Blood, Guts, and Giggles

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Prompt: Langst prompt: lance gets stabbed during a mission and doesn't tell anyone they all find out when he stumbles out of his lion covered in his own blood.

Prompt 2: i hear you wanted a langst prompt! what about lance becoming really giggly because of blood loss with like platonic shance or plance??

A/N: Okay so I combined these two prompts, I hope that's okay. I made it really long and really sad to make up for it. Literally it's like 3.6k words holy shit. (P.s. it is in no way realistic. Someone who was losing that much blood would've died Long before Lance gets out of the lion)

Trigger warnings: blood, injury, major character death

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Lance felt the sharp knife pierce his armor before he even saw it. It was a white-hot pain tearing through his skin. The object stayed lodged in his side as the assailant sprinted off, disappearing behind a new wave of Galra soldiers advancing towards him. Lance stumbled behind a large boulder and looked down at the piece of metal sticking out of his side. The pain was spreading to  his chest and back. For a moment everything was silent he couldn't breathe. He put his hands on the handle of the knife and grit his teeth. He pulled it out with a scream. The noise as it slid out was sickening. Lance resisted the urge to vomit and then—

His world snapped back into focus and he darted back into the fight as nothing had happened. If it wasn't for the dark red stain starting to form on his right-side Lance might've thought he'd imaged the whole thing. A sword swung down inches from his face and Lance snapped back into action. He retrieved his bayard from where he had dropped it a few feet away from him and jumped back into the fight.

Across the planet the other paladins were in the middle of the battle. The majority of it was over, they were picking off the last few stragglers who refused to surrender. A few minutes later, after the last of them had fallen, Shiro called them all to return to their lions. He could see Hunk and Pidge, but Keith and Lance were nowhere in his sight.

"We're all finished here" he said into the com in his helmet. "Everyone get back to your lions and return to the castle. We'll talk when we're all back" everyone responded, except for Lance. Shiro waited a few moments as he watched Hunk and Pidge run off to their lions. "Lance? You there?" he asked. He didn't respond. "Has anyone seen Lance?" A bolt of panic ran through him.

"I saw him a while ago" Pidge responded. "He ran off to help some villagers, I haven't heard from him sense" Suddenly a voice crackled through their headsets.

"...n't get through—" Shiro straightened.

"Lance? Is that you?" he asked. "Are you okay?" A second went by. And then another.

"Hell yeah!" Lance laughed into the com. Relief flooded through Shiro. He turned and started to head back to his lion. "Sorry, I was talking to some of the villagers. They gave me this sweet ass knife!" Keith gasped quietly.

"Can- can I see it when we get back?" he asked hesitantly. Shiro smirked.

"Sure" Lance said, obviously grinning.

"Alright, enough chitchat. Get back to the castle asap" Shiro ordered. Everyone mumbled their replies. Shiro sat back in his chair, breathing a sigh of relief as he watched the four other lions fly off the planet. Another mission gone well. He didn't know why he worried so much.

Lance sat back in his chair with a heavy sigh. Now that the battle was over, his adrenaline was starting to wear off. His side felt like he was being pricked by a thousand needles. He held his hand over the wound and then pulled it away. His hand was completely coated in his blood. It was beginning to drip onto the floor below him. Lance felt lightheaded. He'd never done well with seeing blood, especially his own. And there was a lot of blood. A lot.

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