Falling For You

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August 21st 2018

"So, what would you all like to eat?" Charles asked Luke, Milla, Calum and me as we sat outside in the garden, surrounded by shady trees and vines wrapping themselves around the pillars and walls. 

"We don't mind, surprise us," Milla said with a grin, all of us nodding in agreeance. 

"Okay, give me about forty minutes and I will have something ready for you all," Charles said with a smile, walking back inside.

"Thank you Charles!" all four of us called out. I was sitting next to Luke, whilst Milla and Calum were across the table, acting like Luke and I were nowhere to be seen. James had locked himself in his room for the day, as he was in the living room when I got home the other night, seeing how giddy and happy I was, he knew something was up and I wouldn't tell him what.

"You two need to cut it out," Luke said causing me to laugh and Milla to scoff, flicking her brown hair over her shoulder whilst Calum rolled his warm brown eyes at us.

"I agree," I said with a grin.

"Oh get out of here," Milla said as Calum planted a soft kiss on her cheek, making me wish that I was Luke's girlfriend right now.

"Are you two coming to Madeline's birthday tomorrow night?" I asked, both boys nodding in unison.

"Sure are," Luke said, shooting me a grin which made my heart smile.

"Are Micheal and Ashton?" Milla asked.

"Yes they are," Calum said, holding his girlfriend's tanned hand.

"You get to meet our other cousin Victoria," I said with a grin.

"Who is she?" Luke asked with an intrigued look on his face.

"Princess of Spain, super gorgeous," Milla said. Victoria is the same age as us, but she has always felt so much older due to her maturity and her calm attitude about everything.

"Super cool and smart too, she is studying Law at Oxford," I said, my heart longing to be able to study Architecture. Milla wants to be a doctor, but she obviously can't because she is going to be the Queen of Switzerland eventually.

"What do you want to study?" Luke asked me, suddenly forgetting that we are in the presence of Milla and Calum who are also apart of this conversation.

"Archecticure, I think we have had this conversation before," I said, not really wanting to talk about my hopes and dreams that I will never be able to achieve.

"What do you want to study?" Luke asked Milla, who was also looking slightly upset about this conversation, as both of us desperately wanted to live a normal life sometimes.

"I want to be a doctor," Milla said with a sad smile, squeezing Calum's hand as he gave his girlfriend a small smile, as he probably didn't understand how much we wanted to study, but couldn't.

"Milla is a nerd," I laughed and Milla rolled her eyes, whilst Luke and Calum nodded in agreement, as the smell of Greek lamb filled the air, which meant that Charles had arrived with our food.

"So I made a Greek lamb salad with pita bread," Charles said placing our bowls down in front of us, "Is that okay?"

"That is perfect, thank you so much, Charles," I said, everyone nodding in agreement and thanking him as he walked away.

During lunch, we consumed way too much food, but none the less we were very happy about that. One of the main perks of living in Versailles is having a chef on hand almost twenty-four seven, and being able to eat pretty much whatever you would like if yours is as talented as Charles. Luke and I headed upstairs, whilst Milla and Calum stayed outside, doing god knows what.

"Hey Bella," Luke said as we walked up the stairs and I turned around to look at him as he took a photo of me and I pouted.

"What was that for?" I asked, slightly confused as we continued to climb the stairs up towards the fifth floor.

"You look like a princess," Luke said with a cheesy grin as I giggled and blushed, pushing my hair over my shoulder so it could cascade down my back.

"Well Luke, that would probably be because I am a princess," I said, emphasising on the word princess, causing Luke to laugh and shake his head.

"You are a loser," he said as we went to my bedroom, Luke gently closing the door behind him as I flopped onto my bed, wishing it was cold enough for us to cuddle, but unfortunately it was not and I don't know if Luke and I were warranted to cuddle yet.

"Hey, don't be mean," I said slipping off my sandals and gently placing them on the floor, whilst Luke took of his vans and neatly placed them by the door, walking over to sit next to me, our arms only just touching.

"So," Luke said, awkwardly fiddling with his hands, avoiding all eye contact with me.

"Yes?" I asked, confused about why he was acting so weird around me, considering the kiss that we shared the other day.

"What exactly are we?" Luke asked.

"Ah," is all that came out my mouth. To be honest, I have no idea since we have only kissed once and nothing more and have only known each other for a month, yet it feels like so much more.

"Yes," Luke said with a nervous laugh, finally looking at me, his eyes begging for some answers.

"Well, what do you want to be?" I asked, confused as to what to say, as I have never really had this conversation before. Nicholas and I didn't hesitate to enter into a relationship, as that boy has confidence beyond his years and he never needed any reassurance. 

"Well, I want to be in a relationship with you," Luke said with a small smile, making my heart flutter as he continued to talk, "But, I feel like it is too soon."

"I agree," is all I said.

"You agree that it is too soon, or?" Luke asked, looking super nervous for no reason at all.

"I agree that I want to be in a relationship with you, but I also agree it is too soon," I said with a smile, Luke grinning and kissing the top of my head as he gently moved closer towards me.

"Oh good, I am glad that we are on the same page then," Luke laughed, as I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling the vibrations of his laugh.

"Me too."

"What will your parents say if we date?" Luke asked and I sighed.

"My dad won't care, my mother didn't come from royalty," I said, "My mum, on the other hand, she will probably be a bitch about it, because of James and stuff."

"Oh well, who cares," Luke said tilting my head up so our lips touched, our second kiss happening in the comfort of my own home. This kiss was less urgent than our first, more controlled and relaxed, yet it still felt like my whole entire body was on fire.

Our lips fit perfectly together, moving in sync, despite Luke being way more experienced than me in this department. I couldn't help but want to deepen this kiss, ignore everything we just talked about, ignoring my morals and let him have me right now. 

His hands tugged at my hair slightly, as his lips made their way to my neck, Luke careful enough to give me a hickey. 

"God, I am totally falling for you," Luke mumbled against my neck, myself definitely not supposed to hear that, but it made me feel good regardless.


just a bit of an establishing chapter, love bella and luke tho lol

Arabella's outfit is the photo attached !!!

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come and chat to me i am so bored lol :))))

Thanks for reading xx (idk why there is a fat space lol)

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