The Cure For Homesickness

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Prompt: lance feeling sad so hunk cuddles and comforts him and like gives him food cause he's the best boyfriend ever

A/N: There's a lot of fluff in this one lol.

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"Hey, Lance, why weren't you at dinner?" Hunk stood in Lance's doorway. He hadn't seen Lance since breakfast. He didn't even train with them like he usually did.

Lance was laying in his bed, with his back to Hunk. When he rolled over, Hunk saw that his eyes were red, and his face was wet from tears. "Sorry" Lance sniffed. Hunk moved toward Lance, the concern evident on his face.

"Whoa, what happened?" Lance pinched his lips together and refused to make eye contact. Hunk knelt down beside his bed. "Lance, talk to me" Hunk said softly, resting his hand on Lance's cheek. Lance wiped his eyes and leaned into Hunk's touch.

"I just- I just really miss home" his voice was rough from crying. "I miss my family so much" Hunk rubbed Lance's arm sympathetically.

"We all miss our families" he said gently. "But remember that we're doing this to protect them. After we defeat the Galra and free the universe we'll go home, and we'll know that they're safe" Lance nodded.

"I know, I know" his bottom lip quivered. "That doesn't stop me from missing them though" his voice cracked. His emotions welded up inside of him and he began to cry again.

"Of course not" Hunk said soothingly. "You're allowed to miss them. Who wouldn't miss their family when they're in the middle of space?" Lance shifted to hide his face from Hunk. Despite his words, Lance still felt ashamed. He didn't want Hunk to see him as weak. He already saw more of Lance than anyone else. That's what he hadn't gone to dinner. He knew that the moment that Hunk saw him he would know something was wrong.

"Hey, don't do that. Don't shut me out" Hunk pleaded. He knew what Lance was thinking. "You're not weak for missing them. No one thinks less of you because you needed a day to yourself—"

"You don't know that" Lance mumbled. Hunk pushed himself to his knees, so he could lean over and see Lance's face.

"I do know that. No one thinks your weak, Lance. Everyone has bad days, even me" Lance sighed in defeat.

"I just feel so... terrible" Lance admitted. Hunk looked at Lance sadly. All he wanted was for Lance to be happy. He hated seeing him like this.

"Have you tried getting some sleep? It might make you feel better" Lance closed his eyes.

"I tried. I can't get my brain to shut off"

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Hunk asked. Lance nodded.

"Please?" he scooted over in the bed so that there was room for Hunk. Hunk crawled onto the bed next to Lance and wrapped his arms around his waist. Lance rested his head on Hunk's chest. "Thank you" Lance whispered. Hunk pressed a kiss in Lance's hair.

"Anytime. And Lance? I really do mean that" Lance laced his fingers through Hunks and after a while he slowly drifted off to sleep, lulled by Hunk's steady breathing.

Hunk sighed in relief when Lance finally fell asleep. He was worried about Lance. Hunk knew that he got like this sometimes, but he never told anyone. Lance always tried to work through everything alone. Hunk just wished that Lance knew that he would do anything for him.

Lance began to stir a few hours later. He snuggled back into Hunk's arms and sighed contently. "Are you feeling any better?" Hunk whispered to him. Lance shrugged.

"A little" he said. "The nap helped" he turned in Hunk's arms, so he was facing him. "Thank you" he tilted his head up and kissed Hunk lightly. "I am starving though"

"Well that's because you didn't eat dinner" Hunk said with a small smile. "Come on, how about I make us a midnight snack" he suggested. Lance brightened up a little.

"That sounds great" he said gratefully.

The two of them walked quietly to the kitchen. Lance hopped up on the counter and watched as Hunk began making his space version of pudding.

"I think I finally found something that almost takes like chocolate" Hunk told Lance as he mixed the ingredients together. Hunk had been working hard to find ways to make food that tasted like the food back on Earth. He thought it would boost everyone's moral. It did. There was something about Hunk that made everyone feel at ease, make them feel comfortable. It was the first thing that drew Lance to Hunk.

"I love you, you know that?" Lance said. Hunk glanced at him with his eyebrows raised.

"I know" he laughed. Lance stared down at his feet.

"You always know how to make me feel less shitty" he continued. "Even back at home, when we were kids. You were the only one who stuck up for me. You stood by my side. You never made fun of me or called me names. When I was lonely you would come over and hang out with me until I felt better. You were the best friend a guy could ask for"

"Okay, some of that was because I had a big fat crush on you" Hunk said, scratching the back of his neck. Lance smiled reluctantly.

"You're the best boyfriend too. You're caring, supportive, sweet, compassionate, handsome. You're the nicest person that I've ever met. I could not ask for a better boyfriend. You're the love of my life, Hunk" Hunk set the bowl down next to Lance and laughed as he pulled him into a kiss.

"I love you too" He stood between Lance's legs as he balanced on the counter. "Here, try this" he fed the space pudding to Lance. Lance's eyes fluttered shut and he moaned.

"God. It's so good" he took the bowl off the counter and ignored the spoon, instead opting to use his finger.

"You're adorable" Hunk breathed, leaning up and pressing a kiss to Lance's forehead. "Better?" he whispered his face was only a few inches from Lance's. Lance scooped up another bite of the pudding and smiled.

"Better" he confirmed. He held his finger out to Hunk, who rolled his eyes, but opened his mouth. Hunk closed his eyes and nodded.

"Yup I'm still amazing at this" he confirmed. Lance smiled and brushed Hunk's hair out of his face. He kept his hand there, cradling Hunk's face.

"I don't know what I would do without you" Lance said fondly. Hunk smiled brightly.

"You'd definitely be hungrier" Hunk said. Lance laughed.

"I'd be more than just hungry if it wasn't for you. You make me a better person" Hunk pulled Lance into a hug.

"You make me a better person" Lance tightened his grip on Hunk. He knew that no matter what happened in space, he would always have Hunk, and Hunk would have them. They made each other better.

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