One-Sentence Prompts

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A/N: In case you guys didn't know, I recently hit 4k followers on tumblr! To celebrate that fact I am accepting one-sentence prompts (only on tumblr) for the time being and writing short fics for them! I will post the ones that I have already written on here, and I will possibly add another chapter with the rest later after I've finished writing them!

Trigger warnings: (Not all apply to every prompt) self harm, suicide, death, torture, blood

[The sentence that was submitted to me as the prompt will be bolded]

~   ~   ~

Pidge knew the moment her feet hit the ground that something was wrong. Standing around her was a crowd of people, garrison officials and the others families. Her father stood among the crowd. Next to him, an empty space. Pidge didn't even have to see the look in her father's eyes to know what had happened. Her mother was gone.

All Pidge could do was scream.

~   ~

"Why do you always wear that jacket?" Keith asked. Lance met Keith's eyes, his eyebrows raising.

"Wh- what?" he stuttered out. Keith stared at Lance, staying silent. Lance crossed his arms self-consciously. He didn't like to talk about it. It had been his father's before he had died. "It's none of your business" Lance said shortly.

"It was just a question, jesus" Keith breathed. Lance relaxed slightly, leaning back into his chair.

"Uh, sorry" he said slowly. "It was, uh, it was my dad's" he said. Keith's lips parted slowly.

"Oh" he said. Lance nodded. "I'm- I'm sorry" Lance shrugged. Keith hadn't know. He didn't know that Lance hated talking about it. That he hated thinking about. He didn't know that everytime something reminded him of his father, it was like he was hearing the news again for the first time. He hadn't known.

But still, the scent of his father's cologne still lingering on his jacket comforted him, even when he missed him most.

~   ~

The statement caught Hunk completely off guard. "Ex- excuse me?" he stuttered. Lance turned to Hunk, a vacant look in his eye.

"Do you ever wonder if none of this matters?" he repeated, turning back to the window in front of him.

"Lance, what are you talking about?" Hunk asked, the concern evident in his voice.

"This–" he gestured to the room around him "All of this. The war. The fighting. The killing. What are we really doing here?" Hunk frowned and leaned in closer to Lance. "We work day in and day out and it seems like nothing's happening. Are we even helping? Is it worth it? Are we really accomplishing anything?" His question hung heavy in the air. Hunk didn't know what to say.

Truth be told, he didn't know either.

~   ~

"Come on, just let me see it!" Pidge laughed, trying to pry the book out of Lance's hands. Lance's eyes went wide with terror.

"Back off" he said weakly. Pidge laughed as she pried the book out of his hands and dashed away with it. Lance's heart beat wildly in his chest. "Pidge, I'm not joking" he said. Pidge opened the book and began flipping through it. "I'm serious. Stop. Give it back!" Pidge grinned at Lance.

"Come on, Lance. You're a really good artist!" she said, turing the book around and showing a sketch of a lifelike Shiro, asleep on the couch. On the next page, a doodle of Coran as a pirate. Lance felt himself freeze up as Pidge continued to flip through the pages.

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