Inner Thoughts (Part 2)

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Summary: Lance is gone. The others now have to cope with what seems to be their fault.

A/N: Here's a part two that literally no one asked for lol. It's like 6 months late but fuck it who cares. If you want to read the first part again it's Way Way back but it is titled Inner Thoughts.

Trigger warning: suicide mention, blood, death mention

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The room was deadly silent. No one moved. No one spoke. The only sound was of their shallow breaths. They were all in shock because of what had just happened. After Keith's screams had woken them all up and they saw him standing there covered in blood that wasn't his own, wailing in the hallway outside Shiro's room, they knew something was wrong. Keith managed to choke out what had happened and they all rushed to the infirmary. Coran quickly took control of the situation and ordered them all to go to the dining room. They didn't need the image of their dead friend in their head. 

Now they were all sitting around the table, Pidge, Hunk, Keith, and Shiro. . . 

"He--" Hunk said breathily before cutting off. The air rushed out of his lungs and tears began to spill over his cheeks. He'd been crying almost nonstop since it had happened. In the chair next to him Keith was curled up on the chair, staring blankly at the table. He was still covered in blood. Every few minutes he would begin to shake, his face twitching as he repressed his emotions further down inside himself. His eyes flickered to the empty chair across from him and then he quickly looked away.

Pidge, on the other side of Hunk, was deep in thought. She was beating herself up for every comment, every little joke she had spoke in his direction. What if that was the reason. . . She wasn't sure she could ever forgive herself. "What if--" Pidge began to say. Shiro quickly cut her off.

"Don't." he said sternly. He was doing his best to keep them all together. He knew, more than anyone else, that in times like these it was easy to lose control and fall apart. He didn't want that to happen to any of them. 

"But--" Shiro shook his head warningly at her and turned his head pointedly at Hunk and Keith. Pidge looked over and them and pinched her lips together. He was right. They were a mess. Wondering 'why' and 'what if' was not going to help them right now. She just needed to keep her thoughts to herself, at least for the time being.

It was nearing morning now, and they were all still sitting silently at the table. Pidge had burst into tears a few times before quickly controlling herself, wiping her eyes and hiding her face. Hunk had long since run out of tears. Now he was staring lifelessly at his hands. Shiro, who had been trying to hold it all in, was starting to crack. He clenched his fists in his lap and took a few deep breaths. He just had to keep it together until he was alone. That's all. He could do it.

That's when Allura walked in.

They all straightened up at turned toward her. They weren't sure what kind of news they were looking for. Obviously they knew that. . . that he wasn't coming back. Keith explained to them that the healing pod said he was truly gone, before he went numb himself and refused to speak. But still, that cruel spark of hope was still in their chests.

"I--" she stuttered, not expecting them to all still be sitting there. She couldn't bear to look them in the faces. She could see the hopeful glint in their eyes. "I- I. . ." And just like that, their faces fell. Hunk began sobbing into his hands again. Shiro hunched his shoulders and covered his face, trying to hide his tears. Pidge, unable to cope with the news, reverted into a caretaker mode. She leaned over and began to consol Hunk. Keith remained completely still in his seat, staring off into nothingness.

"Wh- what happened?" Hunk managed to get out in between sobs. "How did it- I don't understand. . . Can we- can we see him?" Allura hesitated.

"I. . . don't think that would be the best idea right now" she said slowly. "Coran is. . . he's attending to him at the moment. Perhaps tomorrow morning. . .?" she said, sounding unsure.

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