Black and White

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Prompt: voltron prompt: that soulmate au where a person can only see in black and white until they meet their soulmate with klance can be langst or not you decide

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It seemed like it was any other normal day when Keith woke up. If he had known this was going to be the day that the color of his life changed, he would've done things differently the day before. It was the first thing he noticed when he opened his eyes. At first he was confused and disoriented. He wasn't sure what was different.

Then it hit him.

Everything was black and white.

The colors had faded away, like they had been before he met his soulmate.

There was only one reason that would happen.

His soulmate was dead.

Keith shot out of bed faster than he ever had before, praying to every god he could think of that he was wrong. That this wasn't happening.

His feet slid out from under him as he rounded the corner. He quickly scrambled to his feet and sprinted the remaining distance to his room.

His room.

Keith didn't hear the shouts of concern and confusion that followed him. He was focused on the door that was now in front of him. He suddenly felt paralyzed with fear. He couldn't move to open the door. If he looked inside, this would all be real. He would know the truth.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. "Keith," it was Allura. Her voice normally soothed him. Today it sent shivers down his spine. "What's going on?" she asked. He could tell that everyone was standing behind her, waiting to see what was happening.

"I can't... see" he whispered. "It's all gone. All of it. There's only- this is the only thing—" he choked, feeling like he couldn't get enough air. "My colors are gone" The hallway went completely silent as everyone processed that information. When it clicked in everyone's minds what that meant, Keith was gently moved out of the way and they pushed into Lance's room.


Keith stared at the floor outside of his room, waiting to hear the news. He waited a few seconds, but no one came back out. He frowned and hesitantly stepped into the room, his heart hammering in his chest. Everyone was staring at Lance's bed, where he laid. His back was turned to them.

He was asleep.

Relief flooded through Keith's body. This was all a mistake. It really was just a mistake. He felt the urge to cry as he stepped up to Lance's bed to wake him up and let him know how much he had scared him.

He didn't hear the cries of protest as he rolled Lance over.

He rolled back limply, eyes wide open. They were glassy. His skin was cold. There was a pool of vomit on the side of the bed against the wall. Keith kept his hand on Lance's shoulder. He didn't understand. Why wasn't Lance moving. He was gray. Everything was gray.

And then everything was black.

He woke up in the infirmary. Shiro was sitting next to his bed. Keith groaned quietly and sat up. He looked around again and saw that everything was black and white. His heart squeezed painfully as he remembered the feeling of Lance's cold skin beneath his hand.

"Keith, I think you should lay back" Shiro said gently. "You passed out. You need to rest"

"Wh- what happened" his voice cracked as he spoke. Shiro looked at him with sadness in his eyes. He looked tired too. Keith wondered briefly how long he had been out.

"I don't think I should tell you right now. You should rest—"

"Tell me what happened!" Shiro sighed and braced his arms on his knees.

"He overdosed on pills" Keith went completely still. He... killed himself? Why would he do that? Was it because...

"Was it because of me...?" Keith wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer. Shiro hadn't even opened his mouth before Keith knew.

It was his fault.

Keith nodded stiffly and discretely pinched the side of his thigh. This had to be a dream. He was dreaming. There was no other explanation. "Did he... did he leave a note?" his voice shook. He was hardly keeping himself together.


"Just answer me!" he snapped. He didn't have time for Shiro's comforting. He wanted to know why this had happened. Why Lance had... Why Lance was dead.

"Yes, he left a note. And before you ask, no. You're not reading it" Keith started to protest. "Keith, I'm serious. You're in shock right now. You're going to lay down and get some sleep"

"You can't tell me what to do" Keith subtly glanced around for the note. Logically he knew that it wouldn't be in here, but he wasn't thinking straight. He was in shock.

He started to climb off of the bed, but Shiro's arms came around him, pulling him back. Keith screamed, scratching at Shiro. He turned around in his arms and tried to pull him off. He had to find the note. He had to know the reason Lance had killed himself.

Deep down, he already knew the answer.

His screams slowly morphed into sobs. His arms went limp at his sides. This was pointless. He didn't need to read the note. He already knew the answer. He began crying so hard he was shaking. Shiro loosened his grip on him.

"I really did love him" Keith sobbed. "I did"

"I believe you" Shiro said gently. Rubbing circles into his back.

"I loved him"

"I know" Keith's fingers gripped Shiro's t-shirt as he cried into his shoulder. His words were muffled.

"I told him that I didn't love him" his heart was breaking more and more each moment. Every second that passed brought back the realization that Lance was gone, and he was never coming back. Keith half-expected Lance to pop through the door and say this was all some sick joke. But he never did. "I told him that I didn't care that he was my soulmate. I thought it was a bad idea for us to be together. I thought- I thought that it would mess up the group" his throat constricted. He couldn't get anymore words out. How stupid had he been? He thought that him and Lance being together would mess up the group, but this was worse than anything their relationship would have affected.

Their group wasn't right without Lance.

Everything was going to change now, and it was all Keith's fault.

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