Toxic Love

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Prompt: Shangst where Shiro is holding his poisoned lover. Lance does or doesn't die. You're choice. I just think we need more Shance in the woods. Lol 😂😂

A/N:SOMETIMES I MISINTERPRET PROMPTS AND MAKE THEM MUCH WORSE THAN THEY WERE ORIGINALLY INTENDED TO BE. (aka I misread this prompt and made it more horrifying than it was supposed to be alskjdalksjd) Also if you support me on patreon you can gain access to all my patron-only fics and many other cool perks!

Trigger warnings: kidnapping, drugging, needles, blood, brainwashing

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"I love you" Lance wheezed. His voice came out weak, pathetic. He tried so hard to be strong. For him. "I love you more than I love myself"

"Prove it" His body dragged across the dirt covered floor as he knelt down at Shiro's feet. Lance's bright eyes shone up at Shiro's face.

"I would do anything for you" Lance breathed out. He felt weird, but he didn't care. All he cared about was Shiro. "Anything" Shiro reached his hand down and cupped Lance's bruised face. He was so gently. So caring.

Lance knew that there was something wrong. Something was different with Shiro. He'd changed. If Lance didn't know any better, he would think that he was a different person. Lance was different too. He didn't know he felt this way for Shiro until one day it hit him head on. It was like Lance had opened his eyes for the first time and saw Shiro for who he really was.

That was the day Shiro took him away.

Lance confessed to Shiro that morning, unable to keep his new-found unabashed love for his teammate. Shiro admitted that he too was in love with Lance. He ushered Lance into a small spaceship that instant and whisked him away. Lance never look back.

He had a nice life.

"Would you kill yourself for me?" Shiro asked, his face devoid of emotion. Lance nodded his head vigorously.

"I would. I will" Lance climbed to his feet, his body screaming in exhaustion. He had been awake for days. "I will do anything for you. Anything" Shiro pulled Lance into his arms and connected their lips. Lance kissed him back passionately. These were the moments he loved best. When Shiro realized the extent of Lance's love. The lengths he would go to prove himself.

"I would never ask you to do that" Shiro swore when they broke apart. He ran his fingers through Lance's hair. "I love you, Lance. Nothing will ever change that fact. You're mine" A shiver ran down Lance's spine at his words. Lance leaned into Shiro's touch. "I have to go away again" he whispered. A pit formed in Lance's stomach.

"How long?" he asked. He hated when Shiro left. He was never with him for more than a few days.

"A few days" he said, not moving to leave. He hated leaving Lance as much as Lance hated him to leave. "I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise" he placed a kiss on top of Lance's head before releasing him. "I love you"

"I love you too" Lance breathed. Shiro quickly left the cabin, locking the door behind him. Lance sluggishly moved to the overstuffed chair that sat in front of the small window at the front of the building. Lance folded his hands in his lap, his mind falling blank. He was content to wait there for days until his love returned.

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When Lance awoke he had no idea how much time had passed. All he knew was that something was wrong. His whole body ached. He felt sick, like he had a fever. Lance flexed his fingers and tried, unsuccessfully, to move his legs. There was a strange burning sensation under his skin. It started to spread though his whole body, like a strange numbness. Lance pried his eyes open and saw that he was in an unfamiliar room. There was a window in front of him, but it was too dark to see out of.

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