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Prompt: lance is questioning his sexuality and goes to talk to shiro about it


A/N: Shiro? Having an ex boyfriend in canon? Iconic.

Trigger warnings: internalized homophobia

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Lance drummed his fingers against the table loudly as he stared at his empty plate. He had finished eating but he liked to wait until everyone else was done to leave. Now that they were finally all back together it was like he was reunited with his family. They were on their way back to Earth, to their real families.

"Lance, you okay?" Hunk mumbled, elbowing Lance in the side. Lance lifted his eyes and stalled his hand.

"Yeah" he smiled thinly. He leaned back in his chair, spreading his fingers out again his legs. "I'm fine" he lied. Hunk furrowed his eyebrows but turned back to his conversation with Coran. Lance's eyes flickered to Keith, who was sitting across from him. Keith was smiling over at Allura, who was telling a story to the whole table. Lance felt a frown form on his face as he studied Keith's profile. Keith pushed a tuft of hair out of his eyes and realized that Lance was staring at him.

'What?' he mouthed at Lance, so not to interrupt Allura. Lance blushed deeply, and he made a face. He crossed his arms and turned to Allura, pretending to pay attention. His frown deepened.

"Lance?" Lance looked over at Shiro in surprise. "Is something bothering you?" he asked. "You look like you're lost in thought" Lance laughed shortly as he straightened up.

"What? No" Lance forced a broad smile onto his face. He was good at faking it. "Just thinking about... uh..."

"Keith?" Shiro guessed, lowering his voice. Lance recoiled.

"What? Ew! No!" Lance's face turned dark red. "I- I- I- Why- why would you think that?" he stuttered. Shiro's face softened.

"You were staring at him pretty intensely" Lance grit his teeth.

"Well I wasn't thinking about him. I never think about him"

"You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" Shiro said gently. Shiro's serious voice made Lance squirm in his seat.

"I don't have anything to talk about" Lance said defensively. He was sure that everyone was listening in on their conversation, even though they were all engaging in a lively debate about what their first meal was going to be when they arrived on Earth.

"Okay" Shiro said dubiously. "Just remember that my door is always open" Lance shrugged his shoulders and leaned forward, ending the conversation.

~   ~

Lance found himself standing outside Shiro's door later that night. He had tried to push the thoughts out of his mind all evening. He tossed and turned for hours, the thoughts rolling around his brain. Finally, when he couldn't take it any longer, he pulled himself out of bed and marched to Shiro's door. He hadn't even knocked yet. He was just... standing there.

"Lance?" Lance spun around in surprise. "What are you- are you okay?" Lance tried to keep his face neutral, but his body was betraying him. Tears sprang up in his eyes.

"Uh," Lance cleared his throat. "Can- Can I..." His voice broke, a few tears falling down his face.

"Yeah, of course" Shiro reached around Lance and opened the door to his room, ushering him in before following behind him. "What's wrong?" he asked. Lance paced around the room with his arms crossed. He didn't even want to say it out loud.

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