Inner Thoughts

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Summary: Lance gains the ability to hear peoples thoughts, only there's no way to shut it off. He's forced to hear everyone's honest feeling all the time, with no reprieve.

A/N: This was supposed to be a prompt but I screwed it up and then it got really long so. It's a whole freaking fic now.

Trigger warnings: past abuse mention, injury, blood, self-inflicted wounds

~   ~   ~

It all started when Lance was on a mission with Hunk, they were scouting a planet to see what lived on it. The planet was mostly some type of jungle. Lance and Hunk were having trouble getting through the thick branches.

"I don't think anyone lives here" Hunk said, stating the obvious. They had been on the planet for hours now, and there were still no signs of life. Lance pushed a branch out of his way as they continued to trudge forward. He was painfully aware of the sudden drop off next to him, that lead directly into some type of bubbling swamp.

"Yeah, no shit" he replied as he stepped over a tree root. He glanced around and then stopped. "Hunk, I think we should just head back to the ship. There's obviously no one here" Hunk looked around as well.

"I think you're right. We can just turn around" Lance hesitated.

"Actually, I think it's this way" he said, pointing behind him he turned to peer in that direction.

"Lance, watch out!" Hunk called, a moment too late. Lance tripped as he turned around and skidded down the incline, landing face first onto a rock, leaving a crack down the center of his helmet. He felt his body begin to roll down the hill, so he desperately grabbed for anything he could get a hold of, but with no luck. He tumbled down the hill into the bubbling green liquid, disappearing beneath the surface. He flailed his arms as he tried to swim back up to the surface. He couldn't see anything except green. Water flooded into Lance's helmet through the crack down the center. Lance gasped for breath. He could hear Hunk's screaming at him as he sunk deeper and deeper into the liquid. The fowl tasting liquid poured into his mouth, choking him. He tried to scream but couldn't.

And then everything went black.

~ ~

The next thing he remembered was stumbling out of the healing pod. He fell directly into someone's arms. His head felt like it was full of cotton, and his ears were ringing. He blinked the blurriness out of his eyes and saw Shiro in front of him.

"Shiro...?" he mumbled groggily. "What happened?" he asked. Lance's head throbbed as he leaned limply in Shiro's chest. He groaned. He felt awful. Normally when he got out of the healing pod he felt amazing, but right now he felt like he had been hit by a truck. Lance grabbed Shiro's shoulders to pull himself back up to his feet.

"...ance?" Shiro's words were muffled. " you hear me?" Lance nodded slowly, growing more nauseous with each passing second.

"Ugh, god" he moaned. "It hurts" he gripped his head, still leaning on Shiro. Shiro looked down at him in concern. He had assumed that Lance would feel better after coming out of the healing pod.

"Do... remember... happened?" Lance's hearing was fading in and out. Lance shook his head. The last thing he remembered was leaving the castle with Hunk. "-ou fell into some type of swamp" he explained. "Your helmet was damaged in the fall and the water leaked through and filled up your helmet, you inhaled at lot of it"

"How long was I in there?" Lance croaked. The pressure in his head was worsening.

"Six days" he responded. "Are you feeling okay?" Lance thought about it for a moment.

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