In The Dark

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Summary: Lance wakes up in the middle of the night and suddenly all the lights in the castle go out.

A/N: This is just a short fic that I wrote today :) Hope you all like it!

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Lance never saw it coming.

One minute he was walking through down the hall to get a midnight snack and the next he was suddenly he was plunged into darkness. He stumbled forward, groping for something to hold onto. He finally reached the wall.

"What the hell?" Lance mumbled. The castle was completely dark. Pitch black. Lance couldn't see anything. "Hello?" Lance called. He didn't know what was going on. "Where is everyone? What's going on?" A bolt of panic ran through him.

Lance continued to slowly move forward, one hand sliding against the wall as he moved. He had to figure out what was happening, but he couldn't do that if he couldn't see.

"Seriously," Lance mumbled to himself. He was worried that the others were in danger. What if someone got aboard the ship and turned the power off? Lance needed to find some kind of light to get around.

Moving completely by memory, Lance began blindly walking toward the kitchen. He knew that they kept lights in one of the drawers. Once he had one he could figure out what was going on, and where everyone else was.

It took him several minutes to get to the kitchen, mainly because he kept tripping over things on the floor. "Fucking Pidge" Lance grumbled. "Pick up your goddamn stuff"

Finally, he was in the kitchen. He slid his hand across the counter as he moved to the drawer. He knocked a few pans off the counter and flinched as they fell the ground with a bang. Lance wrapped his fingers around the drawer handle and pulled it open. He reached inside and pulled out the light. He tapped the bottom, like Coran had shown him, to turn it on.

Nothing happened.

"Are you friggin' kidding me!?" Lance shouted in frustration. The one time he needed a light it was broken. Lance tossed the light aside and rummaged around in the draw for another. He tapped the bottom and—


"I'm going to LOSE it" Lance screamed.

"Lance?" The hair on the back of Lance's neck stood up. "Lance what are you doing?"

"Keith?" Lance whispered. "Where are you? What's going on?"

"What are you doing?" Keith repeated. Lance blindly reached his arms around, inching toward Keith's voice. "It's the middle of the night, Lance, I do not have time for this. Go to bed" Lance finally found Keith, he latched onto his arm.

"What's happening!? Where are the others?" He asked in panic. Keith pushed Lance's hands off of him, but he quickly reached up and grabbed him again.

"The others- Lance it's one in the morning, they're all asleep. I mean, if your clamoring around didn't wake them up" he said in irritation.

"But what happened to the power? Has there been a breach? Help me find a light so we can go wake up Allura and let her know what's happening"

"Lance, what are you talking about!?" Lance threw up his hands in frustration.

"The lights! The power is over. Is this all-consuming darkness not bothering you?" Lance said with an uneasy laugh.

"Lights- Seriously, Lance, what are you talking about? I don't have time for your jokes. I'm going back to bed" Lance let out a whimper as Keith pulled away from Lance again. Lance chased after him but bumped into a counter instead.

"Keith? Keith! Where did you go? Keith!" Lance's breathing was shallow. His heart was racing in his chest.

"Lance..." Keith's voice spoke from the other side of the room. "Are- are you okay? What are you doing?" Lance turned and bumped into something else. "Why do you keep-? L- Lance can you... see?" Lance straightened up.

"Of course I can't see" Lance said in confusion. "All the lights are out. That's why I'm trying to find a light" Keith was silent. "K- Keith?"

"Lance," The voice got closer. "Lance can you see me?" Lance froze in place. He felt a rush of air on his face. "I'm waving my hands can you see them?" Keith asked, sounding concerned.

"I'm- No, it's too dark." Lance's voice trailed off.

"Lance," Keith put his hand on Lance's arm. "The lights are on" Lance shook his head.

"N- no" he said in denial. "They can't be. I can't see anything"

"I can see you"

"But- But I—" Lance's body went numb.

"Did something happen to you? On the mission earlier?" Lance could feel Keith circling him. He was checking him for wounds.

"I- I don't think so" Keith was touching Lance's face. He pressed his finger on Lance's upper eyelid and gently pulled it up. Lance widened his eyes as much as he could. Keith let go and fell completely silent. "Uh, Keith?" Lance asked worriedly.

"I'm right here" Keith grabbed on to Lance's wrist to reassure him that he was still nearby. "Are you completely sure that nothing happened on the mission? Think really hard. People don't just—" People don't just go blind. A chill ran down Lance's spine.

He was blind.

"Think, Lance" Keith instructed.

"I am! I don't think there's- I mean I'm pretty sure that—" He abruptly stopped.

"What is it?"

"Oh" Lance whispered. "It was the ion canon"

"What?" Lance sucked in a breath.

"The- the ion canon on that last mission. It shot directly below me and I- I looked at it. It was right in front of my face and I looked- Keith it was so bright- I- I thought I was okay, it hurt my eyes, but I was fine. I was fine" his voice broke. "I thought I was fine..."

"I- I'm sure it'll go away soon..." Keith said unsurely.

The truth was, he had no idea.

Neither did Lance.

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