Every Kind of Way

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27th of August 2018

I woke up wishing that last night was some kind of horrible dream, but reality hit me when I checked my phone, to see that I had no text from Luke and my heart dropped to my stomach, knowing that last night may have been the last night I would ever speak to him again. I sighed and rolled out of bed, brushing my hair and putting it into a messy high ponytail, walking to my wardrobe room and putting in a floral mini dress and headed downstairs to breakfast, praying that James would have the common sense to leave me alone today.

Much to my dismay, James was sitting at the breakfast table with Milla and Victoria, who were both already glaring at him, which made me feel a little bit better about the whole situation. I sat down at the head of the table in silence, serving myself some bacon and eggs and pouring myself a cup of tea, when someone finally spoke. Unfortunately, that someone was James.

"Morning Arabella," he said as I looked up at him, a smug grin on his face and I rolled my eyes at him as I continued to ignore him.

"Silent treatment hey?' he asked as I took a sip of my tea and he continued to talk, "That is pretty childish don't you think Bella?"

"What you did last night was pretty childish," I said with a glare and James raised his eyebrows at me, as Milla and Victoria gave me sympathetic looks as James and I continued to bicker at the table.

"I was only doing what you were about to do," he said stabbing his fork into a small pork sausage.

"I don't care, you didn't have any right to interfere," I said taking a bit of my bacon and he rolled his eyes at me.

"I had every right to interfere, Bella, you kissed me back."

"Which was a huge mistake and I wish I had never done it!" I yelled, Milla and Victoria looking alarmed as I took my breakfast with me and walked back upstairs to my bedroom, fighting the tears that were about to fall.

I hate James. I hate the fact that my mum shipped him over her, trying to make me marry him when all I want right now is to be with Luke and make things with him okay again.

I slowly made my way to my bedroom, shutting my door behind me and walking outside to sit on my balcony to eat my breakfast, feeling lonely and stupid. Lonely, because I wish Luke was here with me, and stupid because I know how badly I have messed things up with Luke. How stupid of me to of kissed James back, when I knew from the moment that boy walked into my life, that I had no feelings for him whatsoever. Whereas, as soon as I got to know Luke, I knew that I desperately needed him in my life no matter what.

As I finished my breakfast, staring over the grounds of Versailles, I heard a knock at my door, assuming that it would be Milla and Victoria, so I just called out to them saying that they could come in. 

"Hey Belle," I heard the voice say and my neck immediately snapped around to see Luke standing there in tan shorts and a white shirt, very very different from his usual attire.

"What are you doing here?" is the first thing that escaped my mouth. Luke raised an eyebrow at me and I shook my head, as I did not mean to say that to him.

"Excuse me?" he laughed as I walked back inside and he sat down on the couch in my room as I sat down on my bed, the emotional distance between us now represented physically by the awkwardness between us. 

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