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Prompt: "After a couple days after The Lance dying incident, Lance suddenly feels really sick and nauseous (after they got shiro and everything they went to a near by planet to get what they need before they go to earth) Lance suddenly feels super tired so he excuses himself from breakfast and goes to his room and sleeps all day and night. The next morning he wakes up to feel really sore, when he looks over at a mirror he screams bc hes altean (he's basically the male version of Allura) Everyone comes running into his room and they all just stare at Lance while Lance freaks out. Coran looks at everyone and then back to Lance he then gets in a defensive position and asks where Lance was Lance looks at Coran and screams I AM LANCE WHAT HAPPENED TO ME Allura remembers when Lance died and how she revived him, she then tells everyone else what happened and then shiro sits down next to Lance and puts his one arm around him and tries to comfort Lance and then you can end it(shance?)″

"Hey, can you do some Shance Langst? I'm really fucked up over the new season"

"hi i'm not sure where to send in a langst prompt but may you write one that addresses the after affect of how lance feels about essentially dying or almost dying n being revived by allura??? preferably after season six while they are traveling back to earth or something !!! thank u"

A/N: A lot of people asked for Shance Langst so here it is! Also I know it's kind of lazy to put this many prompts in one fic but I have a ton and they basically all say the same thing so... yeah lol.

Trigger warnings: none

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"Hey, uh, I think I'm going to take a nap" Lance said, standing up from the table. Shiro frowned up at Lance in concern.

"You just woke up" he stated. "Are you feeling alright?" he asked quietly. Lance stared down at his feet and gulped.

"I should be asking you that" Lance said, ignoring his question. Lance had gone to Shiro's door crying more times than he was willing to admit in the last few days. As soon as he would fall asleep he would have nightmares about dying. He hadn't had time to process his own death and resurrection, so it was manifesting in his dreams.

"Lance," Shiro loosely gripped Lance's wrist. "Do you want to talk about it?" Most of the time when he ended up crying in Shiro's bed he felt awful. He apologized over and over for inconveniencing Shiro. Shiro was the one who had been trapped in his lion's consciousness, unable to communicate with anyone.

"I'm fine, Shiro" Lance assured him. "I just didn't get enough sleep" he met Shiro's eyes to convince him that he really was okay. Shiro searched Lance's face, and then reluctantly let go of his wrist.

"Alright..." Lance crossed his arms and nodded his head at Shiro before leaving the room. The moment he was alone in the hallway he doubled over and gripped his head. He felt awful. His stomach was cramping, and his head was pounding. Lance felt like his skull was going to burst. He took a minute to steady himself and then he continued on toward his room.

When he finally arrived at his room he fell face down on his bed and curled up into a ball. He was so tired and sore that he could barely move. Lance let his head drop down on to the pillow and let the sleep overtake him.

~   ~

Lance was groggy when he woke up. His whole body ached. Every inch of his skin felt like it was on fire. Lance groaned and rolled over on his bed. He had no idea what time it was. It had to be late. He probably missed dinner. Lance stood up and stretched. Aside from the weird sensations on his skin he felt much better. The nap had really helped. He didn't feel nauseous any more.

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