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(This is technically one of my langst prompts but it's not really langst oops)

Prompt: Did you consider that like in the mind scope thing Lance gaining cat ears and tails? Like on red one blue?

A/N: Okay, I'm going to be completely honest, I'm not entirely sure what themind scope is? So I kind of took this in my own direction.

~ ~ ~

Lance walked into the training room that morning feeling strange. There was something different about him, something wrong. He didn't know what was wrong, but he found out when he walked into the room. Pidge turned to greet him and then froze, staring at him wide-eyed.


Lance frowned at her in confusion. "What?" he asked. At the sound of his voice, Hunk and Keith both turned to look at him, their jaws dropping. "What!?" He asked in a more panicked voice. What were they looking at? "Stop staring at me! Why are you all—" he suddenly stopped when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. It moved away quickly. He spun around, but it moved away again.

"Oh. My god" Hunk said, his voice barely audible. Lance stopped and looked at them in dismay.

"Tell me what's going on!" he pleaded.

"You- you got a little something there" Keith spoke slowly, pointing at his own head. Lance reached up and touched his hair. Everything seemed normal, until—

"WHAT THE HELL" he dropped his arm like he had been burned. "What is that!?" without waiting for an answer he ran across the room to the full-length mirror that ran down the side wall. What he saw made his jaw drop to the floor.

There were two ears sticking out of the top of his head, one red and one blue. They weren't just normal ears though, they looked like cat ears. Darting around behind him was a blue tail, that he didn't seem to be able to control.

A startled scream ripped out of his throat.

Shiro, Coran, and Allura all came running. They all stared at him in complete shock with the others.

"What the in world..." Allura breathed.

"What happened to you!?" Coran asked. Lance was still making a high-pitched whining noise. He didn't know how to comprehend this. Why had this happened? How had this happened?


"Lance, try and calm down" Shiro said gently, stepping towards him. Lance backed away.


"Lance—" Shiro rested his hand on Lance's arm. "You're not a cat" he said. "You just... have cat ears for some reason. And a tail" Lance shakily lifted his hand back to his head and touched one of his ears. It was fluffy. Fluffy.

"How did this happen?" Allura asked. Everyone was standing around him in a circle. It was making him nervous.

"I- I don't know!" he stuttered. He couldn't think straight.

"Okay, have you done anything differently in the last day or so?" she asked calmly. He frowned and tried to think. The only thing they had done in the last few days was go to that space mall. And all he'd done there was—


"What?" Shiro asked, seeing the look on his face. "What is it?"

"I... I may have... eaten something" he mumbled. "At the mall the other day, this guy, his name was Blat I think, gave me a cookie"

"A stranger gave you a cookie," Shiro clarified. "And you ate it" Lance grimaced.

"Well it sounds bad when you say it like that"

"There's no other way to say it!"

"Well can I just—" he stopped. "Can someone help Pidge I think she's in shock" she was still staring at Lance with her eye wide. Hunk tapped her shoulder.

"I don't even know which joke to make!" Pidge squealed. She looked overwhelmed.

"Guys, help" Lance whined. "We have to fix this. I look ridiculous!"

"I don't know, it's kind of cute" Keith said with a shrug. The room went dead silent as everyone stopped and looked at him. He crossed his arms uncomfortable. "What?"

"Keith's a furry!" Pidge screamed. Lance covered his face with his hands and groaned. His tail curled around his body in embarrassment.

"Can we get back to how the hell to fix me!?" Lance said though his fingers. Coran began circling Lance.

"How strange," he said. "Something about that serum made some of the Lion's physical attributes manifest on your body. Remarkable" he poked at Lance's red ear, making it twitch. Lance batted his hands away. "Was there any leftover cookie?" Coran asked. Lance looked away in embarrassment.

"There's one in my room" he mumbled. Shiro made a noise of exasperation. "I was saving it for today!" Lance defended.

"Hunk, we should get that cookie and analyze it to find out what's in it" Hunk and he started to leave the room. Pidge was still staring at Lance with her eyes now squinted.

"Pidge, you wanna help up?" Hunk asked. Pidge made a pained face.

"Too. Many. Jokes. Can't. Function" Hunk rolled his eyes and pulled Pidge out with him.

"Me and Allura can go try to track down the merchant that gave you that cookie" Shiro said. Allura nodded. "It's going to be okay, Lance" Shiro said, patting his shoulder. Him and Allura left the room, leaving Keith and Lance alone.

Lance sunk down onto the floor, leaning against the mirrored wall, and buried his face in his hands. "What am I going to do?" he groaned. Keith sunk down next to him

"Hunk and Pidge will find a way to fix this, don't worry" Keith said stiffly. He obviously didn't know what to do in this situation. Lance sighed and leaned his head back. Keith was staring at him intently.

"Just touch them" Lance said flatly. Keith blushed and looked away.

"What are you talking about?" he said innocently.

"I saw you looking at them"

"Sorry" he said sheepishly.

"It's fine, you can touch them if you want. You're right, Pidge and Hunk will find a way to fix this. So, you might as well feel them while you can" Keith tentatively reached his hand up and curled his fingers around Lance's red ear.

"They're so soft" he said quietly. Lance sat perfectly still. Keith slowly started running his fingers up and down the ear. Lance closed his eyes and felt a noise come out of his body. It sounded like... purring?

"Somewhere in this castle, Pidge is having a stoke" Keith said. A laugh escaped from Lance's lips as Keith pulled his hand away. His eyes widened as Lance's tail darted out and tickled Keith's face.

After a few beats of silence, Keith turned back to Lance.

"Hey Lance?" Keith said with a slight frown.


"What's a furry?" Lance choked down his laughter. Keith pouted at him.

"I'll tell you when you're older"

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