Forever and Always

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Summary: Keith is waiting for Lance to come home when he gets a call from the hospital. This is 3.5k words of absolute HEART WRENCHING ANGST.

A/N: This is a fic that is based off the song Forever and Always by Parachute. ​ @/alex-the-excellence-of-sass recommended this song to me and this fic is 100% their fault lmao.

Trigger warnings: blood, injury, death

~   ~   ~

Keith's fingers drummed against the table anxiously. He checked his phone for the hundredth time. Still no text. He chewed on his lip as he texted Lance again.

Why hadn't he called?

Keith set his phone down and began drumming his fingers again, staring out the window, waiting for Lance to pull in. He had promised he would be back hours ago. Keith was beginning to get worried. He checked his phone yet again, and then decided to shoot a text to anyone who would know where Lance was.

'Haven't seen him' Pidge texted back. 'Why? Is something wrong?' Keith stared at the text silently. Lance hadn't been gone that long. There was no reason to panic.

'No' Keith texted back. 'He's just late again'

'Well that's not hard to believe lol' she texted back. 'He's like a cat. He'll come back when he gets hungry' Keith laughed weakly.

'Yeah, you're probably right' He let out a breath. He was freaking himself out. Lance had been late before. And it wasn't like he had disappeared without notice, he had been out shopping all day, periodically checking in with Keith letting him know when he would be home. But his last text had been hours ago. He should've been here.

Keith glanced back to the window, hoping that he would see the lights of Lance's car as he pulled it.


He still wasn't here.

Keith stood up to go stand by the window, thinking maybe he just couldn't see Lance's car. Just as he stood up, his phone rang. Relief rushed through Keith as he answered the phone without even bothering to see who it was.


"Keith Kogane?" Keith froze.

"Y- yes?" he stuttered. "W- Who is this?"

"This is Allura, from Oasis General Hospital" The whole world seemed to stop around him. "You are the emergency contact for a Lance Mcclain?" she said in a gently voice. Keith gulped and nodded.

"Um, yes" his voice broke. He covered his mouth with his hand. "Is- is he...?" His heart pounded in his chest as he waited for a response.

"I- I can't release any details over the phone" she said, hesitating. "All I can tell you is that he was in a car accident" Keith let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"He's alive?" he asked, scared of hearing the answer.

"Yes, Sir" the woman said. "And I recommend that you get here soon" she said, his voice filled with concern. Keith heard the sound of shuffling papers through the phone.

"Oh. God. Right, yes, of course" Keith began frantically walking back and forth across the room, searching for his keys. "I- I'm on my way" He hung up the phone and grabbed his keys off the counter. He quickly ran back to the dining room and blew out the two candles he had lit. He glanced at the set table and then hurried out the door.

As he drove, well over the speed limit, his mind wandered to that day a few months ago when Lance had promised to be with Keith forever.

It was late, and they were on their way back from dinner. It was snowing, but they couldn't get a cab, so they walked back to their apartment. They were walking side by side, hand in hand down the side walk when suddenly Lance stopped. He moved to stand in front of Keith as he spoke to him. "I was going to wait until we got home, but I just can't wait any longer" he had said. He bent down on one knee, a grin spreading across his face as Keith's eyes widened in realization. "Keith Kogane, I love you. I want you forever, forever and always" Keith laughed happily and covered his mouth with his hand.

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