Afire Love

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Prompt: Hey! So I was wondering if you could write a prompt with a klance au, ( firefighter Keith x paramedic lance) that's likes super angsty but with a happy ending. Like Keith gets trapped in a house and gets burned badly and lance is the one in the ambulance and sees his bf super injured and is super scared. And then everything is fine in the end. But maybe Keith like almost dies? Or his injuries get infected? It's totally fine if not! Keep being awesome! 😊😊💙❤️❤️

A/N: I would like to send a special shoutout to @thefevertrope for helping me out with the accuracy of the injuries in this fic! You've been awesome, thank you!! Please consider leaving a comment, I would really appreciate it!

DISCLAIMER: I know little to nothing about fires and fire-related injuries, only what I have read, so this fic is in now way medically accurate.

Trigger warnings: injury, fire, sickness 

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Keith felt the flames lick at his heels as he raced across the burning building with a young woman clinging to his arm. She coughed into the rag that she was holding over her mouth as the smoke thickened. The flames had engulfed the room and there was seemingly no escape. The woman cried out in hopelessness. Keith set his shoulders and turned to the woman. "Don't worry, Ma'am. I'll get you out of here" he promised. Without another word he lifted the woman off her feet and held her close to his chest as he pushed on. The building creaked and groaned around him, threatening to collapse at any minute. Still, Keith never wavered.

A crowd of people nervously stood watched a small distance away from the building. The firefighters were working tirelessly to put out the flames, but it was a losing battle. The building was going to collapse.

"Someone get Kogane out of there!" The fire chief shouted. "Griffin! Check the entrance" James Griffin, another firefighter there, dashed to the door, prepared to bust in and save the day. But there was no need.

Keith emerged from the burning building with the young woman cowering in his arms. He rushed her over to the paramedics who were waiting nearby. Moments later the roof of the building came crashing down.

"That was a close one, Kogane" The fire chief, Shirogane, said, marching up to him with a disapproving look in his eye. Keith removed his helmet and turned to the man.

"I had to save the girl, Chief" he said apologetically. "I wasn't about to leave her in there" Shiro dramatically sighed and rubbed his temples.

"You're the reason I have gray hair" he muttered as he walked away. Keith grinned.

"You saved me" the woman said behind him. The paramedics were checking that she had no apparent injuries before they would put her into the ambulance and finish the check up at the hospital. "You saved my life. You're my hero" she said breathlessly. Keith scratched the back of his neck nervously. He never was able to take a compliment.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks." he said awkwardly. "It's, like, my job" The woman's face flushed.

"...Right" Keith could see her ogling him as he walked away. Now that his job was done, he turned to go back to the firetruck so he could head back to the station and await the next call.

Someone stopped him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Mr. Hot Stuff" A familiar voice called out. Keith threw his head back.

"I'm fine" he replied without looking. He knew exactly who it was.

Lance Serrano.

"It's standard procedure, Kogane" Lance said, his head cocked. Keith let out a groan as Lance escorted him to the ambulance that was parked in the yard. "You were in the building for too long. I have to make sure that you're not hurt and that you didn't inhale any smoke. You know this" Keith sat down on the stretcher and leaned back with a bored sigh. He glanced outside and saw that the other firemen were finally starting to control the fire. The building was almost completely on the ground, but at least the fire was dying down.

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