The Choices You Make

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Summary: Lance has a choice to make. Only he doesn't know what it is, or what the consequences are.

A/N: Whattup I have a hundred prompts in my inbox but instead I wrote this bullshit. I hope you're all having a wonderful month. PLease donate to my ko-fi if you have $ please and thank you.

Trigger warnings: injury, blood, death

~   ~   ~

"Choose" The voice sent shivers down Lance's spine. It seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Lance looked around at the darkness that had spread around him, stretching into nothingness. He was paralyzed in fear. He couldn't move. Couldn't speak. "Choose" the voice boomed, somehow louder this time. Lance's head felt like it was going to split in two.

"Wh- Who's there?" he managed to get out. His throat felt like it was closing up. He was sweating and shivering at the same time. He felt a wave of emotions rush over him, though they ran by so quick he couldn't identify them. Every hair on his body was standing on end. His heart rate had slowed almost to a stop, even though he knew it should be racing.

"Choose" the voice repeated, instead of answering Lance's question. Lance's head was nudged to the right where he saw seven colored buttons, like ones from a gameshow, resting on a table. Lance moved closer to inspect them. This time, his body moved when he wanted it to. Lance bent over and examined the objects on the table. They were colored, black, red, blue, green, yellow, pink, and orange. They were lit up, and contained the only light in the room. Lance shook his head and craned his neck, trying to find the voice.

"I don't understand" he said in confusion. "What am I doing here?" 

"Choose" Lance threw up his hands in irritation.

"Can I get a little more detail!?" he shouted.

"Choose one" Lance glared at the ceiling. 

"Can I leave if I choose one?" he asked. The voice stayed silent. He shook his head and grumbled to himself. He slid his eyes over the buttons and then let out a noise of exasperation. He didn't understand what this meant. After a few more minutes of Lance proding the voice for answers, and receiving none, Lance crossed his arms and poked a random button. 

The light brightened as the others faded away. Lance shielded his eyes with his hand as the light continued to brighten, illuminating the room further. Beyond the light was more darkness. Lance stumbled back as the room grew brighter and brighter until Lance was enveloped in the bright red glow.

Then everything went black.

~   ~

"Lance. . . Lance, get up" Pidge shook Lance to wake him up. Lance groaned as his head lolled over onto his shoulder. He snorted in a very unattractive way and then shot up, staring wide eyed at Pidge.

"What? I'm awake! What?" he looked around and found that he was in the common room, sitting on the couch. His neck ached from sleeping while sitting up. He rubbed it as he pulled himself to his feet.

"Time for training" Pidge said as she left the room. Lance slowly followed her, glancing back at the spot he had just left with a frown.

"What. . . time is it?" Lance asked slowly.

"Late" Pidge said. "We started two hours ago. Shiro's been looking for you all morning. Did you sleep there all night?" Pidge asked. Lance furrowed his eyebrows. He honestly couldn't remember.

"I. . . guess" Lance scratched the back of his neck and followed Pidge into the training room. He was hit by the overwhelming scent of blood as he entered the room. He stumbled back, running into Coran who was rushing into the room with a large box.

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