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Prompt: Hi um sorry to bother you. For the ask you to do stuff I have a fic idea you'd probably write better than me. An AU where before Lance was in the Garrison he was a pretty violent gang kid. Someone threatens a member of the team and he goes full on gangster on them.

A/N: Sorry it's so short. Also I've been watching a lot of Criminal Minds so this is more serial killer behavior than gangster so uhh oops lol. Also two prompts in one day? H*ck yeah.

Trigger warnings: knives, blood

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"I'm not going to lie to you" Lance said, holding the tip of the knife to the Galra soldier's throat. "Every part of my wants to plunge this knife into your throat right now" Lance kept the knife on his throat, but began slowly walking around the chair that he was tied up in. "So, you try and escape, and I will not hesitate to kill you" Lance growled. The soldier went completely still. "So, listen carefully, if you even think about hurting any of my teammates ever again I will hunt you down, and..." he trailed off, leaving the rest to his imagination. The soldier huffed, but Lance could see the fear in his eyes.

"Why should I be scared of you?" he asked. Lance smiled sweetly and dragged the knife down his neck to his chest, hovering the point over his heart.

"I'm sure that you don't know much about Earth, so I'll explain something to you" Lance said. The Galra soldier rolled his eyes when he realized that Lance was ramping up to a monologue. Lance noticed his reaction and put a little pressure on the knife. "And you better listen, because there might be a quiz at the end" he said loftily. "Got it?" The soldier didn't reply. Lance pushed harder on the knife until a stream of blood ran down the soldier's chest.

"I got it! I got it!" he gasped. Lance smirked and pulled the knife away. He stepped away and began circling the chair again.

"Good. So, what I was saying is, back on Earth" Lance said, twirling the knife on his thumb. "There are these things called 'gangs' kind of like our little alliance that's going to take your reign of terror" Lance said with a confident smirk. "We did things, things to protect each other, protect our families. And when people threatened our families—" Lance shot a glare at him. He was trying his hardest not to shake in fear. "We sent them messages" He rounded the chair again. "What kind of messages, you ask? Good question! The kind of messages that are hard to clean up" Lance leaned against the arm rest, the knife held in his other hand. He examined it closely, staring at his reflection in the shiny metal. "So, when I heard that you had threatened my family" Lance said, trying his hardest to keep calm and not gut him where he sat. "I thought to myself, this guy... this guy doesn't get it. He needs a message"

"What kind of bullshit message is this?" The soldier asked, straining against the ropes that tied his arms down. Lance jerked the knife down and stabbed it into the wood, just inches from the soldier's arm. He flinched hard and cringed away from the knife. Lance put an arm on either side of the chair and got right in his face.

"Let. Me. Finish" Lance said sharply. The soldier gulped. Lance narrowed his eyes and then leaned away, pulling the knife out of the chair as he did. "Good. Now, where was I? Oh yeah, I was getting ready to send you a message. Only the weird thing about Galra is they don't value family all that much" The soldier sneered, much more confident now that Lance wasn't in his face. "I couldn't just send you one of your mother's fingers, no. You've probably cut off three of them yourself" The soldier began to protest at that, but Lance shut him up right away but waving the knife in his face. "The only thing that you people care about, is yourselves" Lance dragged the knife against the soldier's cheek, watching the way his eyes darted back and forth in fear.

"So, you're going to kill me?" It sounded like it was meant to be a statement, but it came out more of a question. He was angry before, but now he was scared. He was afraid of Lance, and what he was going to do to him.

"No" Lance said simply, standing in front of the soldier, staying in his line of sight. "See, I can't just kill you, no, we have rules. We're here to protect the universe. We don't kill unarmed people, even if they're a threat to us" Lance smiled and shook his head. "Oh no, killing you would be to easy. It would be a mercy killing. You? You're going to live a long life. And every. Day" Lance said, punctuation the words. "You are going to be living in fear, looking over your shoulder. Waiting... Watching... You never know where I'll be. When I'll come back for you" In the blink of an eyes Lance was hovering over the soldier again, the knife digging into his skin, just underneath his chin.

"So never. And I mean never touch them again. You hear me?" The Galra soldier gulped and held his head up high, not looking directly at Lance. "Good. Now," Lance leaned over and cut the ropes that tied the soldier to the chair. "Get out of my sight before I change my mind and kill you now" the soldier shot a terrified glance at Lance and then turn and sprinted out of the building. Lance wiped the knife off on his shirt and then strode out of the abandoned building. He climbed into Blue and headed back toward the castle.

"Lance?" Hunk's voice came over the radio. He sounded relieved that he had finally gotten ahold of him. "Buddy, where have you been? I've been trying to call you for hours" Lance tightened his grip on the controls.

"Sorry, Hunk" Lance cleared his throat. "I was just... taking care of something"

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