100 Reasons It'll All Be Okay

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Summary: Keith learns that Lance is having a hard time, so he promises to tell Lance that he loves him and that he's valued every day.

A/N:  P.s. there's a Mulan reference in here comment if you know it lol.

Trigger warnings: depression, death, suicide, blood

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The minute that Lance asked everyone to stay after everyone finished eating Keith got a sick feeling in his stomach. He'd noticed something different about Lance recently, but he assumed that if something was wrong he would've brought it up, so he kept his observations to himself. Now Lance was standing in front of them all, telling them that something was wrong. 

He was depressed.

He explained that he had been depressed before, and that he had always had to deal with major insecurities, but he had not had not noticed it again until recently. Lance was wringing his hands nervously the entire time he spoke.

"So, uh, any questions?" Lance said after he had finished.

"Do you need us to do anything?" Shiro asked gently. Lance bit his lip and stared at the ceiling.

"Uh, just... be understanding, I guess" he said slowly. "Sometimes it's hard for me to get motivation to do things, even basic things. And maybe make sure that I'm trying. Like that I'm still eating and training and everything. If- it's not too much to ask" he added. Keith rested his elbows on the table as he watched Lance.

"Of course, Lance. We'll do anything to help you" Allura nodded at Shiro's words.

"And if things feel like they're getting too much, just let me know. I understand how important rest is in situations like these" Lance's lips wobbled as he smiled.

"Thank you" he said hoarsely. "Seriously, thank you" She smiled at him. Pidge asked Lance a few questions about the types of things that would help him when he was feeling particularly bad. "Sleep, honestly" Lance had replied. Hunk told him that he'd be down for sleepovers whenever Lance was feeling sad at night. By the end, Lance looked like he was on the verge of tears.

Lance tapped his knuckles on the table when they were finished asking questions and nodded. "That's all" he said. "Thank you all for listening" everyone made their way out of the room, hugging Lance and telling them that they loved him and that they were going to help him get through this. Shiro hung back for a minute, placing a hand on Lance's shoulder and telling him that he could talk to him at any time. 

"I've been through this before. I know how easy it can be to isolate yourself and think that you can handle everything alone. I promise that talking will help" he squeezed Lance's shoulder. "You're not alone in this bud" Lance thanked him, and promised that he would talk to Shiro if he needed to. Finally, everyone had left except for Keith, who was still sitting at the table.

"Are you okay?" Keith asked Lance. Lance jumped and turned to Keith, like he forgot he was there.

"Uh, yeah. I think so" Lance sat on the edge of the table next to Keith. "Did that go okay?" he asked. "I was really nervous I felt like I was rambling. I feel like I talked too much and- maybe I didn't need to tell everyone like that. Was it stupid? Yeah, this was stupid"

"Lance--" Keith tried to answer his question.

"I felt like I needed to tell everyone so that they wouldn't just assume I was lazy or something" he continued. "What do you think? Did I do okay?" Keith lifted his eyebrows, waiting to see if he was actually done.

"Yeah, of course it did" Lance exhaled in relief and lowered his head.

"Thanks. Sorry. Sometimes I just doubt myself. I'm trying to work on it" Keith was a little surprised. He and Lance were never the type of friends to have heart to heart conversations. They were more the friends that just trained together and got on each others nerves. He liked their friendship the way it was, but this was kind of nice too, Lance confiding in him. 

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