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Prompt: lance is sick and everyone is annoyed at him for coughing all over the place so they start ignoring him and one day he doesn't come to breakfast everyone shrugs it off but he doesn't come to lunch either and then they find him collapsed on the floor of his room because he pushed himself too far

Trigger warning: sickness, vomiting

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Lance hated being sick. He hated the runny noses and the never-ending coughs, the headaches and fever. Whenever he was sick he felt useless and stayed in bed until he was better. But now that he was in space there was no time to be sick, no time for a break.

"Dude, gross" Hunk said with a disgusted look as Lance blew his nose for the seventh time since had sat down. Lance shoved the tissue in his pocket and pushed himself away from the table.

"Sorry" he mumbled. "I think I'm getting sick" he sniffed and rubbed his nose on his sleeve. This throat was sore too, it was almost impossible to swallow his food. He didn't feel hungry anyway.

"Good news everyone, we have the day off" Coran announced as he walked in. Everyone cheered. "Which means you all have more time for training!" the cheers abruptly ended.

"Seriously?" Pidge said. "Don't you think we've trained enough? We deserve a day off"

"Do you think the galra are taking the day off?" Shiro asked.

"Probably!" Pidge exclaimed. Lance began to laugh, but it quickly turned into a coughing fit. Keith subtly scooted away from Lance.

"Well they don't" Allura chimed in. "And until you all learn to work together without getting into a fight, you won't either" There was a sense of finality in her words. Everyone groaned. There was no arguing with her. "Great, so everyone meets in the training room in 30 minutes" Lance stayed in his seat

"Uh, guys" he said hesitantly. "Would it be alright if I sat this one out?"  he asked. "I'm not feeling too hot right now" Allura squinted her eyes at him and then cleared her throat.

"Oh, well of course, Lance" she said slowly. "You don't have to come if you don't feel up to it" Lance hunched his shoulders guiltily.

"I- I'm sorry. I'm sure I'll fell better tomorrow!" he called after her. She didn't even turn around. He hated being left out of things, but he really didn't feel good. He was sure it was just a cold though, and it would be over soon enough.

Lance slept almost the entire day. When he woke up, he was still coughing and drenched in sweat. By dinner he was so weak that he could barely drag himself out of his room. Even though he had just showered he was already beginning to sweat. No one would sit next to him. He understood that it was just because he was sick, but it still hurt.

"Hey, you guys wanna go watch a movie?" Pidge suggested. Everyone groaned.

"I'm sick of alien movies. I can't understand anything" Hunk complained.

"I have some downloaded on my laptop. I finally found a way to connect my charger to the power here in the castle!" she announced proudly.

"No more alien movies?" Hunk asked breathlessly. Pidge shook her head proudly.

"No more alien movies" They all cheered.

"Let's go!" Lance said excitedly. He immediately sneezed afterward. He was tired, but he hadn't seen a real movie in so long. And it would be fun to have some downtime with everyone together.

"Oh," Allura said slowly. "I thought... you were going to go to bed" she said slowly, not looking him in the eyes. Lance felt a lump form in his throat.

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