren't supposed to do," I growled.

"You can't go back, Harry," Vernon smirked. "They won't let you back now."

"I could go to Bridget's," Harry nodded, getting behind me.

"Um..." I looked to him confused. He gave me a pleading look. I sighed, "Yeah, I guess he can."

"Good-bye," Harry growled to Vernon. He swung open the door, and I followed after. I slammed the door shut.

I looked to Harry, "She's there. Just to pre-warn you."

"I'm not scared of her," Harry shrugged as we started towards my house.

"You say that now," I muttered to myself.

We got up to my driveway. I opened the door. My mother was slouched over on the couch, watching the news. I shut the door. Harry had been there before-a lot-so he knew where to go. Headed to my bedroom, and I followed after.

I got up to my room, closing the door quickly behind me. "I have almost everything packed. Just have to put Iris in her cage and-" I saw something lying on my dresser.

I quickly walked over to my dresser and snatched the paper. I reread over it. I took a deep breath and headed downstairs.

"Bridget? What's wrong?" Harry followed me.

I went into the living, "You went through my stuff?!"

Mother looked at me. She didn't say a word, and returned her attention back to the television. I picked up the remote sitting on the arm of the couch next to her. I turned off the TV. Got in the center of her attention. She looked exhausted.

"Why did you go through my stuff?!" I asked.

"I haven't seen you all summer. I didn't even know you came home. I wanted to know what you've been up to. Who's this 'Drakey'?" She told me.

The nickname almost made me laugh, but I was a little too aggravated to do so, "It's none of your business! Did you go through my mail too?"

"No," she raised her eyebrow.

"Then how do you know about...him?" I asked.

"You kept the last letter he sent," she got up.

I stood in front of her. I was her height now. I met her eye-to-eye. I glanced into those grey eyes. Annoyance filled her emotions. I swore I saw a hint of guilt, but it faded.

"Get out of my way," she stated.

"Why did you sign my permission form?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Because I thought it'd be good for you."

"I was going to wait for Harry to get his signed."

"Why? Are you in love with him?" She asked.

"What rock have you been living under? We are basically brother and sister! Oh, wait. You've been drowning all your sorrows in alcohol, so how could you see this?" I was getting very agitated.

Her face went stone cold. Her alcohol addiction has always been a touchy subject ever since I can remember. So I was kinda happy I hit a dark spot.

"I'm leaving, so you won't have to worry anymore," I smiled. Part of me wanted to cry. I hated how she didn't care. I hated how she didn't even love me. She didn't love at all, actually. Not since we lost him.

I turned around, and walked back to my room. Harry was sitting on my bed and stood up once I got into the room. I closed my door...hard.

Harry came over to me. I put the paper in my pocket, and Harry came in for a hug. I hugged back.

"These walls are paper thin," Harry spoke up.

I rested my head on his shoulder facing away from him, "So I'm guessing you heard?"

"Yeah," he removed his arms from my side. He placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled me away from him, "Bridge, why didn't you talk to your mom at all this summer? You didn't have to wait for me to get mine signed."

"Harry, I've had the best summer. And I never saw her anyways, so what's the difference now," I removed his hands, and walked over to Iris.

"Well at least you have a parent," Harry argued.

I turned to him, "I'd rather have no parents then a parent who's abusive and doesn't know how to love anymore."

He went silent, and sat back down on my bed. I saw his head hang low as he twiddled with his thumbs. He knew I was right.

I turned back to Iris. I picked her up, "Who's the best kitty?" I started to baby talk her even though she knew normal human talking.

I placed her in her cage, and closed the door. I rushed into the bathroom and grabbed my toiletry bag. I went back into my room. I put the bag into my case. I closed it up, stood it up, and placed Iris on it. I grabbed a navy blue jacket from my closet. I slipped it on, "You ready?"

"I guess. What about you?"

Am I ever? "Yeah," I smiled, "let's go."

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