Near Death

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Prompt: could you do something like lance gets shot in one of the missions and collapses and Kieth is with him and he likes having a panic attack cause holy shit his boyfriend just got shot and is bleeding out! and lance is trying to calm him down and telling him to like help put pressure on his wound but the blood loss is starting to affect him and he's struggling to stay awake?

Trigger warnings: blood, injury

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Keith never even heard the shot. He didn't even know anything was wrong until they were both back in Red. Lance leaned up against the wall, out of breath, next to the controls as Keith began to pilot them out of there. They had retrieved some information off of a Galra ship and were now taking it back to Pidge to decipher. Lance's face was pale and covered in sweat.

"You okay?" Keith asked after a minute. He was trying to focus on piloting, but he was and always would be the concerned boyfriend before anything else.

"Uh," Lance reached over and touched his side, wincing. "Uh... yeah?" he peeled back his hand and saw that it was coated in his blood. He grimaced.

"You—" Keith glanced at him out of the corner of his eye and then did a double take. "Oh my god, Lance!" he screamed. "What the hell happened!?"

"Well... I might've been... shot?" he said, like he wasn't sure. Keith's eye practically popped out of his head.

"YOU WHAT!?" Lance waved his hand at Keith.

"I'm fine. It's not that bad" The gesture was meant to be calming, but the blood that dripped off his fingers was not making Keith feel any better. "Okay, maybe I should've done that with this hand" Lance mumbled to himself, gesturing toward Keith with his non-bloodied hand. "See? I'm fine—" as he said the words he doubled over in pain.

"Shit- Lance!" Keith let go of the controls, praying that Red would pilot herself back to the castle. She had done it before.

"Keith, stop. I'm okay" Lance groaned softly and then slid down the wall.

"Oh. Oh my god. Oh my god!" Keith rushed to Lance's side and knelt down next to him, searching his brain for what he was supposed to do. He was supposed to apply pressure to the wound right? "What do I do?" he asked frantically. "What am I supposed to do!?"

"Relax, Keith" Lance said through gritted teeth. "It doesn't even... hurt- that bad" he was gasping in pain by the end of his sentence.

"Doesn't hurt my ass!" Keith exclaimed. Lance smiled weakly.

"Does your ass hurt, Keith?" he asked teasingly. "Should I be jealous?"

"Shut up, Lance! Now is clearly not the time! You're bleeding out!" Lance tried to laugh but found that it was too painful.

"I'm not bleeding o—" He lifted his head and saw that there was, in fact, a pool of blood beginning to form on the floor underneath him. "Oh shit, I am" he said, still unconcerned. Keith was about to lose his mind. His boyfriend had a hole in his side and he didn't seem to care.

"We need to- We need to do something. Oh god. I don't know what to do. What do I do? What do I do!?" Lance gabbed Keith's face in his hands and pulled him closer.

"Calm. Down" he said. "You freaking out is not going to help anything, okay?" Keith stared at him blankly. "Okay?" he repeated. Keith nodded jerkily.

"Right, right, yeah. I know that" he put his hand over one of Lance's, which was still on his face. "I'm just worried about you" he said softly.

"Well that's understandable. I'm bleeding out" Lance replied. Keith's eyes widened.

"Shit!" He broke away from Lance and sprinted across the lion to the box of first aid supplies that was kept for emergencies. After he had the box he undid the straps that held Lance's armor together and pried the top half of it off, tossing it to the side.

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