Chasing Shadows

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Prompt: Lance has hallucinations or something and believes that he is saving the team even though there's nothing there.

A/N: Okay so I've watched a lot of Community in the last like two weeks, so this is kind of based on the episode when they play the floor is lava and Abed thinks that the lava is real, except in this they're playing like laser tag and Lance believes that there's someone chasing them.

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Lance reached his head up towards the ceiling above his bed. It wasn't a ceiling anymore, it was a sky full of stars. He longed to touch them, to feel them in his hands. But they were always just out of reach.

Lance knew he was different from an early age. He saw things that other people didn't see. Most of the time it was harmless, an animal that wasn't really there or stars on his ceiling. People always told him that he had an overactive imagination, even though he tried to explain that these things were real. They weren't in his head. He hadn't noticed anything recently, but there may have been things that he hadn't noticed. Space was strange, after all.

Today was the first time he had noticed it in several months. At first, he thought he was dreaming. He often dreamed about stars, his dream was always to travel to space. But now that he had achieved that dream, stars didn't seem so special anymore. They were just... there. The stars above him were real. Just as real as the bed he was laying on. He knew logically that they weren't there, but they were real. In his mind they were real.

There was something moving out of the corner of his eye. It quickly disappeared when he turned to look at it. He shook his head and got ready for the day.

Everyone was sitting in the dining room eating breakfast when he arrived. Late, as usual. No one even looked up when he sat down.

"Morning" he said. Everyone mumbled various hellos. "I see that you're all up and excited for the day" he said sarcastically. Pidge groaned and slumped down in her chair.

"So. Bored"

"Well, you'll all be pleased to know that our mission for the day has been canceled" Allura spoke up. "We have the day off, so you're free to do what you please" Everyone instantly perked up.

"Why did our plans get changed" Shiro asked. Allura began to answer him, but Lance wasn't listening. Something was moving just out of his eye sight again. It was a shadow that he couldn't quite see, moving along the wall. He froze in his seat and watched it move through the room, getting closer and closer. His heart leapt to his throat. What was that? And why was it here?

"We should all do something together" Hunk suggested. "Like a team bonding thing" The shadow suddenly moved off of the wall, becoming a solid object and moving towards the table. Lance felt terror grip his chest. He had to do something. He had to get everyone out of here.

"We should play like paintball or laser tag or something" he said quickly. "We could split up into teams and make hideouts and attack each other. And we should all wear our armor, so we look like badass and stuff" he was rambling, but he had to get his plan out fast. He didn't know what else to do.

"That sounds awesome!" Pidge said, bouncing up and down excitedly. Hunk nodded.

"Super cool idea, dude. I'm in" Shiro shrugged.


"I'm in" Allura said. There were two shadows now, and Lance was running out of time.

"Great! Keith? Coran?"

"I should really get back to—" Lance cut Coran off.

"That sucks, man! Keith?" Keith hesitated.

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