Life After You

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Trigger warnings: suicide mention

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It wasn't supposed to end this way.

I'm shouting into thin air, I know, but I can almost see you standing over me. Watching. Listening. It's almost comforting, if not slightly creepy. I can feel your disappointed stare as you listen to my words. I'm mad at you. I get that it's not your fault, but I'm in pain, and there's no one to blame. I'm making myself sick thinking back over our relationship. Was there anything I could have done to prevent this? I know it's irrational.

I'm starting to think I'm crazy now, because I can hear your voice. You're telling me not to over-think it. There's nothing I can do to change the past. I have to move on. Move on from you. Let go of the past. But you don't understand. You weren't supposed to be my past. You were my present. You were supposed to be my future. Lance, you were my everything. Now you're telling me that you understand that it's hard, but what else am I going to do? Stay here forever and beat myself up over things that I can't go back and change? You make a good point, but I'm too far gone to listen to you.

I feel your hand on my arm now. You're telling me everything's going to be okay. If I just hold on, everything will get better. I will get over this. I can heal. But I don't want to get over this, over you. I love you, Lance. I always have, and I always will. I can't change that, even if I wanted to. There is nothing in this world that can ease the pain of loving you. You're trying to comfort me now, whispering in my ear. I close my eyes and try to imagine you're real. I don't have to imagine for long. In a few minutes, I'll be there with you.

You can tell me I'm weak all you want, but I won't listen. You're not the one who was left behind.

It wasn't supposed to end this way.

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