one hundred and thirty.

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"Why am I here?" Camila asked shyly. "I was meant to be going with Lauren to her interview this morning." "Well, Lauren has asked me to see you, she's told me you've been struggling over the past few days with your eating." Ella, the tour nutritionist spoke to Camila. Camila gritted her teeth. Lauren Jauregui, you're so dead. "I'm handling it, there's really no need for this little meeting. I'm fine." "Camila, I can see myself but Lauren told me you've lost some weight. Is that correct?" "You seem to know the answer so why are you asking me?" Camila said bitterly. "Listen." "No you listen. I'm not doing this. Lauren had no right to talk to you about me. You're her nutritionist Ella, not mine." She stood up. "So stay out of it." With that, Camila turned on her heel and stormed out the room. Lauren was at her interview, and she needed to be with someone. So she knocked on hotel door number 58 and waited. "Camila?" The small blonde tilted her head. "Hey Ally, can I uh.." "Of course!" Ally opened the door wider so the cuban could come in. "Is everything okay? Do you want me to call Lauren?" "No. Lauren went behind my back about something. I don't want to talk to her, I'm mad at her." Ally frowned and sat next to the girl. "Do you want to talk about it?" Camila went to say no, but when she looked into Ally's kind eyes she found herself opening up. "Lauren talked to Ella about the fact I haven't been eating well, she didn't even talk to me. She just, got in the way." Ally gave a sad smile. "She's trying to take care of you. I agree she should have spoken to you, but she's thinking of you Camila." "I know, I just, I wish she'd spoken to me. I wouldn't be so angry now if she had." "So, why haven't you been eating very well? I can't say I haven't noticed. I know I'm only here for a couple more days but, I do care about you Camila. I'd like to think we can be friends, since you're Lauren's girlfriend." "I'm just a little stressed, college is giving me more assignments and it's hard to balance all of them and get them to a perfect standard."
"They don't have to all be perfect, nothing is ever perfect. You can only do your best, and I'm sure you are already." Camila started to fiddle with a thread on her jeans. "Anything below an A is a fail to me." "You can't think like that. Just passing classes is good. You're still in college, that's something to be proud of alone!" Ally was so optimistic and full of happiness, it shone through her eyes. Camila wished she had her bubbly personality. "Look, don't be mad at Lauren. Talk to her, tell her why you're finding it hard." Camila sighed. "Thanks Ally." "You're welcome honey. I hope I helped." "You did. I'll talk to Lauren when she gets back." "I was just about to go to Wafflehouse, wanna join me?" Camila took a deep breath and nodded. Food was not an enemy, she reminded herself. It was a necessity. "Okay, thanks."

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