One-Sentence Prompts 3

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A/N: Here are the one-sentence prompts that I did on tumblr a few weeks ago! I really love doing these. It's nice to just write short bits instead of killing myself trying to write a whole story lol.

Trigger warnings: [Not all apply to every prompt] self harm, depression, suicide, blood, death, transphobia

[The sentence that was submitted to me as the prompt will be bolded]  

~   ~   ~

"Lance, are you okay?" Shiro asked, seeing the blood dripping out of Lance's sleeve. Lance turned to him, his face completely blank. He didn't care anymore. It was too late for him.

"So now you care?" Lance asked flatly. HIs vision blurred for a moment. He knew he was about to pass out. "You didn't seem to care before" Shiro's eyes widened slightly.

"You mean when you told me that you were depressed- Lance I thought you were joking!" Shiro's eyes traveled down to Lance's sleeve, which was now soaked in blood, creating a puddle on the floor below. "Lance..." Shiro breathed. "What did you do... ?" he gasped. Shiro fell to his knees and rolled up Lance's sleeve, finding deep vertical slashes on his wrist.

"Why didn't you believe me?" Lance sobbed. Suddenly his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell to the floor. Shiro shouted for help as he cradled Lance in his arms. He was bleeding out too quickly.

Why hadn't he believed him?

~   ~

"Come on, we're all girls here" Allura said with a charming smile. Her words were like a punch in the gut for Lance.

"Allura" Pidge said quietly. "We're not all–" Lance waved his hand. He could fight his own battles.

"I'm not a girl" Lance said firmly. Allura blinked in surprise. It was like she as hearing it for the first time. "I- I've told you this before Allura" The look on Allura's face filled Lance's chest with shame. He lowered his head as he continued. "I- I told you. I'm not a girl. I'm a boy"

"But you were born a girl" Allura said, her face scrunching in confusion. Lance was getting upset. He had explained this to her a thousand times, but she never seemed to get it. "Oh!" Allura said suddenly. "You're like Pidge? Pretending to be a boy. Yes, I understand now" She beamed.

"No!" Lance shouted. Allura's face fell. "I'm not a girl! I'm a boy! I always have been and I always will be!" Allura shook her head her face darkening.

"You can't just change, Lauren" Lance clenched his fists at his side.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" he shouted. He opened his mouth to yell some more, but he was suddenly exhausted. He didn't want to argue his own existence anymore. He turned and left the room without another word, leaving Pidge to explain it to Allura yet again. Lance thought when he left Earth that this was over. That people would stop rejecting him for who he was.

Clearly he was wrong.

~   ~

"Do you miss him?" The question should have sent Shiro into a downward spiral. But now? Now it was nothing. Shiro felt nothing.

"I guess" Shiro said with a half-hearted shrug. Mostly, I just feel numb" Shiro pushed the food around his plate absently. He wasn't up for eating much anymore. He merely showed up to meals to appease his friends. They were worried about him. Rightly so.

Afterall, Lance's death affected him the most.

He and Lance hadn't been dating per se, but everyone knew that their bond was closer than friends. They had been soulmates.

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