The Chamber of Secrets

Start from the beginning

"You-you," I tried to get my words out.

"I what?" He asked.

"You...are...the," the pain kept getting worse.

"The more you're down here," Riddle said in a little tune, "the more likely you are to die."

"You're the heir!" I gasped out.

"Ah! You're a very smart girl," He laughed.

"What are you talking about?" I heard Harry adjust. "Give me back my wand Tom."

"I cannot do that," I slowly looked up and saw Tom towering over Harry. I, painfully, stretched to grab my wand; which was lying on the floor beside me.

"But we have to save them," Harry pleaded.

Poor, innocent Harry,  I thought. I groaned and gripped my wand.

"I cannot do that either," Tom fiddled with Harry's wand.

"Why not?" Harry asked.

"Because," the boy told Harry, "while she grows weaker, I become stronger."

"" I huffed. I could  feel the drops of sweat drip down my neck.

He laughed, "I am not the monster. Ginny was the one that opened the Chamber."

"No," I groaned.

"Yes. It was Ginny Weasley who put the snake onto the Mudbloods and the cat."

"No," I said a little bit louder.

"Ginny wrote those bloody messages on the walls," He continued.

"No!" I nearly yelled. "You did!"

"Shut up, Mudblood!"

"I said, don't call her that!" Harry was getting redder by the minute. "And what does she mean, 'you did'?"

"I told Ginny to do all those things," he told him. "I can be highly persuasive."

"You," I took a deep breath. The pain was almost unbearable. "You possessed her!"

"Not really," Tom looked down at me, "but you might want to save your breath. You won't survive any longer with all the talking."

I growled and a sharper pain shot up through making me bend over on my hands and knees.

"Anyways," Tom cleared his throat, "she was in a sort of trance really. Slowly the diary began to scare her. So, she tried to get rid of it. Then you come along. The very person I was so excited to meet."

I took a huge breath, and sat back on my two legs again. I could feel all the sweat and tears dripping from my face. I didn't even realize I was crying until I shakily wiped off the wet substances.

"Why did you want to meet me so bad?" Harry got in Tom's face. Tom had Harry's wand against Harry's chest.

"I needed to talk to you, even meet you. So I came up with a plan to gain your trust and show you my capture of that daft dimbo Hagrid."

"Hagrid is our friend," Harry defended him.

"I knew," I took a deep breath, "that you weren't good."

Tom ignored my comment, "Dumbledore was on the only one who viewed him as innocent."

And Dumbledore was right.

"Afterwards, Dumbledore watched my every move. I knew I would be able to open the Chamber of Secrets and get away with it while I was in school," Tom continued. "So, I left a diary here with my sixteen-year-old self within the pages. Hoping that one day, I will...hypnotize another into opening it for me."

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