Wasting Time

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Prompt: WarriorQuinn "Can you made a langst with plance? I mean the ship be plance cause your writing is amazing"

A/N: I think this might be my first time writing Plance? I hope you like it!

Trigger warnings: blood, injury, death

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"Lance!" Lance could swear that Pidge's scream could be heard from every corner of the galaxy in that moment. Pidge rushed to Lance's side before Lance even had time to fall down. She grabbed him by the shoulders and slowly lowered him to the ground. "Lance, lance, oh my god" Lance's mouth was open in shock. His vision was swimming and his whole body went numb.

"Wh- what..." Lance said, a rush of what Lance thought was vomit bubbling up his throat. When it came out he quickly realized that it was blood.

"Oh fuck" Pidge said in panic as blood dribbled down Lance's chin. Blood was also rushing from the gaping wound in Lance's stomach. Pidge had to stop the bleeding. She used both of her hands to cover the wound, barely containing the steady stream of blood that was pouring out. Lance could already hold his head up.

"What... happened?" he asked. Pidge tried to calm her breathing. She needed to stay calm so that she could keep Lance calm. The more he freaked out the worse this would be. She had to get him out of there alive.

"There was a sniper" Pidge said slowly. "Keith went after him in Red, and the others are on their way here" Lance nodded slowly and then coughed up another mouthful of blood.

"Pidge" Lance said, the fear evident in his voice. "Pidge please don't leave me" he whimpered. Pidge's heart broke in her chest.

"I'm not leaving" she said softly. "I'm right here. I won't leave you" Lance reached his hand up blindly and touched her face. He gasped in pain. "Hold still, Lance. The others will be here soon and then we'll get you to a healing pod. You'll be okay. You're going to be okay" Lance didn't know if Pidge was reassuring him or herself.

"You know how..." Lance's whole body felt slow. Like he was underwater. "How—" Lance broke off in a coughed violently and them grimaced.

"Lance," Pidge pleaded. "Please just save your energy. You can tell me later. Tell me when you're out of the healing pod" Lance closed his eyes and shook his head.

"You know how people say that... that your whole life flashes before your eyes when you're dying?" Pidge let out a quiet sob.

"Lance, you're not dying—" Lance ignored Pidge, it was like he couldn't hear her.

"It's not true, you know" Lance said, quieter. "I don't see my life, how I lived. I'm not thinking about how I spent my time. All I can think about is the things that I never did. How stupid was I to waste... to waste..." Lance stopped for a breath. He could barely keep his eyes open, but he had to look at Pidge when he said this.

"Lance, just wait" Pidge pleaded.

"How stupid are we to waste the time we have?" Lance asked, his eyes glazing over. The blood was beginning to seep through Pidge's fingers. She pushed harder. Lance grimaced in pain.

"I'm sorry" she breathed.

"We have these 'rules'" Lance continued, his voice growing fainter each moment. His hand was still on Pidge's face. It was like he needed to remember that she was still there. "We spend so much time doing nothing, worrying about pointless things" Lance was practically incoherent. Pidge had no idea what he was talking about.

"Lance, I don't—" Lance slid his hand up her cheek and into her hair.

"I love you, Pidge" he said, his voice barely more than a whisper. "That's all that I can think about. I don't see my life flashing before my eyes, because all I can see is you. Why didn't I tell you?" he asked. Pidge was crying now, seeing the blood dripping from Lance's mouth. "I was scared. Except right now I can't think of the reason why" Lance opened his eyes and peered up at Pidge. "I love you" he repeated. "And I'm sorry that it took me dying to finally tell you"

"You're not dying" she sobbed. "You're not. You're going to be okay" A smile tugged at the corner of Lance's mouth.

"Don't cry for me, Pidge" Lance said, wiping a tear away with his thumb. He dropped his hand back to his side, unable to hold it up any longer.

"I don't have to cry because you're not going to die" Pidge said stubbornly. She refused to believe that Lance was dying. He was going to be okay, she was sure of it. "This will all pass and then we can—" Lance's body suddenly went completely still. Pidge's heart froze, but then Lance began breathing heavily.

"Pidge-!" There was panic in Lance's voice. His eyes widened, and his body tensed. "I can't see you. Where are you?" he gasped. "Y- you promised you wouldn't leave" Pidge gave up holding pressure on his wound, obviously it wasn't helping. She quickly reached for Lance's hands and squeezed them.

"I'm right here, Lance" she said, tears streaking down her dirt covered face. "I'm right here. I'm not leaving. I'll never leave you"

"Pidge, I don't know if you're still there, but I love you" he faintly. "I always have" His limbs were shaking. "I'm cold... I'm cold" Lance's pulse spiked. He was panting for breath.

"Lance, I'm here. I'm here" she shouted. Suddenly her eyes widened as she realized the words that she hadn't said. "I love you, too!" She exclaimed in terror. "I love you, Lance. I love you. I love you. I love you I love you I love you"

She was still repeating these words when the others arrived. She was lying on the ground, covered in blood. Lance's blood. She was in shock. Shiro rushed to Lance to try and move him but found no pulse.

He was already dead.

Pidge refused to let go of Lance. She continued repeating the words, like a compulsion. If she stopped saying it he would truly be gone.

He would be dead, never having heard that Pidge loved him too.

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