Why Us?

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Summary: lance and keith are getting along finally and they are sent on a mission together. During it they are playfully teasing each other. Keith shoves Lance a bit to tease him and he trips backwards and lands in a puddle of this toxic stuff but Lance brushes it off and downplays his symptoms until keith is about to get annoyed at him for lagging behind but then he sees that lance is really sick and has been poisoned.. or whatever. idk what i'm saying tbh jdjdfjcj

Trigger warnings:

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"Keith, Lance you to can take this one" Shiro said, looking over the info on the tablet in front of him. Keith and Lance turned to stare at each other, wide eyed.

"Seriously?" Keith asked.

"Yeah, are you joking?" Shiro looked up at them with a frown. "You never let us go on missions together!"

"I know, but you two seem to be getting along now, so I thought it would be okay" he explained, setting the tablet down. "But if you think it's a bad idea..."

"No, no, no! We'll do it!" Lance said quickly. "Uh, right, Keith?" he said, glancing at him out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh, uh, yeah" he said with a weird smile. Maybe it was a normal smile. Lance had only seen him smile a handful of times, so it always seemed unnatural. But also nice. "I'm cool with it" Lance grinned. Shiro eyed the two cautiously.

"Maybe... this isn't such a good idea" Lance shook his head.

"No, no! It'll be fine! We'll be fine" he said reassuringly "I promise" Shiro sighed reluctantly.

"Alright..." They couldn't possibly get into that much trouble, right?

~   ~

"This was not the type of mission I had in mind" Lance said. He cringed as he stepped over a fallen log covered in some type of slime. "This is disgusting" Keith didn't feel much better about it. He skirted around a mushroom oozing a green liquid.

"What kind of planet is this?" he asked as the two of them slowly moved their way through the forest. "Everything's so... sticky" he said in disgust. Lance laughed at the look on Keith's face.

"Keith, Lance, stay on mission please" Shiro's tired voice came over the headsets in their helmets. "You here looking for some type of rare creature that lives there. It looks like this" Shiro sent them both a picture, that was projected on the inside of their helmets. Keith gagged when he saw the picture.

"Dude that's so gross!" Keith exclaimed. Lance cooed as he looked at the fuzzy image.

"It's kinda cute" he said. "But, why are we looking for this thing?" Lance asked after the image had disappeared.

"It's called a Numir. We need it for the alliance with the Nireer. They need it for the ceremony for- for... okay I don't really know what for, to be honest. But according to the princess it's very important. So, can you guys handle this?" Keith continued to look at the image in mild disgust.

"I guess..." he said reluctantly. "God, if I knew that this is what we were doing I wouldn't have agreed to this" he grumbled.

"That's exactly why I didn't tell you until now" Shiro said, sounding proud of himself. "Alright, just start looking for it. The Nireer leader said that they're not to hard to find, but it's super gross down there and none of them were willing to go find one" Keith muttered something under his breathe. Lance rolled his eyes at him. "Call me if you need anything" Shiro continued. "And guys, seriously, don't make me regret sending you two alone" he said with a groan. Lance scoffed.

"Why would you even suggest that we—" Shiro hung up before he could get the rest out. "Dick" he muttered, a smirk on his face.

"This place is so gross" Keith said, lifting his foot. Strings of smile stuck to his boots as he did. "Fuck" he grimaced. "Come on, lets hurry up and find this thing. I don't want to be out here any longer than I have to" Lance gasped as the two began trudging through the slime.

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