A Bittersweet Moment

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 Summary: Lance and Allura spend some time together while searching the castle.  

Trigger warnings: none

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"Would you like to help me, Lance?" Allura asked. The question startled Lance out of his thoughts. I was quietly brooding in the corner, not listening to the conversation.

"What?" Allura cocked her head and shot him a dazzling smile.

"I asked if you wanted to help me?" Lance straightened up. "The others are quite busy, and there's quite a lot of ground to cover, I mean it could be anywhere in the castle" Lance was nodding before she even finished her question.

"Yeah, of course!" he said quickly. He had been dying to have one on one time with the princess for weeks. "Right now?" he said, already scrambling to his feet. Allura shrugged.

"Now's as good a time as any" she said, getting up off the couch.

"Do tell me if you find it, Princess" Coran said, looking up from his conversation with Hunk. "I'm interested if it still works" Allura assured him that she would, and then she followed Lance out into the hall.

"Thank you for helping" she said as they walked side by side. Lance had no idea where they were going or what they were doing, but he was excited nonetheless. "We'll start in the older part of the castle, I'm guess it's there somewhere" Lance frowned and nodded.

"Uh, what exactly does it look like?" he asked.

"It's round, about this big" Allura held up her hand, showing that I was about the size of a baseball. "And it's silver"

"Okay" Lance's head kept nodding, despite the fact that he was trying to stop it. "And... what does it do again?" he asked. Allura shot him a look.

"You... weren't paying attention earlier were you?" she asked. Lance blushed and scratched the back of his neck.

"No, I was!" he said defensively. "I- I just... forgot" Allura let out a soft laugh.

"It's alright" she said as they ventured deeper into the castle. Lance had never gone this far before. He stayed in the main area where everyone hung out. He had no reason to go this far. "It's just an orb that contains some Altean magic. It recovers memories from deep in your subconscious. Coran needs it so that he can remember how to fix the castle's engine before it's too badly damaged" she explained. Lance nodded.

"Alright. Where do we start?"

~ ~ ~

The two of them had been through half a dozen rooms already, none of which Lance had ever been in before, and still hadn't found the orb. It had been mostly silent aside from occasional sighs of disappointment from Allura when she realized that it wasn't in the room. Lance was more than a little disappointed. He thought that this would be a good chance for him to really connect with Allura, but she hadn't spoke to him in almost an hour. His shoulders slumped in disappointment as Allura slowly exited the room and began walking toward the next.

Lance's heart beat wildly in his chest as he walked by her side, trying to come up with something to say. Anything. All he wanted to do was have a real conversation with her. "Do you miss your father?" Lance mentally smacked himself. Why would he bring that up? He knew that she still missed him. It was something that no one brought up, they were giving her time to grieve.

"Uh..." Allura hesitated. Her steps slowed. "Yes" she said simply. Lance grimaced and hunched his shoulders, inwardly cursing at himself for brining it up. He was getting ready to apologize when she spoke again. "I do still miss him, but it doesn't hurt as much now. It's more... I don't know" she shook her head. "I'm not sure how to describe it" Lance nodded in understanding.

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