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Prompt: hey hey so I was wondering if you could do something which like lance was CIP( congenital insensitivity to pain ) and like he gets stabbed or something and he doesn't notice and then like the team freaks out and don't understand how the fuck is lance not in immense pain and he passes out before being able to tell them he has CIP and then he explains everything when he comes out of the pod or something (love you)

A/N: This is kinda short but oh well.

Trigger warnings: blood, injury

~ ~ ~

Everyone was staring at him. Lance's eyes flicked back and forth across the room. They were all in various states of shock.

"What are you guys looking at?" Lance asked. Shiro looked like he was trying to say something, but no words left his mouth. "Okay, I know I'm hot, but you don't all have to stare" Lance said with a smirk. They continued to stare at him, open mouthed. "Um, now you're starting to freak me out. Seriously... what's going on?"

"L- Lance? Buddy?" Hunk said, finally snapping out of his shocked daze. "Are- Are you feeling okay?" he asked. Lance frowned.

"Uh, yeah. I think so. Why?" Hunk took a hesitant step toward Lance. They had just finished a battle against some Galra that surprised them on a mission. The battle only took a few minutes and then they all returned to their lions.

"Don't freak out" Hunk said. "But you have something..." he gestured to Lance's stomach. Lance looked down and saw something that didn't quite make sense to him. There was a large knife protruding from his side. Blood was oozing from the wound. Lance blinked in confusion and then reached for the handle.

"Oh, this?" he said. He hadn't even noticed it was there until now. Without another thought Lance wrapped his fingers around the hilt and pulled it out. Gasps and screams rang out through the room as they all tried to stop him. Lance frowned at them as he held the knife in his hand, dripping with his blood. "What?" he asked. Suddenly he was being ushered to the infirmary. "What's the big deal?"

"How are you not in immense pain!?" Allura cried. Someone was holding pressure on the wound in his side as they moved him down the hall. "You know you're not supposed to take the knife our of a wound! It's preventing you from losing too much blood"

"I'm sorry" he said, only a slight hint of panic in his voice. "I didn't think about it" He knew that he wasn't supposed to pull it out, but he thought maybe the others would stop freaking out if he had. He honestly didn't even know it was there.

"How did you not know that was there!?" Pidge asked incredulously. As Lance was being pushed along down the hall. Lance shrugged.

"I- I don't know" He did know. It was the one thing that Lance never told anyone. He knew it was dangerous not to tell them, but he was embarrassed. He didn't want them to think he was a freak.

"Hurry up" Allura whispered to Shiro, who had his hand on Lance's back, urging him forward. "I think he's in shock"

"I'm not in sh—" Lance never finished his sentence. He crumped to the ground and passed out.

~   ~

There was a brief moment of chaos when everyone was scrambling around, trying to get Lance into the healing pod as fast as possible. Then all they could do was wait. They didn't know how long Lance would be in the pod.

Two days later he emerged from the pod, completely healed, save for a jagged pink scar from the wound.

"How are you feeling?" Allura asked Lance. Coran had him sit on a table, so he could examine him and give the all clear.

"Great" Lance said cheerfully. "No pain" Coran frowned.

"That's what I was afraid of" he mused. "You should feel some lingering pain because of the newly formed scar tissue" he said. "The fact that you weren't in pain before, or now, is worrying" Lance chewed on his lip nervously. He was going to have to tell them.

"Actually..." Lance said slowly. "It's not that big of a deal" Shiro quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Are you a doctor now?" he asked. Lance scratched the back of his neck.

"No, but I've seen enough of them to know why I'm not feeling any pain" Everyone turned to stare at him curious. "I was born with CIP" he said. Pidge made an 'O' with her mouth. The others shook their heads in confusion.

"What does that mean?" Hunk asked.

"Congenital insensitivity to pain" Pidge said quietly, with a strange look on her face. Lance looked down in shame.

"It means I don't... I don't feel pain. Ever" he said. "I'm- I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys before, it's just, I didn't know what you guys would think and I didn't want to worry you or anything and—"

"Dude, that—" Keith interrupted Lance. "That's awesome" Keith said in awe. "I mean, it's horrible cause you could die if you're not careful, but that's so cool" Lance blinked in surprise.

"Wh- what?"

"It's like you're a superhero!" Hunk exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah!" Pidge bounced eagerly. "I've always been fascinated with people who have CIP, I mean it's amazing! What's it like to not know what pain feels like?" The words flew out of her mouth in a flurry of excitement. Lance smiled tentatively.

"Is there something that we should do for you?" Shiro asked. "To make sure that you're safe" Lance shrugged.

"Uh, I dunno. Maybe just make sure nothing's protruding from my body or that I don't have any bullet holes in me" he laughed sheepishly. Shiro's smiled softly and crossed his arms.

"We can do that"

"What if we examined you DNA and found out how CIP works" Pidge rambled on. "We could weaponize it or make it so that we don't feel pain" She wasn't talking to anyone in particular anymore. She was just thinking out loud. Lance's heart swelled as he watched his friends talk about it. 

Why did he ever think that he had to hide this from them?

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