Trouble Part 2

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29th of July 2018

"How dare you, I cannot believe the nerve of you two," my mother said for about the one-hundredth time. Alfred had called and messaged me literally fifty times, but I was obviously t00 preoccupied with Luke. He got a hold of Milla, and that is when I knew that I was probably never allowed out of Versailles ever again. My parents had come upstairs to check on me, something that they never do, and they found both mine and Milla's room empty.

"I just can not fathom the lack of brain power you two have," Alice continued. Throughout this whole ordeal, my father has stayed silent, which I didn't like, as I would prefer to receive a lecture from him, as he is more understanding than my mother.

"I ought to call your mother and father and send you home Milla," she said, and that is when I spoke for the first time in about two hours.


"What do you mean 'no' Arabella, you get no say in this."

"Actually I do, this is just as much my palace as it is yours and Milla is the only other person around here who is my age and I would prefer it if she stayed."

"How dare you speak to me like that after what you have just pulled."

"I am nineteen years old mother, you expect me not to go out and live my life?" I asked patronising her. 

"Enzo never pulled anything like this."

"Oh yes he did, he just never got caught."

"Bullshit," she said, Milla and my father still silent.

"True actually," I said standing up, still in last nights dress and shoes. I was considerably taller than my mother, as I got my height from my father. 

"Arbella, Milla, just please go to your rooms," my father said and Milla stood up, and we both left without saying a word. We walked up the stairs in silence, neither one of us knowing what to say to each other.

"I am so sorry Milla," I said as we sat at the top of the stairs in utter defeat. I know Milla was a party girl, but she had never got caught, so this one was all on me. 

"It's okay Bella, shit happens," she said simply and I sighed as we stood up to go to our rooms, which we did without saying a word. I stripped free of my dress and the memories that it contained and I wrapped a towel around me and made my way to my bathroom so I could have a bath. I sighed, knowing how badly I had messed up and how upset Milla is with me. I assume her and Calum were in the middle of something, and I had probably ruined that for them. 

Once my bath was full, I placed a bath bomb in the warm water and let it engulf my body. I checked my phone to see if I had any missed texts from Luke, which I did. 

From: Mr Hemmings: I am so so sorry Bella

From: Mr Hemmings: Bella please respond, I want to make sure that you are okay (well as okay a the princess of France can be when her parent's find out that she has snuck out of the castle to go party with four seemingly random boys lol)

From: Mr Hemmings: do I need to come and apologise? bc the boys and I will if we have to

From: Mr Hemmings: I am legit gonna do whatever it takes to see you again, and if that means facing the wrath of your parents then I will 

From: Mr Hemmings: okay I am on my way, the boys are coming as well see you soon Bella x

To: Mr Hemmings: luke no no no no my parents will literally kill you

From: Mr Hemmings: too bad, we are walking to your front door now :-)

"Fuck," I mumbled to myself, scrambling out of the bath and finding some navy silk pyjamas to put on and running to Milla's room. Milla was half asleep when I ran in, panicking about what to do.

"Milla Milla Milla," I said gently shaking her until she woke up.

"Mmm, what's wrong Bella?"

"The boys are here," I said and she immediately sat up and got out of bed, running downstairs with me. 

"Please just let us explain," I heard Luke beg to my parents.

"Tell me how my daughter and my niece sneaking out is your fault?" my father asked Luke as we continued to run down the stairs. God, what have they gotten themselves into?

"We corrupted them," I heard Calum say and I mentally face palmed as we made our way down the second-floor staircase until we finally reached the staircase which leads to the grand entrance where all four boys, plus my parents were standing.

"How did you manage to do that?" Alice asked, raising her eyebrows at the boys and none of them answered before I managed to but in.

"Don't listen to them, this is my fault," I said and everyone turned around to see Milla and I running down the last set of stairs before we reached everyone. Luke shot me a small grin before anyone could see, and I gave him one back before my mother started to get angry again.

"Did you not listen to your father Arabella, you and Milla are supposed to stay upstairs."

"Actually, he just said go upstairs, he never said anything about staying up there," I said in a sassy tone, and all four boys eyes widened to my sudden attitude. 

"She does have a point you know," my dad said and my mum shot him a look before walking away in defeat with how to handle the situation. Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton all ventured over to where Milla and I were standing, waiting for my father to say something.

"Arabella, just don't do it again, okay."

"Okay, Papa, thank you," I said giving him a hug before all six of us jogged upstairs to my bedroom. 

"Oh my god that was not okay," Michael said sitting down in the armchair in the corner of my room.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I asked, slightly annoyed that they just pulled that act.

"Well, we didn't know what they were going to do to you!" Calum exclaimed, sitting down on my bed next to Luke, Ashton lying across my carpeted floor.

"What do you mean Cal?" Milla asked sitting down on my bed, whilst I just stood there dumbfounded at these boys.

"Well like, would they chuck you in the dungeon or something?" Calum asked and both Milla and I burst out laughing about how ridiculous and naive that comment was.

"Nope, the dungeon is reserved for you four," I said with a laugh and everyone rolled their eyes at me as I sat next to Luke as he placed his arm around my shoulder, sending a tingling sensation down my spine.

"Oh piss off," Ashton said and Mill and I giggled at how uneducated these boys are on the modern day royals.

"So what is your punishment anyway?" Luke asked.

"Not sure yet, I am sure my mum will think of something," I scoffed.

"She is scary," Luke said and I nodded in agreement. When my mother wants to be, she can be an angel, but most of the time she is the devil.

"Yeah Luke, you are in for a wild ride with that," Michael said with a smirk, both mine and Luke's eyes widening when he said that. What the hell did he mean by that?

"Excuse me?" Luke asked, shooting the dyed blonde haired boy with a glare that could kill.

"Sorry, don't know where that came from," Michael said and we all just dismissed his comment. However, when he said that, Luke's hold on my shoulder became a lot tighter and the feeling of that was something I could definitely get used to.


double update coz why the fuck not 

get to see 5sos in less than a month so keen lol

kinda short but u know they can't go anywhere atm lol

vote and comment please <3

thanks for reading xx

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