ninety seven.

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"I only lost like 5 pounds. It's really not that big of a deal." Camila crossed her arms stubbornly and secretly defensively as her sweet girlfriend, anxious parents and her doctor sat in a room. "Actually Camila it was 12 pounds, and if this weight loss continues on then you won't be able to go anywhere with your girlfriend." Her parents looked at each other and then Camila. Lauren noticed this and looked at her girlfriend questioningly. "What was that?" "Nothing." "If you won't tell me I'll ask him. Doctor?" "Your parents have been talking to me before you arrived about you going inpatient for a week or so to gain back the weight you lost, and more." Camila choked on thin air. "No. No way." "She doesn't have to do that, I'll help her. I'll take care of her on my tour. She'll be fine." Lauren reassured everyone calmly. "You can't be with her 24/7 Lauren." "Anorexia is tricky, Lauren." Sinu said. "I'm not anorexic!" Camila shouted causing everyone to look at her after the short outburst. "Not anymore." She clarified gently. Lauren pulled the girl into her lap and rested her chin on top of her. I'm home all week and my family are going away on vacation while I sort some things out for work. Camila can stay with me and she'll put back on the weight. How does that sound?" "Yeah. Can I do that instead Doctor?" Camila asked hopefully. "Well, yes, you are an adult Camila. But I would advise-" "Well then I'm doing that." Camila told them immediately. "I-" "Hold on Karla-" Her mother and father protested. "I'd better get back and pack some stuff to stay with Lauren." Camila said and left. "I'll take care of her, I promise you both." Lauren said to her parents. "Thank you." Lauren thanked the doctor and followed Camila out. "This is gonna be awesome. A week with my baby." Camila grinned. "Yeah. But I'm serious babe you have to put the weight on." "I will Lauren, I've just been busy lately. I'll eat, I swear." Lauren nodded. "Okay."

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