I'm Fine

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Prompt: give me some of that sweet langst where lance is in an abusive relationship 😫

Trigger warning: abuse, abusive relationship

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'Hey, Lance. We haven't seen you in a while, and I was just wondering if you were... how you were doing. We should hang out some time. Call me when you have time, so we can... schedule something. Uh... yep. I hope you're... I hope you're good, Lance. I love you...'

'Sup, Lance. You never called me back so... maybe you didn't get my message. I haven't heard from you in a while. I know you're busy with work and getting back together with your boyfriend and everything but... I miss you, you know.

'Lance, I'm worried about you. Send me a text or something. Please... I love you, you know that, right? I just want you to be okay'

'I love you. No matter what. You can tell me anything. Just... please please talk to me'

'Call me. Please. Lance, I'm scared'

Lance pressed the phone up to his ear as he listened to the messages again. Hunk had called and texted Lance every day for the past few weeks. An involuntary shudder ran through Lance's body. He was huddled on the floor of the bathroom, leaning against the locked door. The shower was running, but he had gotten out long ago.

'Please please talk to me' Lance's hands shook as he listened to the message's over and over. He wanted to talk to Hunk, he so desperately did. But he couldn't. He wouldn't let him.

Lance had gotten back together with his ex-boyfriend a few weeks ago. Lance had met up with him at a bar and they stayed up all night reminiscing. Lance had missed him so much, he could hardly even remember why they broke up in the first place. So, when he had asked Lance out for dinner the next time, Lance was ecstatic. Everything just took off from there. They went out every night for a week, spending all their time together. The he suggested that Lance move back in with him. Lance agreed without hesitation. Lance loved him, and he loved Lance. There was no doubt about it.

Lance quickly pulled up the message app and hovered over Hunk's name. He could just let him know he was okay... that he was just really busy. But he didn't. Lance turned his phone off and pulled his knees to his chest. He didn't know why he didn't answer Hunk. There was no reason really. He was doing good. He was fine. Really.

Lance's boyfriend loved him. He did. He cared for Lance like no one else. After a bad day Lance wouldn't even have to tell him, he just knew. He was always ready with a back rub and a kiss on the forehead.

The good always outweighed the bad.

Besides, Lance deserved it. Anyone would react the way his boyfriend would when Lance screwed up dinner or forgot to do the laundry. He only hit Lance when he deserved it.

Lance was fine. He was happy. Lance loved his boyfriend.

Lance pulled himself up off the floor and stared at his reflection in the mirror. His bare chest looked foreign to him. It was covered in bruises. Bruises that Lance deserved. One for not doing the dishes, another for not picking up a package from the post office.

Lance was fine. He was happy.

Lance had taken a leave of absence from his job so that he could focus on cleaning and cooking for his boyfriend. He cut ties with Keith because his boyfriend was jealous of him. He stopped talking to Hunk because his boyfriend didn't like him.

Lance was fine.

After turning off the shower and pulling his clothes back on Lance emerged from the bathroom. He heard the tv on, so he poked his head into the living room.

"Where have you been?" Lance's boyfriend asked from his place on the couch. Lance smiled thinly.

"Shower" he said shortly. Lance walked over and kissed him on the forehead. He pulled Lance into his lap and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"I missed you today" he said with a smile. "I thought about you all day"

"Really?" Lance said, a real smile peaking through.

"Mm-hm" he nodded. "I thought about doing this" He cupped Lance's cheek and kissed him. Lance smiled and eagerly kissed him back. These were the moments when Lance knew that everything was going to be okay. That they were truly in love.

When they finally broke apart Lance leaned onto his boyfriend's chest and sighed happily. Lance fiddled with the button on his shirt lazily.

"You wanna go out for dinner?" he asked. His boyfriend made a face and pushed Lance away slightly.

"What? You don't want to make dinner for me?" he asked. Lance avoided his eyes.

"No, I can make dinner. What would you like?" his boyfriend leaned back into the couch.

"How about pasta?" he suggested. "That's your favorite, isn't it?" Lance nodded.

"It is" Lance kissed his boyfriend on the cheek one last time before rising to go start dinner.

"Hey, baby, can you get me a beer too?" Lance bit his cheek and nodded. He got angry when he drank, but as long as Lance was good it would be okay.

Lance brought him his beer and then busied himself with dinner. He prepared the food and the drinks, set the table and started the dishwasher. Before he had finished dishing up the plates, his phone buzzed. Lance jumped and then clutched his chest. He laughed quietly and then checked his phone.

It was a text. From Keith.

'hey hunk said he hasn't heard from you in a while;; you haven't talked to me in months so i don't know what's going on with you,, if you're mad at me please tell me what i did so that i can apologize;; i really hope you're okay lance'

"Who's that?" His boyfriend asked, looking over Lance's shoulder. Lance jumped and turned off his phone quickly.

"Uh, it's Keith. He was just... checking up on me" Lance shrugged, his heart thumping in his chest. Lance's boyfriend frowned.

"Hmm" he said. "I don't like how close you are" he said, a disapproving look in his eye.

"I- I haven't talked to him in a while. That's why he's checking up" Lance shoved his phone in his pocket. "I'm too busy to hang out with him anyway" he said, grabbing the plates and taking them to the table.

"I told you I don't like you talking to him" his boyfriend said, his face unreadable. Lance gulped and turned to get another beer out of the fridge for him.

"I know..." Lance said as he gingerly sat down in his chair.

"Do you?" his boyfriend asked, raising his voice. "Then why is he still texting you?"

"I- I don't know" Lance picked up his fork with shaking hands. "Please, let's just eat dinner—"

"I bust my ass all day for you, trying to make a decent living to keep you happy and this is what you do? You talk to other men behind my back? And to top it off you make shitty dinners for me? You can't even make me a decent meal after a long day? Are you fucking kidding me!?" he shouted. Lance cowered in his seat, trying to stay as still as possible. His boyfriend was happier when he was quiet. If Lance just sat still it would go away soon enough.

He shot out of his seat and in the blink of an eye he was standing in front of Lance, pulling him out of his chair by the collar. "Answer me!" he demanded. Lance shook in fear, too scared to speak. He growled and slapped Lance across the face. Lance cried out. "I love you! And this is how you repay me!?" he screamed.

"I'm sorry" he said, choking down the sobs. "I'll do better. I promise" Lance's face stung in pain.

"Good" he said, letting go of Lance. Lance let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes. His boyfriend touched Lance's cheek tenderly. Lance flinched. "Oh, baby, I'm sorry" he said, all the anger gone without a trace. "Let me get you some ice for that" Lance sat back down in his chair as his boyfriend grabbed a bag of ice and brought it back to him, holding it gently to Lance's bright red cheek.

"Thank you" Lance whispered. His boyfriend smiled at him.

Lance was happy.


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